The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 399 Against EK. Tornado Team

Chapter 399 Against EK. Tornado Team (2)

There were waves of swords and swords, and white sword lights flashed on Monkey King one after another. Monkey King took Zi Lingyi's two big moves of "Qinglian Sword Song" in the early stage, and his blood value was greatly reduced. One move "Phantom Dance" rushed forward, and then "Shun Hua" rushed forward to backstab, hit!

Zi Lingyi raised the Spiritual Light Shining Sword again, slashed obliquely with the sword, made up the knife, and killed Monkey King!A killing voice came from the sky in an instant: "First kill! Blue Fang Li Bai kills Red Fang Sun Wukong!"

Zheng Xuanxue took effect passively, and all skills were refreshed. She released the "Phantom Dance" skill again, and rushed towards Li Xiang and Arthur, but Li Xiang and Arthur had already started to retreat. After the man succeeded, he also began to continue to play in the wild.

On the other side, in the middle lane, Hu Quan has been suppressing, but he didn't dare to press too hard, he was very cautious, mainly because the girl Wen Xiao on the opposite side was too evil, buying CD-reducing equipment crazily, one skill after another In the fight, Hu Quan couldn't afford to be injured at all.

Slowing down for a while and freezing for a while, Hu Quan is also drunk, but there is no way, Wen Xiao's Wang Zhaojun's CD time is too short, and the skills are buffered quickly, so they can be released one after another, which makes Hu Quan so careful.

This style of play is not suitable for one-on-one duels, because no matter how short your CD is, you are not very powerful, and you can't kill anyone. However, in team battles, this style of play is very powerful. more relaxed.

This kind of style of play that abandons the original power of spells and pursues support is not just Wen Xiao, there is another person, that is Gao Shuowen of Team Fengyun. It just so happens that his hero is also Wang Zhaojun, and he also plays this support style.

False magic, this is what players call this kind of mage. This kind of mage is not popular among recreational players, but in the professional circle, it is not uncommon. It is not just fake magic, fake stab, fake tank, fake shooting, Basically have.

For example, Liu Yansheng of the Frost Team is a fake thorn, with half output and half support to build equipment, and Hou Zhanfei, he is a fake tank, pursuing half meat and half output, these people are all fake professions, but their strength , no one dared to underestimate it, so this style of play gradually became popular.

Let's go back to the game. On the bot lane, Wang Xu kept pressing Hua Mulan hard. Hua Mulan was so beaten that she didn't dare to leave the tower. Wang Xu also smiled and continued to suppress. The resurrected Monkey King saw Wang Xu in the bot lane So rampant, I really want to grab orders, but I don't have the guts.

That's Wang Xu, one of the new Five Heroes, just by himself?If you can beat him, what a joke, just when Sun Wukong was about to give up waiting for the order, the order came, and it was Li Xiang's order: "Ling Feng, go to the middle lane and help Wen Xiao, the persimmons must be soft."

"Received." Sun Wukong agreed without hesitation. Persimmons should be picked softly. This is really good. The two people in the top lane are wretched, Wang Xu in the bottom lane is too strong, and Zilingyi's jungler is too strong. In comparison, Hu Quan is really a persimmon.

So, Monkey King rushed to the middle of the road, wretched in the grass of the lower passage, and when Hu Quan came out, Monkey King immediately jumped up, Wen Xiao also rushed out of the output, Hu Quan was shocked when he saw this, and screamed: "I rely on you!" !"

"I'll hit!" Sun Wukong roared, and the golden cudgel went straight down. He released the skill, which was the "fighting charge" skill, and Sun Wukong hit with a stick, and Hu Quan immediately released "Time and Space Shuttle" one after another. Get out of the way.

Wen Xiao unleashed the "Withering Ice Crystal" skill, Hu Quan couldn't dodge, and was hit to slow him down. It wasn't over yet, Monkey King rushed over again, unleashed the "Fighting Charge" skill, and slashed horizontally with a stick.

Hu Quan gritted his teeth, released "Time and Space Shuttle" once again to back away, and hit with "Dongfeng Break Attack", Sun Wukong immediately dodged to the left, passing through the gap in the middle of "Dongfeng Break Attack".

Hu Quan released another skill, the whole person floated into the air and retreated. This move is the "Vitality Bomb" big move. Although there is no remaining blood, there is no way to harvest it, but in this case, it can be output while retreating.

When Hu Quan retreated into the defense tower, the energy bomb charged at Monkey King. Monkey King knew that he couldn't hide, so he resisted head-on, and the one who was hit took a few steps back. His blood volume was damaged, but it was okay, not much.

Although they were injured, Sun Wukong and Wen Xiao were quite angry. Unexpectedly, they were run away by Hu Quan, and Sun Wukong didn't intend to rush into the defense tower to fight to the death, so they went back to continue playing in the wild.

However, when Sun Wukong returned to his blue field area, Monkey King discovered that the blue field area of ​​the red team had been emptied, and at this time, a killing message came from the sky: "Marco Polo of the blue team killed the red team. Hua Mulan."

what!Wang Xu killed Hua Mulan?

How is it possible, Hua Mulan has been obscenely in the defensive tower, even Wang Xu, it is impossible to jump over the tower to kill!

What exactly is going on?

Just when Monkey King was puzzled, at this moment, a white sword shadow returned to the original place, which was in front of Monkey King, Monkey King was startled, this guy!It's Zi Lingyi!Zi Lingyi is in her own blue field area!

Got it, Sun Wukong got it, Zi Lingyi swiped his passive to his wild area, he used his red side's wild area to swip his passive, and then used "Join the wine" to rush in, and directly opened "" in the tower" Qinglian Sword Song" big move, and then teleport back.

Hua Mulan is more able to carry it. Of course, it is impossible to hang "Qinglian Sword Song" once, but what about two times?What about three strokes?

Just like this, Zi Lingyi shamelessly used the same wild monster in the blue wild area of ​​the red side to brush the "Xia Ke Xing" passive, and then rushed into the defense tower with "Jiu Jin" and released the big move of "Qinglian Sword Song" No matter how much Hua Mulan could carry it, she couldn't stop it, so she could only move forward to increase the distance, and when he moved forward, he just entered Wang Xu's shooting range, so Wang Xu harvested the remaining blood.

Seeing Monkey King in front of him, Zi Lingyi was startled for a moment, then waved his left hand, greeted him, and said with a smile: "Hi, how are you?"

"Good sister!" Monkey King cursed unbearably, Zi Lingyi kept smiling, and his sword was slowly raised, Monkey King swallowed involuntarily, the terrifying aura coupled with this helpless Harmful smile, hehe.
So, Sun Wukong is tragic.
"The blue team Li Bai killed the red team Sun Wukong!" The news of the kill came from the sky. Zi Lingyi and Sun Wukong fought in the blue field of the red team. Zi Lingyi kept pressing Sun Wukong to fight. Ling Yi "put the wine in" two times in a row, arrived in front of Monkey King, and then kicked him back to the wild area. Monkey King wanted to cry at first, but now, tears flowed down his face.

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(End of this chapter)

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