Chapter 350

The professional circle of Glory of Kings is more difficult than Chen Hua imagined. Most of these professional players are aiming at the championship. How can it be possible to join a new team, and the money?Just kidding, Chen Hua is the richest man in China, but being the richest man in China does not mean he is the only rich man in China. There are a lot of rich people in the professional circle. Big guys will not be stingy with money for the ace player of their team .

But now, Ding Yusheng talked a little more, and at the end of the talk, Ding Yusheng gritted his teeth with a smile, and shouted excitedly: "Next, I announce that the dungeon of the five-star scenario for all is officially started. All professional players present All of you can participate."

Therefore, the professional players found a place to sit down one after another. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were also aware of the situation. They sat in the corner seats, put on their gaming glasses, and prepared to participate in the event.

The rules of the event are as follows. The account of every registered professional player has been sent to the designated location in the game. This location is Linjia Town outside Yanyang Mountain, and Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue are also there. side.

Every professional player, after the countdown is over, will go to the top of Yanyang Mountain to grab the holy sword. During this process, the time-space tunnel card cannot be used, and the gang's foreign aid cannot be called. Therefore, every professional player can only rely on himself. Or team mates.

The viewers who watched the live broadcast had been looking forward to it for a long time, and the live broadcast was immediately transferred to the game. After Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue logged in, they looked around and saw that they were already the accounts of a group of professional players.

At this moment, outside Linjia Town, there is a barrier that only the accounts of professional players can see. This barrier ensures that the professional players will not run away, and all the professional players are patiently waiting for the countdown.

Ordinary players who were entertaining in Linjia Town were also very surprised to see a group of people suddenly appearing. Many people scanned with crystal bracelets, and at first glance, those who didn’t know were fine, and those who knew were almost shocked. Professional player accounts, even the top professional players have come out.

The countdown was only 5 minutes in total, and the time passed bit by bit. At present, there are only 15 seconds left. All the professional players clasped their hands and looked ahead with concentrated eyes, waiting for the sprint after the countdown ended.



"The 210 countdown is over! The barrier is lifted!"

The moment the barrier turned into particles and scattered, the professional players immediately summoned their mounts, and rushed out one by one. Of course, there were also some other mounts, such as wolf or tiger mounts.

Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were also among them, and many of them are familiar with the road now, one after another headed towards Yanyang Mountain. Because they are professional players, the level of their mounts is basically not low, and it only took 15 minutes , they rushed to the outside of Yanyang Mountain.

Outside the Yanyang Mountain, it was the anniversary, and the rioting players could not be stopped. Now that the national five-star scenario mission is officially launched, the riots are even more serious. Everyone is struggling to kill the top of the mountain. The entire Yanyang Mountain, Into a fierce fight.

The NPCs in Yanyang Mountain were completely desperate. The riot was too serious, and they couldn't stop it. It would take at least three days for the police from other main cities and small towns to come to reinforce them.

Now, killing people in Yanyang Mountain does not increase the killing value at all, so the players all take the opportunity to fight to their heart's content. They all want to climb to the top of the mountain and grab the holy sword.

The professional players were very shocked when they saw this scene. The rogue style of the gangsters and the huge scale of the war, the riots in the Yanyang Mountains have reached this level, and they are fighting on the mountain.

There is no way, the riots surrounded the road completely, and the professional players can only kill and fight their way out. They are professional players, and their strength is far better than that of recreational players. We can't stop them at all.

Zi Lingyi drank the wine from the gourd, used the skill "Drinking Rivers and Lakes", and then slashed at the surrounding players with a sword, quickly brushed out the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, then turned around, swung the sword, and shouted: " Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at the enemies within the front range. After bursts of white sword light, all the seven entertainment players in front were knocked into the air and fell to the surroundings. Ling Yi picked up a few items at random, then turned to look at Zheng Xuanxue, and shouted: "Xiaoxue, hurry up!"

Zheng Xuanxue crossed her knives and slashed obliquely, just happened to kill one of them. Hearing Zi Lingyi's voice, Zheng Xuanxue immediately followed up. The two brandished their weapons, and forcibly killed them directly from the foot of Yanyang Mountain to the mountainside of Yanyang Mountain.

Other professional players also rushed up one after another, but when Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue reached the No.15 floor of Yanyang Mountain, they were speechless because they saw a group of players who were very disciplined. It can be seen that it is a gang player.

As for these gang players, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue scanned them with crystal bracelets, and at first glance, they were actually members of the Dragon Tooth Gang. what!
The members of the Longya Gang also quickly discovered Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, and Longya-Zhuzhu happened to be on the fifteenth floor, so the members of the Longya Gang immediately went to report and shouted: "Master! I found that the Ziling flower is blooming!" And Xiangxiang Ruoxue, on the steps below us!"

"The purple bell flower is blooming! Give it to me quickly!" Longya-Master ordered without hesitation, and the members of the surrounding Longya Gang raised their weapons high and rushed towards Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. Let's fight!
A member of the Dragon Tooth Gang rushed down with a knife and slashed straight at him. Zi Lingyi dodged to the right, and then hit him in the back with his left hand. The member of the Dragon Tooth Gang fell down from the steps of the mountain in an instant .

A man in front of him rushed over with a long spear in his hand, and stabbed straight with the spear. Zi Lingyi slashed across the spot with his sword, splitting his long spear. The man was shocked, and Zi Lingyi took a few steps forward and grabbed his shirt collar, then turned around and threw him down the steps as well.

Zheng Xuanxue used the "Lingfei" skill on the ground, and two blood-tempered red lotus knives popped out, directly hitting the chest and forehead of a member of the Dragon Tooth Gang. He was knocked to the ground, and then rolled down. Move to make way for him, and this member of the Longya Gang rolled down.

The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang became worried. This is the [-]th floor of Yanyang Mountain, and the steps are super high. So strong, there is no way to fight them on the steps.

Unless it's a group of people congesting the past, but the result of doing so is that most of the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang here will die together with Zilinghuakai and Xiangxiang Ruoxue, but the other party may not die, this kind of risk , they are not going to try at all. .

As a result, the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang retreated one after another and blocked all the three stone steps leading to the fifteenth floor, preventing Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue from going up. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also had no choice but to fall into a stalemate.

 There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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