Chapter 52

What this kid did, how should I put it—he calmly, subtly and naturally, began to train Ahri to be familiar with his taste and taste.Such as the taste of cakes, such as the quality of makeup, such as the matching of clothing.

One day, Ahri was in front of the dressing table, and Zhucui combed her hair behind her.She looked at her appearance in the silver mirror, and suddenly felt that her baby fat face might be more pink and pleasing with some forehead makeup, so she picked a little rouge with her nails.

While applying it to her forehead, she was thinking, "What the hell am I doing!"

——She is a foodie, and she has not generally rejected cosmetics since she was a child.The smell of powder, even a little bit on the corners of the lips or fingertips, seriously interferes with the sense of taste, right?
But now she actually wants to wipe something on her face, what kind of evil is this!
Then she finally remembered that Wei Lang told her the day before yesterday, "A beauty spot doesn't have to be on a sharp face to look good. A pink and round girl with a little red rouge on her forehead will look even more attractive."

If it was just such a sentence, Ari's train of thought would not have been abducted by him.But there are too many similar comments, such as "the one with sweet-scented osmanthus flowers is more delicious, you try it" and just broke a piece of snack for her. Ari refused and refused again and again, he was not angry, at most he had a good temper The one broke all the snacks for her, and the very kind and innocent one told Ari to either not eat anything, or eat what he broke for her.In this case, you can't ignore his opinion.

As for makeup and clothing, any girl who has seen Wei Lang's demonstration of women's clothing with her own eyes will probably be unable to restrain herself from wanting to try his suggestions.

Otherwise, I would be too unwilling.

Ah Li still put the rouge on.

Then, facing the mirror, he imagined Wei Lang, a woman dressed as a woman, with a little beauty spot between her eyebrows, looking back with a smile...

...It really is even more reconciled.

——Obviously a boy, but still an embryo, how can he change into a woman's dress without any obstacles, with a light dew, half-covered by a veil, and step out of the bullock cart?Moreover, there is no affectation in every move, but it does not conflict with the makeup, but has a kind of free and easy beauty.It's too bad!Leave a way for the girls!You're chasing someone (even if no one takes it seriously)!
So this day when Wei Lang walked in front of her again, Ari couldn't help but complain to Wei Lang, "Don't you feel embarrassed wearing women's clothes?"

Transvestite or something...

Wei Lang was confident and calm, "It's obviously perfect. Why should I be embarrassed?"

Ari knelt down: It’s not this kind of embarrassment...

"Are you not afraid of being recognized?"

"I don't recognize it." Wei Lang was still confident.Then he hesitated for a while, raised his eyebrows and looked at Ari, " did you recognize it?"

Wei Lang changed into a woman's dress to visit, Ahri was indeed stunned for a while, but she saw through it almost at the same time Wei Lang lifted the veil of light exposure.

Wei Lang was actually very concerned about this.

He has been raised by his elder sisters since he was a child, and when he puts on women's clothing, it is as if he has pressed the shift button. He can switch roles freely, and he can even adjust the words and intonation perfectly, ensuring that there is no slightest flaw—Shen Tianzi is so familiar with him, and he is still so familiar. They all want to ask his "sister" to be his daughter-in-law.Except for Sima Yu and Xie Lian, who had seen him change clothes, he never thought that anyone would recognize him.

But Ali recognized it.

——She is really different.

Ari: ...This is the heroine's reserved skill, will she tell him?
Seeing that Wei Lang used his imagination to comprehend in a bad direction again, Ari quickly interrupted, "It's strange if I can't recognize it! I'm a girl myself, so I can't even tell the truth from the fake?" Hurry up Randomly picked a reason, "So flat!"

By the way, he has small breasts and flat chest!
——Finally, there is a place for people to feel proud.

It's a pity that the aesthetics of this era is slim and slender, with the focus on the waist rather than the chest.

Wei Lang's understanding of women is still very childish, and he didn't think too much about it.

After thinking about it for a while, he glanced at Ahri's chest seemingly inadvertently—his upbringing prevented him from discussing related topics.

Ari: She hasn't started to develop yet!It's different from him!
Of course Wei Lang came to Ari not for such trivial matters.

Even if Ahri is reborn for the second time, the world will still move forward along the established track.

The peace talks failed, and the Beiyan mission left Chang'an.

Not long after, Beiqin and Beiyan fought. Beiyan was defeated and the country was destroyed. Yanhuang fled north, and the clan was captured to Chang'an.

