Chapter 349 KG Dream Cup

Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue have been chatting with Hou Zhanfei and Yang Lei. Hou Zhanfei is also kind and generous, explaining some necessary situations in the professional circle to Zilingyi and the others. For example, the rise of professional teams in recent years, Those professional teams are lonely in these situations.

It's easy to find information about professional players online, but what about their actual situation?Then only people in the professional circle know best. Although Hou Zhanfei didn't participate in the competition, he is a master, and he is also the owner of a professional team, so of course he knows it better.

This year, many professional teams have risen strongly. Of course, there are also many teams that were originally super teams that have become stronger. The most conspicuous of them is the NZ. Shining team. Even better.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue knew the news, and they explained it to Hou Zhanfei, and when Hou Zhanfei heard Zi Lingyi said that he knew it, he was surprised, and after Zi Lingyi explained the situation, Hou Zhanfei folded his arms Nodded, smiled and said: "It seems that you have a good personal relationship with him."

"It's okay." Zi Lingyi smiled and waved her hands.

Hou Zhanfei talked to Zi Lingyi about the situation again. At present, the Ice Team and EK. Whirlwind Team feel that they are also making changes, but they don’t know the general situation. Their own EA. Tiewu team is also looking for experts, but there is no progress yet. .

There are those who have become stronger, and naturally there are also those who have become weaker. There are many professional teams that have become weaker, but most of them are not well-known. Among them, the most conspicuous weakening is a professional team called AR. A super team.

However, this super strong team has never made it to the playoffs. When they meet teams that are also super strong teams like them, they basically lose more and win less. The reason why they are so embarrassed is purely the average strength of the team too bad.

Their captain, Ji Hongye, is a super player with outstanding commanding ability and extraordinary strength. His reputation is no less than that of Liu Yansheng, Li Xiang and others. However, except for Ji Hongye, who is a master, their team is too weak , ranked at the bottom of the professional circle.

Many people don't understand why the AR. Raging Flame team can't introduce some powerful players, even if they are not super experts, but even if they don't slow down, that's good. However, fans and players don't know that most professional players I don't know, but the bosses in their professional circle know it quite clearly.

The boss of the AR. Flame team is a super loyal and affectionate person. These professional players all started from scratch with the AR. Flame team. The boss values ​​​​the friendship and does not want to replace them. Ji Hongye's strength is outstanding, and there is no need to say more about the others.
This is the reason why the AR. Flame team is so unbearable, and their strength has been greatly reduced this year, purely because Ji Hongye quit the AR. Flame team and chose to retire. Many fans of the AR. Understand and support, because Ji Hongye has always been dragged down by the team, physically and mentally exhausted, there is nothing wrong with wanting to retire and take a rest.

At this time, a man with a beard and who looked to be in his 30s walked out from the side, and the people around him looked over one after another. Zi Lingyi saw that everyone's eyes shifted, and followed suit.

"Who is this person?" Zi Lingyi asked suspiciously, and this person was standing on the podium now, about to say something. Before he could speak, Yang Lei next to him turned his head to look at Zi Lingyi, and explained: "He is the general manager of professional competitions, and also the deputy director of the e-sports bureau, Ding Yusheng."

"Oh, I understand." Zi Lingyi said.

Ding Yusheng looked at the professional players in the audience, and the broadcast had already started. The professional players looked at Ding Yusheng, and the audience watching the live broadcast now also looked at Ding Yusheng.

Ding Yusheng smiled, and shouted into the microphone: "Everyone, it has been five years since the Miracle Light version of Glory of the King was launched. Among these five years, four full years are all because of your support. , Light of Miracle, to come to this day, I am here, sincerely thank all professional players."

At this time, the professional players clapped their hands and applauded, and Ding Yusheng continued: "However, this year, the fourth KG Dream Cup will be held soon. The last champion was EA. Tiewu team. I hope that this year's champion can compete with EA. Tiewu team together, attend the World Dream Cup, to win glory for our country!"

Speaking of this, the professional players continued to applaud, and the applause was very intense, because this time Ding Yusheng mentioned the KG Dream Cup, which is the highest-scale competition in the Glory of Kings-Miracle Light professional league program.

The KG Dream Cup requires each team to pass the promotion match, qualify for the regular season, and then enter the playoffs to win the championship. However, the team that won the championship in the first year cannot participate in the KG Dream in the second year. cup.

The team that won the KG Dream Cup in the second year will go to South Korea with the team that won the first championship to participate in the KG World Dream Cup every two years. This is the highest stage that all Glory of Kings players dream of.

However, there is another small rule, that is, after passing the promotion competition, every professional team can participate in the regular season for three years. qualifications.

Of course, the three-year promotion match can be postponed, but the condition for the extension is that the participating teams must be the champion, runner-up and third runner-up in a competition, so it can be postponed for one year, but the problem is that there are only three teams in the championship, runner-up and third runner-up. There are 32 teams participating in the regular season last year.

At present, the closest competition to Zi Lingyi and the others is the KG Dream Cup. After the KG Dream Cup is over, there will be a promotion match. After the promotion match is over, it will go directly to the regular season. That is to say, the VT. Gather an entire team of five.

However, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were not in a hurry. After all, Chen Hua was in charge of recruiting people. However, the two of them didn't know that Chen Hua was struggling now. to people.

At present, the VT. Dream team still lacks three professions: shooter, tank, and mage. In the professional circle, the most powerful shooter is Wang Xu. However, before Chen Hua finished speaking, Wang Xu refused. The reason is very simple. He doesn't have much interest in a new team.

And the most powerful mage is Gao Shuowen of Team Fengyun. This guy is a pseudo-magic, but he is also a mage. However, he has played for Team Fengyun for four years, and he doesn't want to leave at all. He has feelings for the team and politely refuses.

As for the most powerful tank, it can be said that there is one, but it can also be said that there are two. One of them is Wu Shan, the captain of the extreme team. It is also very strong, very capable of grinding enemies, blocking attacks, and jumping over towers to kill.

However, not only did Wu Shan have feelings for the team, but he was also not interested in the new team. He also refused to accept. The other one was probably the strongest tank. Chen Hua had no intention of poaching him at all. This person was Hou Zhanfei.

Hou Zhanfei has been a hero of the rivers and lakes for four consecutive years. His strength is undeniable, and his hero happens to be a tank. Although he is a half-meat outfit, his strength should not be underestimated, and he can also provide powerful defense for his teammates. But no matter what, he is the boss of EA. Tiewu team, do you still expect to poach the boss of other professional teams?
(End of this chapter)

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