Chapter 31

Spring back to Jiangnan.It's the time when the grass grows and warblers fly, and peanuts grow on trees.

Shortly after Xie Lian's coronation ceremony, Ari finally got married.

In the first episode, Ari made Sima Yu fall in love with Zuo Jiasi and gave birth to a concubine, which made the readers' judges intolerable.In the end, it was judged to fail, and he was eliminated early, and the file was read again.

This time, she changed the male lead halfway through, and gave young people like Xie Lian cannon fodder. She thought that there would be a lot of excitement over there, and she was judged to be out early, but it turned out that she was just a mild illness one time.After recovering from illness, she still has to get married.

Ah Li thinks it's probably because she rejected Sima Yu before changing the male lead.Putting aside the bad taste of the proposition teacher for now, it is estimated that the readers of the review also want to see how she will deal with this crisis.

But unfortunately, Ari has nothing to do.

She knew Sima Yu very well, and after being rejected by her, she ruthlessly went back and begged his father for a marriage, so as to cut off Ahli's future, he couldn't do such a thing.

Perhaps the emperor was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he learned that Wang Tan chose his son-in-law, and his son, the prince Sima Yu, ran over to be picked on.This is the only way to stop doing two things, and simply pick on Wang Tan's daughter before Wang Tan picks on his son.

——In the first episode, when her father-in-law, the emperor, was in a hurry, she was indeed so ruthless.

Especially when it comes to his son.

However, Ari reckons that Sima Yu probably won't have the chance to ask his father to take back his life. He is afraid that he will be scolded by his father as soon as he returns, and will reflect deeply.

There is nothing to say about Ahri's own misfortune.

Sima Yu probably wouldn't take revenge on her - she knew him too well, although he was unreliable, prone to going astray, and unlucky, his values ​​were also in jeopardy.But his outlook on life and morality are as firm as a rock, irreversible and undistorted.

She knew in the first week that this is a good man she could only wish for.Neither too stuffy nor too bad.Even if he doesn't love you, you don't need to worry about him hurting you, betraying you, or making others bully you.If he loves you, then you really found a treasure.

But Sima Yu was too unlucky.The word "wife" in his heart is so precious.That's the husband and wife, the flounder, the other half who have to match each other, look like a mandarin duck, and have the same word as the husband, and can only fly together if they fly together.

He was about to be taken over by a woman who declared that she would not fall in love with him.

Even Ahri himself was wondering how he would face her.

And no matter how he treats her, she's afraid she won't do anything.You can't cry in front of her mother or the queen, can you?
She really wanted to say sorry to Sima Yu - but where did she start?Even though she remembered everything, they were just passers-by to passers-by in this life.

But Sima Yu didn't come out of any situation.

On the wedding night, after paying the salute, they will be sent to the new house.The previous set of tedious etiquette has finally come to an end.In the new house, the wedding tent with red candles and warm loved ones, the orderly and solemn atmosphere of the big wedding disappeared in an instant.

The ceremonial officer and Xi Niang came in and first carried a suckling pig, the so-called "eating together in prison", and from then on, the two became a family, and they would enjoy sacrifices and share the same incense in the future.Then put in a pair of gourds, and drink together, and from then on the husband and wife are one body, sharing joys and sorrows, loving each other without being separated.

The ancestors love the program and don't tire of its cumbersomeness.

Every time you perform these etiquettes, Ari feels that there is a kind old man who is tirelessly teaching you over and over again.They work hard to make every action have a beautiful meaning, so as to infiltrate those virtues into every corner, so that everything can be passed on.

Therefore, although she often feels complicated, she never laughs at it.

After drinking the Hebei wine, you can enter the new house to congratulate the new couple when you see the guests.

The princesses have long been waiting for the housewives.

At this moment, they are rushing in with jubilation.

Ari has experienced this battle in the first episode, but it has been a long time. At that time, I was full of worries about being a newlywed, so I can't remember clearly.

The purpose of making trouble is to exercise the patience of the new daughter-in-law.If it is among the people, there will be all kinds of foul language, even beating, scolding and bullying.Although the nobles are not so presumptuous, they are much less disciplined than in the past.And the bride can neither speak back nor fight back.He could only sit quietly, cover his face with a fan, and listen dignifiedly. She was not allowed to retaliate when the groom was ordered to do anything to his wife in public.

