Chapter 53

Since Xie Lian and Wei Lang left Jianye, Shen Tianzi became an official, and Wang Yan went out to study, the social circle of wealthy families in Jianye city suddenly became lively.It seems that just overnight, the teenagers who used to be only rumored by their fathers, brothers and uncles have reached the age of their own, and began to appear in front of the world one after another.

When the teenagers grow up, the girls are also in their best years, and the bustling wedding season in Jianye City begins.

In a blink of an eye, the prince also passed his 15th birthday.

This kid started chasing after his wife when he was seven or eight years old, but when he got to the age when people really started to miss girls, he didn't move much.Since that Hualin Banquet as a court lady, she has never done anything out of the ordinary.Every day, he would study with the Taifu, attend government affairs with the emperor, and practice martial arts with Xie Lian and Wei Lang.He is already a very reliable, very good boy.

The queen has also seen some ladies for him in the past two years.

The girls are all good, they have to look good, they have to be self-cultivated.However, everything is so good that the queen thinks "it's her", there really isn't one.

Seeing the good ladies, the queen would often come into the palace, intentionally or unintentionally, asking Sima Yu to see them from a distance, wanting to see if there was anything he particularly liked.

The queen thought that what she should be worried about was Sima Yu's bold words "want it all" - teenagers of this age often have such impulsiveness and ambition - she didn't expect that the actual situation was exactly the opposite.Sima Yu's reaction was very indifferent, not to mention ambition, he almost didn't even have the eagerness of adolescence.When the queen asked, she looked blank.After various reminders, he showed a little stunned expression of "it seems that there is such a thing", and for the interest of the Invincible Queen, he chatted to deal with it, "It's all good."

"Is it particularly beautiful?"

Sima Yu tried hard to remember, but he couldn't remember.He made it clear that he still had other things in mind, and he was really too lazy to spend his time on this kind of thing, so he just said perfunctorily, "Of course it's A Niang."

Although the queen was speechless, she was obviously very proud of the answer.

"Aniang is picking a princess for you." She smiled and reminded him.

Sima Yu came back to his senses for a while, raised his head and looked at the queen like a fish, not knowing whether it was deep thought, distracted or confused.After a while, his face changed into a slightly impatient expression of "just call me over for such a trivial matter".

"Whatever. Mom, I'm very busy."

Empress: ...the ones you are busy with are just casual!This is the most important thing that can't be done casually, okay?

Sima Yu was so cold, at first the queen thought it was probably because the girl she picked didn't match Sima Yu's taste.

What's Sima Yu's taste?The queen felt that, nine out of ten, she was still like Xie Han.Stunningly talented and gorgeous, with a clear air and a gorgeous temperament, it is as if eating the wind and drinking the dew, uncontaminated by the complicated world.

Every man has a fairy sister in his heart.

This kind of thing mostly exists in men's fantasies, and it's really hard to find.Even Xie Han himself is definitely not completely like this.If this is the case, then there is absolutely no way to live at home - even if it is the crown princess, the future queen, she will live with the prince, the future emperor.

But gradually, the queen felt something was wrong.

Sima Yu didn't respond to some girls, but to all girls—no matter how beautiful, playful, intellectual, or how close to Xie Han's temperament, he just glanced at them all and commented indifferently: "Oh, not bad .”

There's no after that.

That attitude is just like that after going through the sea and prosperity, I don't know whether to say it is calm or dead.

It's really disturbing.

And what happened next finally made the queen feel completely bad
According to the usual practice, after the fifteenth year of the prince's year, if he is not yet married, Zhan Shifu will send a special embroidered screen to the East Palace, and arrange a special court lady for him to observe and use-enlightenment teaching, everyone understands.

Generally speaking, to achieve this step is enough for a boy of this age who is full of thoughts and fantasies.The doors have already been opened, and it is not surprising that anything is released.

But when Sima Yu looked at the screen, his only reaction was, "It's so ugly."

Well, in the era without perspective and structure, the portraits are indeed not very beautiful. The queen feels that Sima Yu's feelings are...not insincere.

Then, to those court ladies who taught him how to do things—or those beautiful young women with fair skin, full chest, who came up to him to change his clothes in only a light gauze when he went to bed, Sima Yu said Under their watchful eyes, she changed her clothes without realizing it, and fell asleep soundly.

