Chapter 360 How to get down?

There are three ways to obtain a more powerful weapon. One is the decorative weapon that is rewarded in the event dungeon. The holy sword that Zi Lingyi has obtained now is this type of weapon.

The second way is to use weapons to modify blueprints, find a blacksmith shop, and find a blacksmith to modify them. However, this method requires a risky probability. For example, some blacksmiths are best at modifying swords, and some can only modify spears. If it is not, even if it is changed, it will at most modify the appearance and cannot obtain attributes.

Even if you are a professional, you may get extra attributes at most, but not powerful abilities. Take Zilingyi's spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, for example. This is Zilingyi's luck, and she found a Faced with a professional blacksmith, he transformed his Bailing Umbrella into a weapon that can fight and block.

The third way is to use weapons to transform blueprints, add weapons to transform crystals, and transform weapons by yourself. This kind of self-reformed weapons is extremely difficult. First, you must have these two things first, and then you need a good transformation environment. And the corresponding equipment, there are many equipment, such as fire barrels, pliers, hammers and so on.

Even if all the things are put together, it may not be possible to transform, because the transformation process is very close to reality, and it really needs to be rebuilt with a hammer and a red spirit crystal. In order to add other functions, it may be necessary to add unsure The item is too difficult to cast, and a knowledgeable expert is required.

What's more, the weapon transformation crystal can only be obtained through the green crystal treasure box, and the chance of obtaining it is quite small. The official gave a statistic, 0.8%, almost eight thousandths of the probability, it is possible to obtain the weapon transformation crystal ,too difficult.

Zi Lingyi looked at his accessories information, and soon found an accessory that could be added. Zi Lingyi smiled, and added the holy sword. Soon, behind Zi Lingyi, the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu The Phoenix Feather Sword inside emitted bursts of light, and after the light dissipated, what was inside was no longer the Phoenix Feather Sword, but the Holy Sword.

Zi Lingyi pulled out the holy sword from the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather, swiped the sword, and the sword was ready to be used officially, while Zheng Xuanxue stood aside, smiling happily, Zi Lingyi could get the holy sword, she Also happy.

Everyone was shocked, but they soon began to receive rewards, and Zi Lingyi pretended to cough at this time, looked at the crowd, and the eyes of the crowd shifted, looked at Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi stood aside, He waved his hand and said, "Well, let me ask, how do you plan to get down?"


Everyone present, except for Zilingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, was shocked. They all wanted to receive the reward, but they ignored a key issue. They climbed to the top of Yanyang Mountain, but the question was how to get down ah?
"Everyone, we have our own umbrellas. Xiaoxue and I will go down first, bye." Zi Lingyi smiled and beckoned back, and Zheng Xuanxue also smiled, cut out the red spirit umbrella, and the two opened the umbrella , jumping off the top of the mountain with an umbrella.

"Hey! Stop!" Li Xiang hurriedly ran up and shouted, seeing Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue descending slowly under umbrellas, he scratched his hair angrily, and shouted: "Damn it! You two don't talk Honest!"

Li Xiang not only yelled verbally, but also sent this sentence to the World Channel. After Zi Lingyi saw it, he quickly replied on the World Channel. This sentence instantly made many professional players laugh. The content is: " Are we familiar with you? How about loyalty?"

Li Xiang was completely defeated, he just met Zi Lingyi in the game today, of course he was not familiar with him, how could he be loyal.

Now, many professional players have encountered an embarrassing problem. They have just finished killing the monsters, and they can receive rewards in the task bar of the crystal bracelet. Although the rewards are not many gold coins and diamonds, they have all obtained A holy sword special treasure chest.

The holy sword special treasure box, you can choose any item in the treasure box, including things that can be dropped from high altitudes like Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, but the problem is, the monster addicts they have worked so hard to get rid of, get They are not reconciled to using the treasure chest to open such things that they can hardly use in the future!
"Hahahaha! Ahahahaha!" At this moment, a loud laugh came from a person. When everyone saw it, they found that it was Wang Xu's laughter. Wang Xu took out the special treasure box of the holy sword, but he took it out in one breath. two!
Everyone was startled, and it was only then that they remembered that the rewards were distributed according to the output. Although Zi Lingyi was the one who killed the final kill, Wang Xu was the number one in terms of output. One-fourth of the demon's blood volume is due to him.

So he obtained two holy sword treasure chests. He opened the two treasure chests on the spot, one was used to transform crystals with weapons, and the other, he opened a parachute backpack. After Wang Xu carried the parachute backpack, he glanced at everyone. He made a gesture with a smile and said, "Everyone, we will meet later, see you at the foot of the mountain!"

"Your uncle!" Li Xiang cursed, and Wang Xu jumped directly, opened the parachute in the air, and landed slowly. Zhang Zhexun covered his face speechlessly, and said, "What's going on here?"

Li Xiang hates it. He only hates that he climbed too slowly. The output was taken up by Zi Lingyi and Wang Xu. Oh no, there was another person who took up the output in the early stage, and that was Ye Xin. Ye Xin was the third to climb to the top of the mountain. People, the early output is very high.

Li Xiang and other professional players looked at Ye Xin one after another, only to see that Ye Xin actually had two special holy sword treasure boxes, and an umbrella was opened out of them, so Ye Xin opened the umbrella without saying a word. Without saying a word, he walked to the edge, jumped down, and landed slowly.

At present, Xia Mo, Zhang Zhexun, Liu Yansheng, and Li Xiang are still left on the top of the mountain. Among them, Xia Mo slowly walked to the edge, as if he was about to jump down. Seeing this, Li Xiang immediately stepped forward and asked: "Qin Sheng Brother, what are you doing, you don’t plan to use nothing, just jump off right?”

Xia Mo turned his head, glanced sideways at Li Xiang, then ignored him, and jumped down directly, Li Xiang was speechless, Xia Mo, indeed is the number one cold male god in the glory of the king, too direct and domineering Alright.

But at the same time, Li Xiang thought about it again, yes, even if the item exploded when he jumped down, it may not be the skin. If it is an inscription or a weapon, he can get it back in minutes with the ability of his team, so Li Xiang also jumped down. See how your luck goes.

On the top of the mountain, Zhang Zhexun and Liu Yansheng were left. Zhang Zhexun looked at Liu Yansheng with his hands on his hips, and asked, "What should I do?"

"What do you think, let's jump." Liu Yansheng said helplessly, afterward, the two had no choice but to jump down to see how their character was.


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(End of this chapter)

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