The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 361 Holy Sword - Shining Light

Chapter 361 Holy Sword - Shining Light
Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue, as well as Wang Xu and Ye Xin, all relied on accessories and props that could cushion the landing, and slowly descended. After a while, a group of masters jumped down from the sky, one by one. fell to his death.

After those guys fell to death and revived, they immediately opened the crystal bracelet interface to see what they had lost. After reading it, everyone was relieved. Basically all they lost were equipment and inscriptions, and none of the skins were lost, but
"Damn, what bad luck?" Zhang Zhexun couldn't help but cursed, what did he lose?It turned out that it was a top for his skin, and Zhang Zhexun's full set of skin was Supreme Treasure. Now, the Supreme Treasure without the top is mixed with Monkey King's original top. To be honest, it is really ugly.

And soon, the broadcast ended, and all the professional players took off their gaming glasses one after another. Li Xiang stood up decisively, looked around, and prepared to settle accounts with Wang Xu. You laughed so f*ckingly.

However, after Li Xiang searched around, he remembered that none of the SR. Luo team came to the anniversary celebration, so he shook his head dejectedly, and the professional players sitting next to Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue congratulated each of them When Zi Lingyi came, Zi Lingyi also smiled and waved, saying thank you.

And soon, Ding Yusheng stood on the podium, also smiled, and said: "It seems that this national mission has come to an end. Congratulations to Zi Lingyi of VT. Dream Team for becoming the final winner."

"VT. Dream?"

"Zi Lingyi?"

"What's Zi Ling's surname?"

A group of professional players began to discuss in private. They only knew the name of the game Zilinghuakaiqiu Xiaoyi, but they didn't know Zilingyi's real name, and they didn't know Zilingyi's team. After coming out, their discussion is normal.

About 2 hours later, the professional players were already playing their own games. Many people logged into the game on the spot and went directly to the duel arena to start PK. However, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue were not there. They sat in the corner and started chatting .

It was almost like this until the evening, when the waiter brought up the hot dishes again. It was basically a buffet. The professional players were happily eating the dishes, but at this moment, the sound of fireworks suddenly sounded.

"Well, what's the sound?" Zheng Xuanxue turned her head to look over.

"Go and have a look." Saying that, Zi Lingyi got up and walked over, followed by Zheng Xuanxue, the two came to the window, only to see a block outside the window, where gorgeous fireworks were being set off, very beautiful.

"Over there is the e-sports stadium!"

"Well, after all, it's the official anniversary celebration over there."

The professional players who came to watch with Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue said that Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also realized that the anniversary celebration on their side is to celebrate professional competitions and professional players, while the opposite side is displaying fireworks It's about celebrating the whole game and the whole player.

After the anniversary celebration ended, a group of professional players left one after another, and Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue also followed Chen Hua back to the hotel. This time they came to participate in the anniversary celebration, but it was a good deal, and they got acquainted with many professional players .

On the car back to the hotel, Chen Hua remained expressionless the whole time, without saying a word, Zi Lingyi and Zheng Xuanxue did not speak. After returning to the hotel, Zi Lingyi went to Zheng Xuanxue's room to discuss this matter with Zheng Xuanxue .

"Tell me, what's wrong with Uncle Chen? He shouldn't be such a cold person?" Zi Lingyi asked quickly while sitting on the bedside, and Zheng Xuanxue thought for a while before saying, "I guess I'm looking for a player. Good luck."

"Well, it's possible. I think he has communicated with many professional players and bosses, so he can't find any of them, right?" Zi Lingyi couldn't believe it. Courageous?Chen Hua is the richest man in China, yet he can't find any of them?
If you can't find them, you can't. There are currently three or four hundred players in the professional circle. Chen Hua can spend money to get at least two or three hundred players. But the crux of the problem is that what Chen Hua wants to find are top players, top Chen Hua couldn't find any players.

After Zilingyi sighed, he said, "Don't talk about it, Xiaoxue, please give me a name."

"Ah? What's your name?" Zheng Xuanxue asked.

"It's the holy sword I got. He can customize his own name. You can help me choose one." Zi Lingyi said with a smile, while Zheng Xuanxue turned her head aside and said, "No, you can choose it yourself."

"I'm not very good at naming names either." Zi Lingyi smiled helplessly, Zheng Xuanxue turned her head to look at Zi Lingyi when she heard that, rolled her eyes, and thought of a way: "Hey, I have a way. "

"What way?" Zi Lingyi looked at Zheng Xuanxue, and Zheng Xuanxue got up immediately, went to her suitcase, opened the suitcase, took out a dictionary from it, and sat next to Zi Lingyi, saying: "This It’s a dictionary, whatever word I find, that’s the word.”

"It's okay, but it can't be a spoof word, or it will be repeated."

"Yeah." Zheng Xuanxue nodded, then closed her eyes and started flipping casually. Zi Lingyi watched intently. As a result, the first word turned out was the word "Hui".

Afterwards, Zheng Xuanxue began to turn over the second word, which was the word "Ling". Zi Lingyi looked at these two words, scratched her scalp, and said, "Hui Ling? The sword I got, The name is Huiling, why does it feel weird?"

"It's fine to reverse the front and back." Zheng Xuanxue suggested quickly, and Zi Lingyi also reacted immediately, changing "Hui Ling" to "Ling Hui", it sounds much more pleasing to the ear.

"Xiaoxue, you're still smart." After saying that, Zi Lingyi leaned over, hugged Zheng Xuanxue, and then kissed Zheng Xuanxue on the face. Zheng Xuanxue moved aside embarrassedly, and said with a blushing face : "Then your holy sword is called Linghui?"

"I think it's possible, but it's not enough. Four words are the best." Zi Lingyi shrugged.

"Then look it up again?" Zheng Xuanxue waved the dictionary in her hand.

"No, I've thought about it."


"There are still two words to flash, mainly because the fireworks are quite bright today, and the lights of the e-sports hall gave me this inspiration." Zi Lingyi said, and Zheng Xuanxue spliced ​​these four words again, very He quickly spelled out a new name: "Aura Shining Sword?"

"Well, I just thought about it." Zi Lingyi smiled.

Afterwards, Ziling Yi logged into the game, and gave the Holy Sword a custom name called Spiritual Light, and then, Zi Lingyi began to test whether the sword was smooth in the game, and Zheng Xuanxue also logged into the game , sitting not far from Zilingyi, watching Zilingyi practicing sword, with a smile on his face from time to time.


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(End of this chapter)

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