Although the eunuch who reported back and forth explained to Sima Yu, "Your Highness, it is not time to pay attention to these things."

—Some people do come to the fore later, especially if they have other things on which to devote their full adolescent energy.

But when the queen thought about Sima Yu's criminal record—specifically referring to being proposed by a man when he was posing as a woman at the age of 12, and he showed great enthusiasm and interest while posing as a woman—she felt cold sweat.

This is an era where masculinity is all the rage, it's too easy to be contaminated with some bad tendencies!
When women are worried, they tend to do wishful and illogical things.

For example, it is obvious that Sima Yu's problem is that he is not yet enlightened on women - or not interested, but what the queen thought of was not to confirm the problem, but to quickly pick a good girl for him.

The selection of the Crown Princess, who was not in such a hurry at first, was immediately put on the agenda.

At this time, Ari had already been excluded from the candidate list drawn up by the queen.

Although the story of Ari beating Cui Chen's buttocks in the street wasn't spread, the queen knew about it—she investigated it afterwards.The queen felt that although Ahri's actions were very gratifying, they were too ostentatious.Moreover, she was only in her early ten years old at that time, her personality was already so strong, and she didn't know how domineering she would become in the future.

The psychology of being a mother-in-law is so contradictory.She hopes that her daughter-in-law's family will be strong, and it is best to help her son save ten years of struggle.I don't want my daughter-in-law to have a strong personality, it's better to be softer and softer.It doesn't have to be submissive, but it must not dominate her son.

Ari's performance is obviously not in line.

What's more, the Wang family is not without an earth-shattering queen who can even replace the emperor.

... There have been traitors chasing after the emperor!
So afterwards, the queen only thought about it a little, and then ruled out Ari.

Over the years, I have seen the girls, but I never mentioned Ali once.Gradually, he forgot about her.

But when the queen mentioned the princess to the emperor, the emperor thought of Ah Li again, and suddenly asked, "How is Wang Tan's daughter?"

The queen had long felt that she had overlooked something.Immediately remembered that Sima Yu had asked Princess Changyi about Ari.

This is the dawn!

Then I thought about the worries of the year.

But the life-saving straw is already in your hands, why are you willing to let it go casually?
Just comfort myself, maybe after a few years, the girl will grow up and her temperament will become gentler.In short, let's take a look first, and then talk about it.

He didn't tell the emperor about Ari teaching people in the street, he just said: "I forgot about this girl——so, I will bring them all into the palace someday, and have a look at them together."

Just after the Ghost Festival, the queen chose a day with clear skies and clear weather, and ordered the wives to bring their daughters into the palace in the name of appreciating chrysanthemums.

Because Ari Niang didn't often take Ari out in the past, she was afraid that she would not understand, so she specially ordered Ari to be brought along.

When receiving Yi's decree, Ah Li was by her mother's side.

She just thought that after waiting for seven years, this day finally came again.

Even though he felt that he had already been appointed internally in all likelihood, Ahri became uncontrollably nervous before the interview.

This feeling is very strange. In the first play, she passed inexplicably; in the second play, she desperately wanted to be wiped out, but she was still passed.This is the third time.No matter how you look at it, this is an irreversible trajectory of fate, and there will be no accidents at all, but Ari can't calm down in his heart.

In fact, she didn't think about anything, but lying on the bed at night, she was so clear-headed that she couldn't fall asleep.He opened his eyes and saw the moonlight penetrating the curtains, and the silver glow was clear, so he put on his clothes and got out of bed.

Just leaning against the window, under the boundless night sky and bright moon, looking at the layers of houses and tree shades in Jianye City.

At last she was going to marry him again.After a long time, Ahri thought.

She suddenly remembered a joke: Why is it you.Why is it still you.Why is it always you.

Well, even if you tell him, he won't understand.

Ari thought, he should grow up too.She couldn't bear to always let her face a child who didn't remember her.

It doesn't matter when you grow up.As long as everyone is an adult, has enough judgment and endurance, and has equal positions and responsibilities, they can pursue and seize with all their strength.Adults always have to go through something and bear some consequences.

Gengqiao sounded, the moon was westward, and it was the hour of the day.

