The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 348 5 Anniversary Celebration

Chapter 348 Fifth Anniversary Celebration
"That's it." Zi Lingyi looked in the direction Zheng Xuanxue was pointing at. When she saw that person, Zi Lingyi felt a little familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was. Zheng Xuanxue knew it, so she explained it. : "That person is Qiao Fei, the captain of Team Shining in NZ."

Zilingyi instantly remembered that Zilingyi and Qiao Fei had worked together in Lingfeng Town, and the two cooperated with their comrades to fight against the Dragon Tooth Gang, and finally dragged on to the arrival of reinforcements from the VT Dream Gang. line break.

At this time, several people came to Qiao Fei's side and chatted with him. Among them was Liu Yansheng, the strongest false assassin in Glory of Kings, who had fought against Zi Lingyi at the Heroes of the Jianghu meeting.

"Hey, hello, are you all professional players?" At this moment, a sweet voice came from behind Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue turned their heads and saw a beautiful girl. The clothes he was wearing felt like team uniforms, and he looked like a professional player.

"Um, we are considered, but we are newcomers who haven't participated in the professional league yet." Zheng Xuanxue explained, and the other party nodded, greeted him kindly, and stretched out his hand: "Oh, hello, I am EK. Cyclone The team player, my name is Wen Xiao."

"Zheng Xuanxue." Zheng Xuanxue also reached out to shake Wen Xiao's hand.

EK. Whirlwind team, this team, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue all know it, is also a super strong team, and the two most famous players of this team, one of them is the captain Li Xiang, a shooter hero, using the hero Simon Hai Yeah, marksmanship benchmark, the pursuit of the most effective style of play.

The other one is Wen Xiao, a beautiful player. She is a false law, mainly to assist teammates. She has a high sense of teamwork and is very popular. She especially likes to deal with other female professional players. After all, girls are always better than male players. We want to be close.

Zi Lingyi stood over there, not wanting to be a light bulb anymore, so she talked to Zheng Xuanxue and went to see other places. After Zheng Xuanxue nodded, Wen Xiao took Zheng Xuanxue to chat together.

Zi Lingyi walked aside, holding a glass of orange juice, and looked around. He felt very strange, why couldn't Wang Xu be seen among so many contestants?You know, he is also a professional player, logically, he should also be present, right?

In fact, the entire SR. Luo team did not attend the anniversary celebration. The reason was that they wanted to be in the team and fully prepare for the national five-star mission. The environment there was better than the anniversary celebration.

The part of the anniversary celebration is for all the participating professional players to put on the game glasses together and do the national five-star mission to see which team can complete it. Of course, Zi Lingyi also knows about this arrangement, but he just doesn’t know it. Xu and the others didn't participate.

At this time, Zi Lingyi saw an acquaintance in the professional circle in front of him, so he immediately went forward to say hello, and shouted: "Brother Yang Lei!"

When Yang Lei heard the voice, he turned his head and looked over. He saw Zi Lingyi slowly walking over with orange juice in his hand. Yang Lei quickly recognized who the other party was. He was very impressed, he remembered Zi Lingyi, so he smiled, went over with a drink, and said, "Brother Zi Ling, are you here too?"

"Yes." Zi Lingyi smiled and said.

"Have you become a professional gamer?"

"Well, registered."

"Congratulations, I hope you can be more merciful on the field." Yang Lei said with a smile. Of course, Zi Lingyi knew that he was joking. Professional players who really have professional players should go all out on the field. Obviously, Yang Lei's professional quality is unquestionable, so Zi Lingyi also joked back: "Haha, each other, I hope you can also show mercy."

"Haha, definitely." Yang Lei said.

At this time, a man with a more mature temperament and wearing a suit came over. Seeing Yang Lei greeting someone, he walked over and said, "Yang Lei, you are here, this is..."

"Guess." Yang Lei said to Zi Lingyi with his hand, and the other party also looked at Zi Lingyi, after thinking for a while, finally recognized Zi Lingyi's face, and said in surprise: "Brother Ziling! The purple bells are blooming!"

"Sect Master Zhanfei!" Zi Lingyi also called out the other party's title, and the other party was indeed Hou Zhanfei. When Hou Zhanfei recognized Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi also recognized him, and the two quickly recognized each other.

"Hahaha, Master Zhanfei, we finally meet." Zi Lingyi stepped forward and shook hands with Hou Zhanfei. Hou Zhanfei nodded and said with a smile, "Well, we met a lot in the game. In reality, It's the first time we've met."

Zi Lingyi and Hou Zhanfei had a good relationship in the game, so they met now, and the atmosphere was very good. Yang Lei was also beside him. After the three chatted for a while, Hou Zhanfei also knew about Zi Lingyi's becoming a professional player.

"Well, brother Ziling, let's see you on the field." Hou Zhanfei said, and Zilingyi was a little surprised and excited at the same time: "Oh, Zhanfei sect master, are you planning to become a professional player?"

"Uh, I've been hesitating, but you also know that my company has a lot of things to do." Hou Zhanfei said with some embarrassment. He knew that Zi Lingyi had misunderstood him, because he just said, see you on the field, on the field, and Hou Zhanfei, a boss, can only be behind the field.

Zi Lingyi understood, so she nodded and said, "Oh, I understand, but Master Zhanfei, your strength is recognized by all the people in the glory of the king. If you can join the professional circle, it will definitely change the professional circle. pattern."

"Well, I don't think otherwise." Hou Zhanfei shrugged.

At this time, behind Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue came over, came to Zi Lingyi's side, smiled and said: "Xiao Yi, I'm here."

"Well, have you chatted with that Miss Wen?" Zi Lingyi asked.

"Well, we chatted for a while, and then people from her team came to her, so they broke up." Zheng Xuanxue said, then, Zheng Xuanxue looked at Yang Lei and Hou Zhanfei, and Zheng Xuanxue also quickly recognized them, saying: "Oh, Senior Yang, Master Zhanfei, hello, I am Xiangxiang Ruoxue."

"Xiangxiang Ruoxue!" Yang Lei said in surprise, it was also the first time he had seen Xiangxiang Ruoxue in real life, she was really pretty.

The reason why Zheng Xuanxue was able to recognize Hou Zhanfei and Yang Lei so quickly was because celebrities in the professional circle like them had already logged into e-sports news and Baidu Encyclopedia. You can find out by searching the Internet. You know, Zheng Xuanxue played King of Glory, It's been two or three years since I played, so I can't ignore them.

(End of this chapter)

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