Chapter 372

"Who are you?" Cheng Mo looked at Zilingyi and asked suspiciously, and Zilingyi smiled, waved his right hand, and said, "Hello, my name is Zilingyi, the name of the game is Zilinghuakai Qiu Xiaoyi."

"Damn it, it's you!?" Cheng Mo, who has always been polite, couldn't help but swear once. The purple bell blossoms, and he suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a meeting in the real world, and anyone would know it. Surprised.

"It's me, okay, I'll talk about the details later." After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi took out her mobile phone, and then told Cheng Ning what happened. Cheng Mo was shocked when he heard it. When Cheng Yu got the money, he actually spent it extravagantly.

And then, Cheng Mo looked at Cheng Ning, and immediately asked, "You skipped class to work as a network administrator in an Internet cafe?"

"." Cheng Ning didn't answer, she lowered her head and turned her head aside, Cheng Mo continued to ask, a little annoyed: "Why don't you go to class, my brother already doesn't know how much money he spent and how much he ate to let you go to school Bitter, but you are working as a network administrator in an Internet cafe, what is the use of this."

"I just want to live a good life." Cheng Ning said indifferently, Cheng Mo and Zi Lingyi were startled, and then, Cheng Ning raised his head, looked at Cheng Mo, and insisted seriously: "The quality of life is good." How about it, I don't care, I just want to live a good life, that's it, I don't care what job I do, as long as I get used to it."

"Xiao Ning, you." Cheng Mo didn't know what to say, and then, Cheng Ning continued: "And I know, brother, you can't afford the money for college, right?"

"." All of a sudden, Cheng Mo became really silent, he didn't know how to answer, what Cheng Ning said was not right, Cheng Mo could get the money for college, but after taking it out, Cheng Mo's Cheng Mo himself doesn't know what the future will be like. It can be said that if he does everything he can, the most he can do is send his two siblings to college.

"I don't want to be your burden." Cheng Ning said the last sentence, Zi Lingyi and Cheng Mo also understood, that's why Cheng Ning skipped class to become a network administrator. At this moment, Cheng Mo understood that Cheng Ning had really grown up For a long time, Cheng Mo regarded the two younger siblings as the children of that year. He not only took on the responsibilities of the elder brother, but also assumed the responsibilities of the father.
"Oh..." Cheng Mo sighed, looked at Cheng Ning, and saw Cheng Ning's face was expressionless, but his eyes were very firm, so he also smiled and stroked Cheng Ning's hair.

"I'm not a child." Cheng Ning quickly patted away with her hands, and Zi Lingyi on the side also covered her stomach and laughed. Cheng Mo Cheng Ning looked at Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi stopped smiling, but still smiled He said with a smile: "Okay, okay, the problem of your two brothers and sisters is settled, let's talk about your second child."

"We're going to look for him now, where is he?" Cheng Mo asked without hesitation, and Zi Lingyi smiled, then picked up the phone, called Hu Quan, and asked Hu Quan to check again , Hu Quan immediately started to check, and then sent the address to Zi Lingyi.

Zi Lingyi looked at the address and found that he had already returned to school, so Cheng Mo took a leave of absence and left the company with Cheng Ning and Zi Lingyi to go to Hongchuan University. After arriving, the three of them went directly to the school , it's not too late, Zi Lingyi and the others are still sneaking in.

When they arrived downstairs in the boys' dormitory, Cheng Mo picked up his mobile phone and called Cheng Yu to tell him to come down quickly. Cheng Ning and Zi Lingyi hid in the distance, mainly because Cheng Mo wanted them to hide in the distance. He wanted to see if Cheng Yu would tell the truth in a while.

After a while, Cheng Yu came down and was wearing a black vest. Seeing Cheng Mo standing there, he quickly stepped forward to say hello: "Brother, you're here, what's the matter?"

Cheng Mo smiled on the surface, looked at Cheng Yu, and said, "Xiaoyu, you don't have class today, what are you doing?"

"Oh, hanging out with friends."

"What did you play?"

"It's nothing, just stroll around in the nearby park, brother, what's the matter?" Cheng Yu looked at Cheng Mo suspiciously, Cheng Mo heard the words, sneered, and looked at Cheng Yu, this guy really dared to lie.

Cheng Ning and Zi Lingyi on the side also heard it. Cheng Ning was very disappointed with Cheng Yu. He gave the money to Cheng Yu himself, but Cheng Yu wasted it like this, and he even deceived his relatives like this.

Cheng Mo's tone was cold, and he said angrily, "Think about it again, and then answer me."

"What are you thinking, brother?" Cheng Yu was still puzzled.

"Let me tell you, you went to the mall today, tell me, what did you buy." Cheng Mo said coldly, Cheng Yu was taken aback, and panicked for a while: "Ah? Brother, you, what are you doing?" Know?"

"What do you buy?"

"It's nothing, just... just some food and things to use." Cheng Yu stammered nervously, and Cheng Mo was extremely disappointed with Cheng Yu, and said, "You can buy food and things at Time Square? Are you really rich? .”

"Ah! Brother, how do you know?"

"I also know that the clothes I wore this afternoon are not cheap. Why didn't you wear them when you came to see me?" Cheng Mo said. He saw Cheng Yu's clothes on Zi Lingyi's phone. ,famous brand.

"You followed me!" Cheng Yu became furious, so he simply stopped pretending and roared angrily.

"Brother wants to know why you do this. You should know our situation. It is not easy to afford you to go to college. Besides, Xiao Ning will go to school in the future. How can you do this?" Cheng Mo sighed, The tone gradually eased.

"Hmph, you have to listen to the truth, right? Well, I'll tell you, I've had enough!" Cheng Yu gradually lost control of his emotions, startling Cheng Ning and Zi Lingyi not far away, while Cheng Mo But still indifferent: "What have you had enough of?"

"I've had enough. My parents are gone. My life is broken. It's just you and Xiao Ning. The three of us depend on each other. I've been suffering for almost ten years. Now, in college, I'm finally free. I don't want to think about everything anymore." It’s all about this and that, I like this, so whatever!” Cheng Yu began to make trouble for no reason.

The three of Zilingyi instantly understood that Cheng Yu had been brought down by the university.

The current situation of Baiyun University is very good, this is because Yang Yuxi's boyfriend has cleaned up those scumbag students, so Baiyun University has always been very good, but this does not mean that Hongchuan University is the same, Hongchuan University, Drinking, smoking, fighting, etc. are everywhere, and ordinary students are easily led or influenced.

Coupled with the fact that university is more free and unrestrained than high school and junior high school, and Cheng Mo's continuous money, coupled with the chaotic life of university, Cheng Yu's ambition exploded and he began to become selfish.


There are too many characters in the hero information. In Genesis, my computer still can’t load it. I can only change the URL. In a post on Baidu Tieba, the URL:

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(End of this chapter)

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