Even though she was still not sleepy, Ahri didn't want to bring two dark circles under her eyes to see the queen, so she closed the window and went to sleep.

As a result, when I woke up the next day, I still had two dark circles under my eyes. Ari didn't want to powder his face, so he used cucumber slices dipped in egg white and applied it for a long time.

Zhu Cui steamed eggs for her, and she foolishly rolled and massaged them under her eyes, and immediately her eyes were covered with frangipani.Zhucui and the others were taken aback.He hurriedly washed it off for her, making sure he didn't burn her, so he couldn't help laughing.

The result is still powdered.

When I went to see Ah Li Niang, Ah Li Niang was still having breakfast.

The maid was serving with a water basin, Ari Niang beckoned to Ari to let her go, she soaked the handkerchief, wiped it for her and smiled, "Little girls look good only when they are clean, and they are painted at a young age. What kind of makeup, it doesn't have to stain the color. Didn't you hear someone say it—vulgar makeup?"

Ari: ...That word is not used like this!
He said vaguely, "I didn't sleep well at night, and I have dark circles under my eyes."

"It doesn't matter." A Li Niang finished wiping her face and looked at her face for a while, "Where are there dark circles? I can't see it. You don't need to be nervous, just go to the palace to admire the chrysanthemum. What's the big deal? It's like facing a big enemy."

"I'm not afraid." Ari whispered.

And what about appreciating chrysanthemums, aunt, she is clearly the wife of the prime minister, so don't fool me, aunt.

"That's right, there's nothing to be afraid of. Show off your momentum and show the Queen the demeanor of our royal daughter."

Ari: T__T...Don't put pressure on me, Auntie.

After seven years, Ari finally stepped into the Xianyang Palace again.

Outside the hall, as soon as a few little girls got together, they were called by their sisters.

No way, they are all acquaintances.

Shen Jizi, Yu Xiu, Xie Qingru, Liu Shaojun, He Zhen... Except for Huan Daolian, who is a filial piety for his father, the most outstanding maidens of this generation are here.The little ladies are all human spirits, even if they have never been reborn, once they meet each other on this kind of occasion, they will understand each other a little bit.

Except for Xie Qingru, everyone else had reservations in their smiles.He didn't say much, after exchanging pleasantries, he quietly waited to enter the hall.

Only Xie Qingru moved closer to Ari and whispered: "Sister, long time no see."

Ali smiled.Even though she was hiding from Xie Lian, she and Xie Qingru had never been unfamiliar with each other - Xie Qingru was destined to be her sister-in-law, and she was generous and straightforward, there was really no way she couldn't dislike her.

The two were talking in a low voice, but Ari unconsciously glanced at Yu Xiu.

The little girl was still holding on to her airs, her back straight.Frowning, slightly looking up at the plaque on Xianyang Hall, wondering what he was thinking.For a while, her mother whispered something to her, and she lowered her eyelashes expressionlessly like an ice beauty.

Ari saw a flash of contempt and anger in her eyes.

Ari doesn't know the grievances between the queen and the Yu family, but only remembers that Yu Xiu was also a popular candidate for the crown princess in the second week's episode—in fact, she was quite popular in the third week's episode.Even the dignified maids beside the empress in the palace had to nod to Madam Yu and her first before leading everyone into the palace.

Ari took a deep breath, Xie Qingru gave her a puzzled look, and followed Mrs. Taifu into the palace.

Her mother gently pushed her back, and Ari felt the tension on her shoulders, and quickly relaxed.Also follow in.

The queen is still the same as before, with an oval face, plump and dignified.He is in his early forties, and there are no wrinkles on his face.The spirit is also good, the smile is sweet, easy-going and amiable.

You can see happiness at a glance.

This time, he didn't hold the girls' hands and ask questions one by one.I only looked around at the girls after I finished greeting the wives.In the end, it stayed on Yu Xiu's face, and said with a special smile: "Yu Niang won't come these few days, the queen mother is talking about it."

Yu Xiu said nonchalantly: "Because of being ill for a few days, I haven't gone out yet. The empress dowager has forgotten about it."

"Why are you sick? Are you feeling better? Let the imperial doctor show you later."

"After hearing some stories, I was frightened. It's all over, don't bother me to worry about it."

