The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 400 Against EK. Tornado Team

Chapter 400 Against EK. Tornado Team (3)

The game is still going on, but with Zi Lingyi's strong jungler, the economies of both sides have gradually expanded. Zi Lingyi has already led the economic No. 2 Wang Xu by more than 3000 gold points. Now go there and kill there.

In the end, VT.Dream team assembled in the middle, and pushed hard in the middle, all the way to the high ground. EK. Whirlwind team held on hard, but they couldn't stop the strength of VT.Dream team. In the end, VT.Dream team killed 21 enemies With a score of :5, they pushed down the crystal and won the first game.

After the intermission, the second game started. Li Xiang encouraged the players to cheer up, and EK. The whirlwind team's mentality was also very good, so they didn't suffer much. Therefore, the EK. Hurricane team adjusted their mentality and started the second game.

The second round was a 3V3 scene group arena. EK. Hurricane arranged the players, but when they saw the opposing lineup, all members of the EK. Hurricane team almost knelt down. The opponent's lineup was too strong.
The VT. Dream team played in the group arena. The first place in the starting lineup, Zi Lingyi, the second member in the middle, Wang Xu, the third member of the guard, Zheng Xuanxue, and the VT. Dream team directly moved the two most powerful people. The arena is here.

The players in the fifth round of the heads-up match and the second round of the group arena cannot be repeated. That is to say, players who have participated in the group arena will not be able to participate in the fifth round of the group arena. Obviously, he didn't want to play heads-up at all, and wanted to finish the game as early as possible.

And the lineup of the EK. Cyclone team is not too weak. The first is the former Hua Mulan, the second is the former Arthur, and the third is Li Xiang. However, the EK. Cyclone team, except for Li Xiang, Others simply don't see enough.

The second game started soon. Zi Lingyi and Hua Mulan came out of the players' seats, entered the competition room, put on the game glasses, loaded the game data, and began to load the game scene, the game map, and the east gate of Suzaku Town.

At the gate of the east city of Suzaku Town, there is a small bazaar. On the aisle in the middle of the bazaar, two people stand there with a shield in front of them. When the countdown is over and the shield is released, the two will brandish their weapons and fight towards other side.

3210 Shield lifted!

"Ahhh!" Hua Mulan roared through gritted teeth, drew out her two swords and rushed towards Zilingyi, Zilingyi smiled at the corner of her mouth, and directly split the Lingguang Shining Sword into two, and then the two fell into a confrontation.

Zilingyi stabbed straight with her sword, Hua Mulan dodged to the left, and then, Hua Mulan released the "Space Slash" skill, brandishing her two swords to charge, Zilingyi dodged with a "magic brush" on the spot, Hua Mulan Mulan crashed into the magic circle and was slowed down and hurt. After Zilingyi finished her skills, she returned to her original spot, right behind Hua Mulan.

"Drink!" Hua Mulan yelled, turned around, and pulled out the heavy sword, which is the skill of "Blooming Blade". Zi Lingyi reacted quickly, straightened her waist and dodged it, and Hua Mulan held the heavy sword and pressed forward , released the "Swift Dance" skill, and swung the epee forward.

Hua Mulan slashed obliquely with a sword, Zi Lingyi blocked it with two swords in his hands, Hua Mulan slashed horizontally with his sword, Zi Lingyi jumped back and dodged, Hua Mulan turned around and slashed straight with the sword, Zi Lingyi dodged to the right , Hua Mulan stabbed straight with the last sword, Zi Lingyi turned around, and the two swords slashed horizontally, forcibly split!

Hua Mulan was taken aback. The effect of her "Swift Dance" almost disappeared at the last blow. Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity and split his epee. This is not over yet. Zi Lingyi's movements Before he stopped, he stabbed straight with the sword with his left hand, and then slashed diagonally with the sword with his right hand, hitting Hua Mulan consecutively.

Hua Mulan retreated after being beaten, Zi Lingyi merged the two swords, took out the fierce feather gourd, drank the wine in the gourd, and sprinkled it on the sword, turned around, swung the sword, and just stopped Hua Mulan, who was stepping down, raised her head and saw that the wine turned into a hidden needle, hitting Hua Mulan.

"Zi Lingyi has unleashed the skills of drinking rivers and lakes and cups, and Hua Mulan is in trouble!" the commentator shouted excitedly. This is a professional league, and there are professional commentators, but what the commentator said is absolutely right. If you hit the "Cup Don't Stop" skill, and the opponent uses the "Drinking Jianghu" skill, then no matter how thick the hero is, he will be hit hard, unless the opponent doesn't hit you at all within the effect, but is it possible?

Of course not!
Zi Lingyi raised the flashing sword of spiritual light, released "Jiangjiujin" in a row and rushed forward quickly, and hit Hua Mulan by surprise. She stabbed straight with the sword, then slashed obliquely with the sword, and slashed horizontally with the sword. The attacks hit one after another. Hua Mulan The blood volume has been greatly reduced, and Zi Lingyi is only one blow away, and Zi Lingyi will be able to brush out the "Xia Ke Xing" passive.

Hua Mulan gritted her teeth, and switched modes with a move of "Blooming Blade". Zi Lingyi bent down to avoid the two swords, and then, Hua Mulan released the "Empty Slash" skill backwards to open the distance, and released "Whirling Dance of Flowers" "Skill interception.

Zi Lingyi disassembled the Shining Light Sword again, slashed straight with the sword with his left hand, and chopped down the short sword thrown by Hua Mulan, then swung his right hand, and threw half of the Shining Light Sword. He didn't get out of the way, but was hit in the chest by the speeding sword, and a shard of red spirit crystal was released.

With a sound of "ting", Zi Lingyi's "Xia Ke Xing" had been accumulated, and he charged forward with the aura flashing sword in his left hand, swung the sword, and shouted: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows and slashed at Hua Mulan. The red spirit crystal body on Hua Mulan exploded and shattered. Finally, the five white sword shadows returned to their positions, and Zi Lingyi Returning to the original place, he stretched out his right hand, and the flashing sword of spiritual light in his right hand flew back and returned to Zi Lingyi's hand.

Zi Lingyi stood on the spot holding two swords, while Hua Mulan lost his strength, knelt down slowly, and then fell to the ground, his health value had been reset to zero, and Zi Lingyi won the first round of the group arena.

The entire audience was quite surprised, because although Zi Lingyi's mana was depleted, his blood volume was not damaged at all. As expected, Zi Lingyi was already a super player. Professional players, the same hanging.

The fans of VT. Dream Team cheered. After all members of VT. Dream Team got together, they held a press conference. Needless to say, Xu, a super expert among professional players, nicknamed the gun king, has an incomparably large number of fans.

Everyone knows that Ji Hongye became the team leader. He also has fans, so these fans are now gathered together to cheer for their team in the No. [-] arena of the KG Dream Cup.

Soon, the second member of the EK. Whirlwind team came on the field. Arthur entered the competition room, put on the game glasses, joined the competition room channel, entered the competition map, and the second round of the group arena. Once the countdown was over, a new one began. Confrontation.


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(End of this chapter)

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