It's better to fight wives in the south, but when it's replaced by beating the groom in the north, many people can't control the seriousness of their hands and cause tragedies.I heard that even the prince in the north was beaten when he married his wife. Unable to bear it, he became angry and took revenge after he ascended the throne. There were many stories.

Thinking about it this way, it is better to be more elegant in the south.

Ari was thinking wildly while sitting down according to the rules.Listen to the frolicking.

When the trouble arose, Princess Changyi made a gesture to beat her, and Sima Yu hurriedly raised his hand to block it. The fist that he didn't intend to drop down really hit him.On the contrary, the princess was very embarrassed and said with a joke: "When my sisters got married, I didn't see you protecting them like this. It will be different if you really have a daughter-in-law. Who hasn't been troubled before! It seems that you feel distressed."

A group of people burst into laughter, making Ari feel hot.

She didn't understand Sima Yu's state of mind, so she moved aside and looked at him secretly from behind the fan.

Sima Yu had already got up, and teased the princess as usual, "I didn't let you touch me, but I didn't let you block me either. I risked my life to accompany the gentleman." He simply stretched out his arms and stood in front of Ari. "Sister, just fight. If the son-in-law bullies you, you can bully brother-in-law!"

Princess Changyi burst out laughing.Seeing that it was not too early, he stopped making trouble with him, and just smiled and said, "I'll see how proud you are when I come to Auntie tomorrow." He had already greeted the rest of the sisters and went out hugging her.

The scene of frolicking jewels and emeralds and gauze clothes flying away dissipated, and the room quickly fell silent.

Only Ari and Sima Yu were left.

The two of them sat on one side of the bed.

There are twelve scrolls around the bed, all of which are embroidered with loving and festive patterns.Baizitu is the most.

The wedding night in the bridal chamber was originally the time to perform the ceremony of the Duke of Zhou.

The red candle crackled and burned.

It's mid-spring and the weather is starting to warm up.After being surrounded by people and making noise for a while, Ari felt a little hot.She put down the folding fan and raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Sima Yu sneaked over from the corner of his eyes, and saw that her hair at the temples was already soaked, curling slightly and sticking to her ears.The skin is sweaty, pink and delicate.I wanted to raise my hand to brush it away.

Ari noticed his gaze and looked sideways.She lowered her head slightly, as if spying, but she didn't avoid his gaze, and her gaze was gentle from bottom to top.The side face is beautiful and beautiful, which is unique and touching.

Those eyes were as clean as puddles of water.

How could she be so indifferent and innocent?
Sima Yu recalled the day when she lowered her eyes, with steam under her eyelashes, and said to him, "Your Highness ordered me to like it, but it's not something I can do if I want to obey it."At that time, something was dug out and buried in her eyes, like a flower blooming and dying.

And she looked at him at this moment, as if she was looking at a cloud that was curling up by itself.

Sima Yu's heart was full of unspeakable resentment, and he became sad.

He said, "I didn't ask Father to make an order."

Ari nodded, "I know."

That's exactly what her eyes said.

Sima Yu felt more and more resentful.He just had a feeling that she knew everything he could explain.So it doesn't matter what he says.

In fact, he had thought a lot while waiting for the wedding day.

Ah Li just said that he didn't like him, but later his father made an order.No matter how you look at it, it looks like a villain who relies on power and bullies the good and the good.

But he didn't do it or he didn't do it.There is no need to feel guilty.

And the matter is a foregone conclusion, why bother with these things?It is wise to take a long-term view.

He felt that Ali should also understand this truth.Even if she didn't understand, he could explain it to her.

He thought he was the perfect husband candidate.Good-looking, good-natured, good-natured, and good-natured, and she has been in love with her for a long time.And his love is purer than anyone else.He had no reason to dislike her.

It doesn't matter if Ari doesn't like him for a while - because the Wang family's defenses are too tight, they don't see each other very often.Who can fall in love with another person with just a few faces?Feelings can also be cultivated slowly!It doesn't matter even if Ah Li insists that "every man can't lose his ambition", she has never tried it, so how does she know it won't work?

What's more, they are all married, and they will meet each other day and night in the future.The so-called long-term love, one day you will like it.

