Chapter 373
"Enough!" At this moment, Cheng Ning cursed unbearably, and then walked out from behind the low wall. Cheng Mo and Cheng Yu turned their heads and found that it was Cheng Ning. Cheng Yu was shocked, but After reacting, he quickly pointed at Cheng Ning and shouted, "Xiao Ning! You are the one following me!"

"So what?" Cheng Ning said coldly. For Cheng Yu, she could be said to be terribly disappointed, and Cheng Yu clenched his fists angrily, gritted his teeth, glared at Cheng Ning angrily, and shouted: "You You bastard, what are you, you dare to betray me!"

"Say it again?" Cheng Ning's tone was still cold.

"You bastard!"

With a sound of "bang", Cheng Yu was punched hard in the face by Cheng Mo. Cheng Yu screamed "Ah", and was knocked to the ground, covering his face, while Cheng Mo looked Looking at Cheng Yu, he also became angry: "Have you ever treated your family like this?"

"Family? Pooh! She was picked up by a father, what is it?" Cheng Yu covered his face and sneered disdainfully.

Zi Lingyi on the side couldn't bear it anymore, how could this guy be so superb?I guess it has nothing to do with the university. This guy is unwilling and selfish in his bones, and he was only released after he got to university.

Zi Lingyi also came out from the side, looked at Cheng Yu coldly, walked in front of him, then bent down, and pulled up his collar. Cheng Yu saw someone he didn't know, and suddenly Panic: "What do you want to do!?"

"Scum." Zi Lingyi simply said two words, and then threw Cheng Yu far away, Cheng Yu fell to the ground, and Zi Lingyi turned to look at Cheng Mo, and said: " Brother Ningyu, although this guy is unbearable, in the final analysis, this is your family business, you can handle it yourself."

Hearing this, Cheng Mo just closed his eyes and nodded, then let out a long breath, walked up to Cheng Yu, opened his eyes and said, "Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, your living expenses have to be interrupted."


"You have to learn to be self-reliant, let's go, Xiao Ning." Cheng Mo took another breath, then turned and left, Cheng Ning said nothing, followed closely by Zi Lingyi with her arms folded, looking at Cheng Mo coldly Yu, after a cold snort, turned and left.

Cheng Yu looked at Zi Lingyi's back and clenched his fists tightly. He was not stupid, and he immediately thought of this strange guy. His elder brother and third sister would know the truth and find out, so they must have something to do with this guy.

"You wait" Cheng Yu gritted his teeth and said.

30 minutes later, there is a restaurant not far away.
"Sorry, I made you laugh." Cheng Mo said, and Zi Lingyi also leaned on the seat, and after taking a long breath, he showed a bitter smile, waved his hands and said: "It's okay, I've invited you for this meal, By the way, brother Ningyu, do you still remember what I told you in the game?"

"I agree." Before Zi Lingyi finished speaking, Cheng Mo agreed. Zi Lingyi was startled at first, but he didn't expect Cheng Mo to agree so readily, and then became excited. Cheng Mo also smiled and shrugged. She shrugged and said, "Xiao Ning has a job now, and I don't need to send money to Xiaoyu, I don't have anything to worry about."

"That's great, when will we leave? Our headquarters is in Haitian City." Zi Lingyi said excitedly.

"Well, pack your luggage tonight, can you do it tomorrow morning?" Cheng Mo said.

"Okay, see you at Nancheng Airport in Baiyun City at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning." Zi Lingyi immediately told the location of the airport and the specific time.

Afterwards, Cheng Mo and Zi Lingyi returned to Haitian City together. Cheng Mo quickly signed the contract with Chen Hua. , was enough to shock Cheng Mo.

Five people from VT. Meng got together and signed up for the promotion competition. The promotion competition is divided into 12 competition areas. The winning team in each competition area can be promoted to participate in the KG Dream Cup. At present, the registration has opened, and Zi Lingyi and the others are selecting competition area.

Sitting in front of the computer, Ji Hongye flipped through the participating teams in each competition area to see if there was any strong team in the promotion match, and avoided it as much as possible. very difficult.

A strong team is in the promotion game?This is a rule. Every team that passes the promotion competition can participate in the KG Dream Cup and the right to directly participate in various competitions within three years. However, after three years, their qualifications will be cancelled. It is necessary to pass the promotion competition again to obtain the qualification for another three years.

At present, the KG Dream Cup is already in its fourth session. According to the year, many strong teams should have been disqualified. Of course, there are some that do not need to be cancelled, such as EA. Tiewu team and NZ. Shining team. Both teams have won the KG Dream Cup championship. According to the rules, the championship, runner-up and third place can extend their qualifications for an additional year.

Looking through several teams, I found that there are really a few strong teams, such as EK. Tornado team and Extreme team. Ji Hongye avoided them decisively, and was too lazy to compete with them in the promotion match. In the end, Ji Hongye chose K area. There are no strong teams in this area.

The competition officially started after the Chinese New Year, and Zi Lingyi and others also officially started training. The five of them changed the team vest of the game name, and then began to practice coordination in the competitive channel.

Zi Lingyi has already arranged the tactical arrangements. Zi Lingyi is in charge of the jungler himself, Zheng Xuanxue is on the top lane, Hu Quan is in the middle, Wang Xu is in the bottom lane, and Cheng Mo decides the cooperation of the top lane or the bottom lane according to the tactical needs.

Several people basically play with trumpets, mainly because their tuba is too conspicuous, Hu Quan and Cheng Mo can't be counted, but the purple bells are blooming, the incense is like snow, and the sun is nine days, these three As soon as the name of the game was mentioned, the five people on the opposite side were scared to death.

Nine Suns of Flames, this is Wang Xu’s current game name, and later he changed the name of the game to SR. Rising Sun because he joined the SR. Luo team. Now he joined the VT. Dream team and saw that the names of his teammates are not team names. So I changed the name.

It took about a month to run in, and on February 2th, everyone in the team had a collective holiday. Why, the main reason is that tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, everyone goes home to rest, and when they come back from the Chinese New Year, they will go to participate in the competition.

On Cheng Mo's side, it was Cheng Ning who came to look for her, but Cheng Yu couldn't get in touch, and Hu Quan didn't go home, just stayed at the training base, even if it was Chinese New Year, as for Zi Lingyi, Wang Xu, and Ji Hongye, Go home and celebrate the New Year separately, as for Zheng Xuanxue, a Korean
On the same day, take the train to Kyoto.
In the private room, Zi Lingyi was sitting on the bed, Zheng Xuanxue was leaning on his head, sleeping with her eyes closed, Zi Lingyi also gently hugged her waist, not wanting to wake her up, but it was a bit difficult, The main reason was that the movement and sound of the train was relatively loud, even if Zi Lingyi didn't move, Zheng Xuanxue might still be woken up.


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(End of this chapter)

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