The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 427 Fight with all your might

Chapter 427 Fight with all your might

The next day, at 2:38 p.m.
The match between VT. Dream Team and Ice Team is now in the third round. The score is now 1:1. The two sides are tied. VT. Played the second round of the 5V5 arena match.

5V5 King's Canyon, VT. Dream team relied on the overall team to win the victory strongly. In the second game, VT. Wang Xu guarded alone, but in the end he couldn't stop them, so they won the group arena.

Ice Team's approach is undoubtedly a desperate fight, that is to say, they must win the next two rounds, otherwise, they will be dragged to the fifth round of 1V1 duel, and the opponent is Zi Lingyi, and they will lose up.

The third game has already started. The map is the streets of Suzaku Town. The two teams are walking through the streets of Suzaku Town, looking for traces of each other. The tactics of the two teams are the same, and they all disperse.

Holding the sword, Zi Lingyi ran quickly on the slope of the street. There was no one around. He looked around cautiously. Suddenly, he heard movement, but it was not the movement of the enemy, but a killing message from the sky. The content was: "First kill! The red square Miyamoto Musashi kills the blue square armor!"

"Brother Cheng was killed!" Zi Lingyi said in surprise, but suddenly, Zi Lingyi heard the movement behind him, turned around immediately and found no one, but the movement came from the alley.

"Don't go!" Zi Lingyi yelled immediately, and then pulled out the Spiritual Light Shining Sword, rushed to chase, and rushed into the alley, he found that there was indeed a person running, it was Xu Zhao from the Ice Team.

Zi Lingyi unleashes "Jian Jiu Jin" and rushes forward, Xu Zhao rushes out of the alley, Zi Lingyi still pursues, Xu Zhao grits his teeth, turns around to face the enemy, Zi Lingyi guesses his intention, Lika pulls out the spiritual umbrella- flying feathers.

"Drink!" Xu Zhao roared angrily, and released the skill of "Protecting the Lord's Evil Tomb". Zi Lingyi pulled out the spiritual umbrella-Flying Feather, held the umbrella, and blocked the attack, but was still sent flying by this move. Zi Lingyi was flying in the air, but with a wave of his umbrella, he flew into the air and released "Jiang Jiu Jin" to dive over, and then stabbed straight with his right hand.

With a sound of "bang", Zi Lingyi hit Xu Zhao, and Xu Zhao lost his step and moved forward. Just as he turned around, Zi Lingyi slashed obliquely with his sword, then slashed straight with his sword, turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, hitting them one after another Xu Zhao, finally.
"Qinglian Sword Song!" Zi Lingyi roared, and as soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, slashing at Xu Zhao, the red spirit crystal on Xu Zhao's body shattered one after another, Although Zi Lingyi did not use the two skills "Drinking Rivers and Lakes" and "Cup Don't Stop", Xu Zhao is a mage with low health and defense values. Song" spike, there is still no problem.

"The blue team Li Bai killed the red team leader Mo Xie!" The news of the killing came from the sky, and five white sword shadows returned to their positions. Before Ling Yi recovered, there was a missile behind him.

Zi Lingyi was shocked to hear the sound of "bang", and turned around to see that it was the skill of "Invincible Shark Mouth Cannon". Part of the damage, but a small part of the damage still affected Zi Lingyi, and this "Invincible Shark Mouth Cannon" hit Zi Lingyi's aura flashing sword, resulting in an explosion, blasting Zi Lingyi into the air .

"Eh!" Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth in mid-air, and performed a backflip in the air. After landing, she thrust her sword into the ground to stabilize herself, and then landed safely. Zi Lingyi raised her head, looked at the direction of the attack, and found that On the roof next to it, Chen Yun was standing there.

Chen Yun smiled and continued to fire. Zi Lingyi immediately held up the spiritual umbrella - Feiyu blocked it, and then rushed up against the umbrella. Chen Yun fired continuously, but it was useless, so she threw a "puffer grenade" over. He turned around and retreated.

Chen Yun's "Blowfish Grenade" came over, Zi Lingyi leaped back to distance himself, and the blowfish grenade exploded, Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth angrily, looked up at the roof above, and saw that Chen Yun had already run away.

"Damn it." Zi Lingyi swung his sword angrily and shouted, but suddenly, he heard a woman's scream of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Then, it should be Chen Yun, probably because Chen Yun met someone from his own team, but couldn't beat him.

After a while, the killing news came from the sky: "The blue team Marco Polo killed the red team Luban No. [-]."

It turned out that Chen Yun met Wang Xu, and Zi Lingyi smiled instantly, but soon, Zi Lingyi couldn't laugh anymore. He didn't run much distance, and there was a killing message from the sky, which read: "The red square Guo Ziyi killed the blue side Marco Polo!"

Liu Yansheng killed Wang Xu!
how can that be!Unless...unless Ye Xin is with him!
Yes, Ye Xin and Liu Yansheng were acting together. When they met Wang Xu, they rushed up to fight. Wang Xu ran away immediately when he saw this, but Ye Xin was wearing quick walking boots, so Wang Xu couldn't run. Xin used "Tiantian First Class" to catch up, and then Liu Yansheng arrived, and the two joined forces to attack Wang Xu, no matter how strong Wang Xu was, he couldn't stop him.

As a result, Wang Xu was also dealt with, which was a big crisis for VT. Dream Team, but Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth and looked around the situation, so far there was no movement in the surrounding area.

There was no other way, so Zi Lingyi had no choice but to continue on his way. Soon, he heard news of killings constantly along the way.

"Jingke from the blue side killed Zhang Liao from the red side!"

"The red team Miyamoto Musashi kills the blue team Zhuge Liang!"

"The red Fang Guo Ziyi killed the blue Fang Jing Ke!"

Within 5 minutes, only Zi Lingyi was left in Team VT. Dream, while Ye Xin and Liu Yansheng were left in Team Ice. In this situation, the two would definitely not be separated. In this round, Team VT. Dream , lost
However, Zi Lingyi still did not give up, he was still looking for the traces of the two of them. Finally, Zi Lingyi was right in front of the street and saw the two people walking slowly. Towards that side, the Spiritual Light Shining Sword was slowly pulled out, and then dismantled into two swords.

Ye Xin and Liu Yansheng also took out their weapons, while Zi Lingyi held two swords in place, and after making a fighting posture, he swung the two swords and charged!Ye Xin and Liu Yansheng were also unambiguous, each armed with a weapon, charged head-on, the three of them, five weapons, collided together, arousing sparks and lightning.

In this battle, Zi Lingyi seemed to be losing, but he still fought desperately. Ye Xin and Liu Yansheng did not careless. On the contrary, their fighting spirit and fighting spirit were also ignited. Zi Lingyi clashed.


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(End of this chapter)

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