This answer was too indifferent, Madam Yu quickly gave her winks, but the queen still smiled, "It's fine."

Shen Jizi was innocent and innocent, he couldn't wink, and asked: "What kind of story can make people sick?"

Of course, Yu Xiu couldn't tell her that it was her aunt who was demolished by the current emperor across the river.He just forced a smile and said, "I'm not ready yet, so I really don't dare to mention it anymore."

Shen Jizi hurriedly said: "I didn't do it on purpose."

Yu Xiu thought to herself, how stupid do you have to be to ask such inappropriate words "not on purpose".

But he said: "Don't talk about me, I just heard that you have learned a lot from studying recently?"

The queen was also very interesting, "Tell me, what books have you read?"

Shen Jizi also has some talent and reputation, but with Xie Qingru Zhuyu in front of him, his reputation is not obvious.Shen Jizi had never confronted Xie Qingru before, and he always believed that he was no worse than her, but it was just that others didn't see his talent.Today I wanted to boast, so I deliberately picked out some uncommon words, saying: "I'm reading "Le Xuan" at the moment."

Empress: ...I knew she was a little out of control, but I didn't expect her to be so stupid.Look at this show off.

She originally thought that if Shen Jizi casually expressed some similar opinions on Zuo Zhuan, the Book of Songs, or even the current popular Lao Zhuang, she would be willing to give some flattery, so as to ease the atmosphere and appease the nervousness of the juniors.But that "Yuexuan", what is it?New mystery?Or talk about astronomy?
He could only smile speciously: "This child is different even in reading."

Ari never minded her own ignorance. She was not familiar with Shen Jizi, so she asked Xie Qingru in a low voice: "What did 'Yuexuan' say? Do you know?"

Xie Qingru really knew.

He also replied in a low voice: "Uncle He Ping's works are based on the method of hanging bells and chimes."

Ari: =__=|||...So people really read this kind of book.

Just as she was sighing, she heard the queen ask, "What are you two whispering about?"

He and Xie Qingru looked at each other, and said with a smile: "We are talking about Uncle He Ping."

——Ari thinks that He Pingshu and He Yan are definitely more close to the people than the incomprehensible "Le Xuan".Aren't handsome men like Tanlang Pan An and Biren Wei Jie famous for their talents in this era?Fu Fen and He Lang are exactly the same kind of people as them. They are very gossipy and should be able to save the day.

She overlooked a point.Pan An and Wei Jie are both natives of the dynasty and have a strong idol effect, so they are well-known among their boudoirs.And He Yan, he died too early.

Those who know him are mostly literary young women.For example, Shen Jizi and Xie Qingru.

In addition to showing off, people have another shortcoming-always think that their own common sense is also the common sense of others.So Ari saw with her own eyes that after Shen Jizi, she created another wave of silence with a similar effect.

Fortunately, although the queen is not literary, she is also a person who dares to ask others what books they read. She knows He Yan.

It can also be seen that Ari is trying to smooth things over for her.

He teased Ari and said, "The summer heat is still there, maybe it's hot in the hall, reminding you of this person?"

Fu Fen He Lang is also an allusion - He Yan's face was pale, and Cao Pi suspected that she had Fu Fen, so he invited him to eat hot noodle soup in summer.

Her playful tone caused Ari to blush immediately.

Her face was originally round, but this redness was as delicate and tender as an apple.The queen couldn't help liking it a little, and the previous prejudice against her almost dissipated immediately.

She originally invited these girls to enjoy the chrysanthemums, so she didn't waste time in the hall, and said with a smile: "Since it's hot in the room, it's not good to bore the delicate guests. The banquet is set on the Taiye Water Pavilion. Let's walk over and drop by. Admire the newly blooming chrysanthemums."

The emperor was discussing with Xie Huan about Yanzhou's conscription, while Sima Yu was listening.

Someone from outside came to report the matter, Fu Er whispered something to the emperor, the emperor nodded and said to Sima Yu, "I have something to discuss with the Taifu alone, you should step down first."

Sima Yu: ...Why do you have to discuss it without telling him?

He retreated very depressed.

When he was about to reach the door, the emperor stopped him again, looked at him for a moment, and said: "If you have nothing to do, go and see the queen mother for me."

(End of this chapter)

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