The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 351 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 351 The Opportunity Comes
"Fire!" The commander of the Dragon Tooth Gang waved his hand and ordered, and a group of archer heroes rushed up, holding weapons in their hands, and shot at Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. One after another, shells and energy bullets hit Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue. Immediately jump backwards, fall to the No.13 floor, and then run to the back of the wooden house on the right to avoid the attack.

The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang were still shooting non-stop. It was difficult for Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue to seize the gap. Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth angrily.

At this time, several entertainment players rushed up, and the firepower stopped. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and quietly put her head out to check the situation. Zheng Xuanxue did the same, and the two of them were shocked and speechless when they saw the next scene.

The entertainment players rushed to the No.15 floor, and when they arrived in front of the Dragon Tooth Gang, the Dragon Tooth Gang killed them without hesitation, and then took away the items they exploded. Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were shocked Speechless, the Longya gang came to Yanyang Mountain to rob.

The Dragon Tooth Gang is doing evil in Suzaku Town, and basically robs whoever is not pleasing to the eye, so many players who come to Suzaku Town to do missions or have something to do, basically dare not leave the main city of Suzaku Town easily, for fear of being robbed as soon as they leave the city .

However, now, the Dragon Tooth Gang has really seized the opportunity and robbed and robbed the main city of Yanyang Mountain. Zi Lingyi really doubts whether the Dragon Tooth Gang came to Yanyang Mountain to do missions, or came to Yanyang The mountain was robbed.

The conclusion is that it has both.

At present, members of the Dragon Tooth Gang are still trying to climb to the top of Yanyang Mountain. However, this is the territory of the Tianbai Sect, so at present, the control of the 130th floor is still on the Tianbai Sect's side, and the Dragon Tooth Gang can't attack at all. .

In addition, the [-]th floor is currently under the control of Liebai Xingkong, the [-]th floor is under the control of Tiewumen, and the [-]th floor is under the control of the Terminator Legion. Several gangs control each other and infiltrate each other. A lot of entertainment players have mixed in, but at present, there are only a few people from the Youfeng Gang who have climbed to the top of the mountain.

After getting Zi Lingyi's strategy, Chu Hongyu immediately led the gang to climb the mountain, so he avoided direct fighting. However, even with the strategy, the mountain top was not so easy to climb. In the end, there were only about six people climbed up.

These six people went online today and started to do tasks, but in the end, all six people died, so the Youfeng Gang had to start again, but now that Yanyang Mountain is under the control of the major gangs, they want to start again. Climbing is that easy.

The current situation of Yanyang Mountain is roughly like this, Zi Lingyi stretched out his head to look again, just as he stretched out, there was another wave of firepower, Zi Lingyi was so frightened that he quickly retracted his head.

"Damn it, the Dragon Tooth Gang is in a stalemate with us." Zi Lingyi said angrily.

At this time, another player rushed up, but they were not recreational players, but professional players who came up, namely Li Xiang from EK. Whirlwind team, Yang Lei and Shen Yanyang from EA. Tiewu team, and Ice team. Liu Yansheng.

"Don't go there, it's dangerous!" Zi Lingyi yelled in a hurry, and upon hearing this voice, Yang Lei stopped and ran over quickly. Shen Yanyang was his teammate, so he naturally followed.

Li Xiang and Liu Yansheng looked at Zi Lingyi, and then looked at the situation above. They saw a group of shooters standing in formation on the fifteenth floor. They didn't know what to do. Li Xiang and Liu Yansheng also felt that the situation was not right. , So I went to ask about the situation.

"Brother Ziling, what's wrong?" Yang Lei who was running in the front asked hastily.

"The Lucas set up by the Dragon Tooth Gang on the fifteenth floor, as long as they get close to them, a group of shooters will immediately open fire, blast and kill the people who passed by, and then snatch their items that were exploded." Zi Lingyi explained, Yang Leiwen He said in surprise, "I'll go, the gangsters of the Longya Gang really have nothing to say."

"Isn't that right, no, I'm trapped here and can't go out now." Zi Lingyi shrugged helplessly, waved her hands and said, while Zheng Xuanxue opened the bracelet interface, looked at the time, and said: "We've been in a stalemate with them here for almost 10 minutes, but we just can't get past it."

Shen Yanyang, Li Xiang, and Liu Yansheng also arrived. Li Xiang was good at communicating with others, so he immediately asked about the situation. Zi Lingyi and Yang Lei also explained together. After learning about the situation, everyone felt helpless.

"Damn, fight with him, who is afraid of anyone?" Li Xiang picked up the sniper rifle in his hand and said, then rushed out immediately, Zi Lingyi stretched out his hand, just when he was about to say something, Li Xiang had already rushed out to fight .

With a "bang", Li Xiang's sniper rifle fired, and a hot bullet hit him, headshot!It hit Huang Zhong on the forehead of the Dragon Tooth Gang, triggering a miniature energy explosion and a burst of red spirit crystal shards. Li Xiang continued to fire, Huang Zhong was hit continuously in the chest and abdomen, and was finally killed directly.

"It's a sniper, shoot with long-range firepower!" The commander of the Dragon Tooth Gang ordered and roared, and a group of shooters with long-range attack capabilities launched an attack. The left side of the layer, then set up a sniper rifle and released the "Storm Gunner" skill.

The hero Li Xiang uses is Simon Haye, a long-range shooter hero with a long range, and his "Storm Gun" skill is the ultimate move of the hero Simon Haye, which loads a special bullet on the sniper rifle. Then hit it with one shot, and it can directly ignore 80% of the enemy's armor, which is super powerful.

With a "boom", the hot energy bullet hit Marco Polo's abdomen. In an instant, Marco Polo was knocked over, and his blood volume was instantly left with blood. Send ordinary bullets and kill Marco Polo.

Li Xiang was on the left side of the thirteenth floor. He continued to move and snipe, causing a lot of damage to the Dragon Tooth Gang. Many shooter heroes were all killed by him, and most of them were shooter heroes with long-range attack methods.

In less than 5 minutes, the long-range shooter heroes of the Dragon Tooth Gang on the fifteenth floor lost more than half, and their long-range firepower was greatly reduced. Zi Lingyi thought that the time had come, and immediately took out the spiritual umbrella-Fei Yu, and looked at Li Xiang on the opposite side. Excitedly shouted: "Captain Li Xiang! Thank you so much! We owe you once, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi opened the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, rushed out of the house, and went straight to the fifteenth floor. The archers noticed Zi Lingyi and immediately prepared to attack, but their long-distance heroes were still dealing with Li Xiang. There were really not many people who pulled out their hands to attack Zi Lingyi.

During the charge, Zi Lingyi used the umbrella-Feiyu to block the bullets. Finally, when she rushed to the middle of the fourteenth floor and the fifteenth floor, the umbrella-Feiyu finally couldn't hold it anymore, the defense layer was broken, and Ziling With a smile at the corner of Yi's mouth, he immediately pulled out the Fengyu sword from the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, and then continuously released the "Jiangjiujin" skill to rush forward, rushed to the fifteenth floor, and came in front of the shooter troops.


There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

(End of this chapter)

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