Huan Jing died of illness in the south, and Xie Huan and Wang Kui began to take charge of the government.Ali's father also entered the court as an official from the general shogunate.The government and the opposition are actively preparing for the battle, waiting for the start of the war with Bei Qin.

Xie Lian went to Yanzhou with his elder brother, and Wei Lang also planned to go on a trip with Uncle Ah Li.

He came to say goodbye.

Communication is inconvenient in this era, not to mention that Wei Lang is traveling and has no fixed place to live.If he goes there, he may not hear from him for several years.

But Wei Lang didn't hesitate much.

For Ahri to stay, this kind of thought never even crossed his mind—even if he had thought about it, what he considered was how to make Ahri wait for him to come back.

This kid is like that.

He is a murderer, a prodigal son, a person who will not be bound by others, and will do whatever he wants immediately.You can hold the water, but not the wind.And he is that wind.

The girl he needs is either a little girl who goes to battle with him with a knife or cheers for him behind his back, or she can eat, drink, and have fun without him, and when he comes back, she will be fat and happy to pounce on her Natural stay.

Of course, it would be more perfect if there is a little sister outside and a natural stay at home.

All children who want to smash bricks here, please calm down, the above is just a reasonable assumption rather than an objective statement - Wei Lang will not be contradictory and happy for the blessing of Qiren, because he will not think about it at all.There are too many pleasures in his life, and women only account for a small part.Moreover, in his eyes, a man's need to marry a wife is the same as a woman's need to have a child. It is an inevitable event that will happen naturally at a certain stage, and he never plans or worries about it.

Uh... At least he never planned for it until he was sure that the candidate was Ahri.

So for two consecutive lives, he was reduced to a situation where he only started to worry when someone else was going to be a father, and he deserved it.

Closer to home, Wei Lang came to say goodbye to Ari, and by the way, he also had some other purpose.

After telling Ari about his going out, Wei Lang said again, "I don't know how long I'll be out this time, do you have any advice?"

Ari: =__=|||It’s not your mother, what are you telling me.

"Uh... have a nice trip."

Wei Lang was very satisfied—his sister in the family told him that he was afraid that he would forget, so she specially asked someone to make a long list for him, all of which were famous and special products that he wanted to bring.You brothers are going to travel far away!Can you still walk around with so many things?

Sure enough, it was Ari who co-starred with him.

She's not wordy, timid, ostentatious, or annoying.It's soft, caring, and makes delicious snacks.

He suddenly felt that the journey would be more interesting if he took Ari with him.

It's a pity that she is a girl.

Girl, once he becomes someone else's wife, he will lose all the benefits.Sure enough, once you put your heart into it, you will mind if you lose it.

Still have to marry and go home.

"My master wants me to marry you." Wei Lang said suddenly.

Ah Li pounced...

"You are talking nonsense again!"

"Really," Wei Lang leaned back.The wisteria flowers are all gone, the pods are all over the corridor, and the wind rustles.There was a gleam in his eyes, and he smiled lightly, "My master has already talked to your father."

Ali: ...

Ahri breathed a sigh of relief—she was born again.She was very sure that what her fourth uncle told her father was not about her marriage to Wei Lang.

Although she didn't have that moment... her mood was complicated.

She thought it would be easy not to marry Sima Yu.

"My fourth uncle won't say it." Ari turned his back.

No matter what, Wei Lang even said the word "marry", no matter whether he is serious or not, Ari can no longer get along with him as usual.

It's just that once a person is old, he still can't help but want to teach them something when he meets unreliable brats.To prevent them from making a girl who was as ignorant as she was in the future stumble all the way.

So Ari left without turning around.

——Wei Lang is too smart.He knows exactly what he needs and wants.Just because he is too smart and too clear, he doesn't even have the need to like someone.

He's learning, but apparently he doesn't yet understand the difference between liking and wanting.

Otherwise, how could such a frank child like him use the passive expression "My master wants me to marry you" when he confessed his love?

"If you really want to marry me, you can tell my father in person when you come back. What others say doesn't count."

"I said, you will marry?"

"How can there be such a sure thing?" Ari said, "Even the gods don't respond to requests. If you dare not, it's best not to say it for the rest of your life. Then when we meet in the future, I can still make you a basket of dim sum."

People always have to suffer once before they can really learn to like.

Wei Lang still doesn't understand these principles at the moment.

But there will always be a girl who makes him understand when he really misses her.

Zhaoming's 16 years of turmoil ended when Xie Lian and Wei Lang traveled far away.

(End of this chapter)

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