The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 426 Advancing to the semi-finals

Chapter 426 Advancing to the semi-finals (20 more! Overclocking ends)

After Zi Lingyi confronted the two of them for a while.
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Accompanied by screams, suddenly, the window on the second floor of the inn was knocked open, Gai Nie flew out of the whole body, he was beaten into the air, and Sun Shangxiang followed, from another The two were thrown out of the closed window, and the two fell on the street downstairs. Zi Lingyi jumped and landed on the ground. Looking at the two, the blood volume of the two people had been cleared. They worked it out.

"First kill! Li Bai on the red side kills Gai Nie on the blue side!"

"Second combo! The red side Li Bai kills the blue side Sun Shangxiang!"

Zi Lingyi killed these two people, and immediately went to the block to find other members of the Fengyun team. After Zi Lingyi ran for a while, news of the kills came from the sky one after another.

"Jingke from the red side kills Sun Quan from the blue side!"

"The red team Marco Polo kills the blue team Xiang Yu!"

"Xiaoxue and brother Wang Xu have also killed one." Zi Lingyi looked at the sky with her hands on her hips and said, this time the overall situation has been settled, and there is only one Gao Shuowen left on the other side, but Gao Shuowen fights to the death, and there is nothing wrong Yes, another killing message came from the sky, the content was: "The red square armor killed the blue square Wang Zhaojun!"

"The blue team is destroyed!"


At the end of the game, Team VT. Dream won 3:0 and advanced to the semi-finals, while Team Fengyun was completely eliminated. After the two teams left the competition room, they began to shake hands. Gao Shuowen simply smiled and said to them After saying "Come on", he left the arena with the team members.

Zi Lingyi and the others also left the arena one after another, and the other competition in the arena was over. It was the game of the Ice Team. The Ice Team also defeated their opponent 3:0, and won the victory very quickly.

Soon, the top four have been decided. They are VT. Dream Team, NZ. Shining Team, EK. In addition, the other three teams are already recognized as super strong teams, and they are the top strength among the super strong teams.

The next day, the professional league announced to them the list of teams they will face off against. Zi Lingyi and the others took a look at the list and found that their next opponent was the Ice Team, and the match was tomorrow. afternoon.

"Team Ice?" Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth. Team Ice and Zi Lingyi had played in the regular season. Although Team VT Dream won in the end, Zi Lingyi still didn't dare to be careless. After all, Ye Where Xin and Liu Yansheng's strength lies, the others are not mediocre, as long as they are a little careless, they will definitely lose.

On the other hand, if Team Ice is careless, it will be defeated by VT Dream Team without a doubt. Therefore, tomorrow's game will be unprecedentedly fierce, and it is not comparable to the regular season. After all, the regular season loses a game , It's nothing, but if it's a loss in the playoffs, it's a direct elimination.

In the hotel, it is now 8 o'clock in the evening. Zi Lingyi is lying on the bed after taking a shower. He was busy with work, and he was actually in the game while wearing gaming glasses.

In the game, the range of Fengyun Ancient City
Now, the army of the rebel army and the VT. Dream gang has captured more than [-]% of the strongholds of the Terminator Legion, and they only have the last fortress-type stronghold left. There are too many and it is difficult to fight. Therefore, until now, this stronghold has not been captured yet.

Zi Lingyi didn't intend to go over to help, after all, there was a match tomorrow, and he entered the game just to take a look and relax.

At present, the two main cities, Ice and Snow Canyon and Suzaku Town, have become the territory of the VT. Dream Gang, and Fengyun Ancient City, it is estimated that it is almost the same here, and the VT. control of the city.

Seeing this scene, Zi Lingyi couldn't help thinking of the scene when she first entered the game, and then came here, bit by bit, the story is not long, but it is very rich.

I entered the Glory of Kings just to bet, because I didn't understand the mission at all, so I took it randomly, I met Zheng Xuanxue, fought with her, and because I was a novice, I asked Zheng Xuanxue to take me. That's how I got to know Zheng Xuanxue.

Afterwards, they offended the Dragon Tooth Gang and fled from Suzaku Town to Ice and Snow Canyon. In Ice and Snow Canyon, they made an appointment with Xia Mo, one of the Four Heroes at that time, and the three of them played the dungeon together.

Later, in order to help myself improve so that I could deal with the appointment, I fought several battles with Xia Mo, and I was abused in every match. But at the same time, my strength also improved a lot. Finally, when the appointment came, I easily defeated Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie, but faced the master He Zhifeng, it was a hard fight.

Fortunately, He Zhifeng underestimated the enemy in the end, and it was inconvenient for him to deal with the attack on a horse, so Zi Lingyi won. However, just after winning the battle, the Dragon Tooth Gang came to kill him, and he and Zheng Xuanxue started to run away. Came to the top of Yanyang Mountain and saw the most beautiful scenery
Then, meeting with Zheng Xuanxue in reality, the bloody battle in Zhaowang Valley, meeting in the school league, meeting Hou Zhanfei, etc. Zi Lingyi came all the way, although it only took a little over half a year, but it was very rich and very rich. full.

When Zi Lingyi opened his eyes and returned to reality, he remembered that he was still in the sandy area outside Fengyun Ancient City. It was already night, and it was also night in the game, and the desert was desolate.

Zi Lingyi walked slowly, and he found a fire in front of him, so Zi Lingyi walked over, and found that two players were sitting there, lighting a fire, and eating food to replenish their hunger points.

Zi Lingyi smiled, opened the name-shielding card, walked over, and asked, "Brothers, can I sit here?"

"Yes." One of them said, and Zi Lingyi smiled, and then sat down. What were those two people discussing, Zi Lingyi listened for a while, and found that they were actually discussing the Dream Cup competition.

"Who do you think will be the champion this year?" one of them asked.

"I don't know, the teams are all very strong, but there is one thing I can be sure of."

"Which point?"

"The champion of the World Championship must belong to our China." The man said firmly, and Zi Lingyi let out a long breath when he heard this, and said in his heart: "Yes, the champion belongs to our China."

After Zi Lingyi sat for a while, seeing that it was getting late, the two people went offline, leaving only Zi Lingyi sitting in front of the fire, looking at the flames on the fire, smiling, and turning the fire After extinguishing it, Zi Lingyi walked slowly onto the sand pile, facing the moonlight, and now the wind was strong, the energy streamer and blue silk scarf behind Zi Lingyi were blowing with the wind.


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(End of this chapter)

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