When he figured it out, he carefully crafted his words, thinking about how to tell her.He even wrote it down and memorized it over and over again.

—but at the moment it was all forgotten.

Because he met Ari's eyes, he suddenly realized that Ari didn't want his explanations and reasons at all.

She is like a prisoner with proven evidence, she has given up struggling and defending herself, and is just resigned to her fate and waiting for a verdict.He even retained a subtle curiosity and onlooker towards this verdict.

He suddenly couldn't control his anger and grievance.He thought, how could she do this?
——If you don't give him a process, you will have to stamp the appraisal seal.If you don't listen to him, you've already decided.

But if he gave up trying because of this resentment, then he would not be Sima Yu.

He had already thrown away the rhetoric he had memorized.Because he suddenly understood that even if he said it, Ari might be moved for a while, but she still wouldn't take it seriously after all.

He clenched his fingers.Stand up abruptly.

Just like that, he held Ahri's shoulder condescendingly.

He got up suddenly, Ari thought he was going to sleep in the study most likely.Unexpectedly, he suddenly bent down in an ambiguous and dangerous posture.I was so shocked that I even held my breath.Then she became more and more aware of how his damp and hot breath lingered on her face.

"I like you," he said.

There was a thunder in Ari's ear.Even his thoughts were confused for a moment.She couldn't control the water vapor in her eyes, so she avoided his gaze and lowered her head.

She knew that she had never been able to forget her feelings for Sima Yu—she also wanted to be straightforward and decisive, but some feelings just didn't know where they started, and they continued to deepen.You can't forget it even if you don't stop, several times of entanglement, life and death.Knowing that you can't do it, you keep digging holes and want to bury them deeply, but you can't stop them.

The so-called first love can no longer be entangled, subtle and endless.

She didn't expect that, in fact, as long as he said that, he could easily blow up all the past that she had buried.

Sima Yu didn't force her to look up again, but just kissed her forehead and then her hair.Only then did he lean down and whisper in her ear, "When did you like me... Remember to tell me."

Ari's eyes were filled with tears, so he kept silent and just nodded indiscriminately.

Sima Yu paused in that posture for a long time, but was still a little disappointed when he didn't get Ahli's answer.

Unconvinced, he kissed her cheek again, and then stood up.

Some said dryly, " don't have to be nervous, I, I'm going to sleep in the study."

Ali didn't know what was going on.

It's just that when Sima Yu got up and was about to leave, she reached out her hand so naturally and grabbed his sleeve.

Then he let go of his hand in a hurry, and moved back a bit.

Sima Yu's eyebrows and eyes were bent just like that, and those phoenix eyes were shining, and the waves were clear and soft.

Seeing that Ari seemed to be dodging, she puffed out her chest again.With a soft voice, she said: "I'm not careful enough... It's a bit outrageous to leave you alone on the wedding night."

He caught a glimpse of the chaotic watery light in her eyes, and finally no longer looked at a white cloud curling away.The hope that was almost extinguished in my heart grew lushly again.

The two lay down with their clothes on.

If you don't do anything on the wedding night, you can only chat under the quilt.

Sima Yu then said, "Your name is Ari, what two words are there?"

Ari said, "It's the raccoon of the raccoon cat."

Sima Yu then said, "It just so happens that my name is Ah Yao, and I mean 'I'll bark even if I don't make it'. I'm a perfect match for you."

After a moment he said, "Uh, I, I didn't mean it lightly."

——The sentence he quoted, coincidentally, is the work of love between men and women that "there is a woman who loves spring, and Jishi lures her".

He was so stiff that Ari couldn't help but burst out laughing.For a moment, he relaxed.

Sima Yu didn't smile.

He just quietly looked at Ahri's profile.The clear candlelight fell on her face through an embroidered screen, making that delicate face even softer.She seemed to want him too, but restrained herself, not knowing what to worry about.

This person is his new wife.

He shook his hand, and finally reached out quietly to touch her hand.She didn't dodge, so he boldly held it.

That hand is so soft, it makes people's hearts sway when they hold it.

He didn't let go, she froze for a moment, then held him back.

The two held hands like this, and fell asleep peacefully like children.

Liang Yan built a new nest with mud in her mouth, and the days between them will be long.At that time, Sima Yu believed it so much.

(End of this chapter)

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