Chapter 102
Jiang Jiuyue rolled her eyes. If the facts were not established, who would believe such a mother?
"If you don't want to go, then I'll go." Jiang Jiuyue muttered, and decided to take a bath and change clothes to attend the banquet. After all, after a month of hard work, she really needs to rest and relax. At least meet someone she likes. .

Thinking of Fu Xingbo's childishness and Fu Lingbo's coquettishness, Jiang Jiuyue felt a little better.

Jiang Linglong frowned, a little puzzled, as if asking her, and as if talking to herself, "There are rumors outside, which one are you looking at?"

"I really want to know, what are you thinking about every day?" Jiang Jiuyue turned her head and looked at her mother like a ghost, "I'm your daughter. Didn't you say that people's words are scary before, and you are afraid of others' words? Now Alright, just ask me this kind of question like Passerby A.”

"One moment and another moment." Jiang Linglong raised her eyebrows, her vivid expression was completely different from when she frowned and said "human words are awesome" when she frowned and was full of melancholy.

Jiang Jiuyue narrowed her eyes, and her heart jumped, "Mother, you don't know Qingquan, do you?" Otherwise, how could there be such a sharp contrast!
At the beginning, they strongly stopped, and even secretly tricked Qingquan to leave. Although their mother's attitude changed a lot when they went back after the accident, she still seemed to subconsciously reject it. After Tiehong appeared, her mother seemed to never mention it again. She and Qingquan walked too close to this matter.

Is it because I saw Tiehong that I knew that Qingquan had a special identity and would leave when he recovered from his illness, and we would never have any contact with her again, or was it because he really didn't mind later on?
She felt that there always seemed to be a veil of mystery about her mother, and many things seemed reasonable, but there seemed to be other mysteries.

Jiang Linglong rolled her eyes at Jiang Jiuyue, "Where did I get to know him? Even when he was a thief, he was still young. How could he possibly guess what he would look like when he grew up? Even if he had seen him, he would not have recognized him long ago."

Jiang Jiuyue pursed her lips, wondering if she was too sensitive because of Jin Rui's prank recently. She was actually very curious about her mother's story, but her mother made it clear that she didn't want to say more.

"Then I'm going to change clothes and take a shower, and then I'll go out, take the red tassels and green willows, and the two nuns will stay at home with you."

"Go." Jiang Linglong kept watching her daughter's figure disappear down the garden path, the vividness on her face disappeared, and it became quiet and elegant, and she continued to pick up the embroidery work by the bed.

Back at the Shan Huan Pavilion where she lived, Hongying had already prepared the tub and clothes, while Luliu was standing aside obediently and chirping, but Hongying just glanced over occasionally without answering, and Luliu was still I was so excited, like a child who was about to present a treasure to someone.

The name Shanhu Pavilion was obtained with the help of her mother. She said that Jiang Jiuyue likes coral-colored things, clothes, and jewelry. She always chooses coral color first, so it is called Shanhu Pavilion.Jiang Jiuyue didn't realize this, she just subconsciously picked it up and wore it, but she didn't think that this kind of subconsciousness was called liking.

Lying comfortably in the bathtub, Jiang Jiuyue closed her eyes and rested.

At the screen, there was only Lu Liu's chirping, and Hong Ying's low reprimands from time to time.

Jiang Jiuyue thought about her original purpose in coming to Taiyang - to find medical books.

Two months was long enough, but since she came to Taiyang, she has been busy with other things, but put this most important thing on hold.

She always thought that Yao'er was the breakthrough point, but she didn't expect that since Fu Suibo took her to ride a horse that day, Yao'er seemed to become polite and distant, which made her very depressed.

Is it...

Yao'er likes Fu Suibo, and she misunderstood the relationship between herself and Fu Suibo, so she became polite and alienated?
She was a little helpless, and her mother never asked again, as if she had completely forgotten about it.

However, if she wanted to exchange Fu Xingbo's health for medical books, she couldn't do it.

Jiang Jiuyue nodded her forehead with some headache and sighed softly.

The two maids waiting outside the screen heard it, and immediately stepped forward together: "Miss, are you feeling well?"

Jiang Jiuyue shook her head lightly, "It's nothing, I just thought of something and felt a little troublesome."

Lu Liu smiled and said: "Miss, what trouble have you encountered? Do you choose Mr. Fu or Mr. Jin? There is no trouble. Whoever treats you well, you just——!"

Hongying bumped towards her with an elbow, Luliu wrinkled her nose, gave her cousin a sneaky look, but said nothing.

"Miss, don't worry, she is such a master who loves to talk nonsense."

Jiang Jiuyue shook her head dumbfounded, and once again understood the horror of the rumors, she actually made a good girl stare in a daze.

"You guys go out, I'll go when I'm dressed." Indifferently, Jiang Jiuyue confessed, and the two girls responded and went out.

Now, the matter of medical books can only be shelved for a while... The most important thing is to make Xuehan Mountain a hundred miles around become full of vitality.

Wipe off the water droplets on his body, pull the clothes hanging on the screen and put them on one by one.

Looking for a dry cloth to wipe her dripping hair, Jiang Jiuyue turned out of the screen.Hongying stepped forward, took the dry cloth from Jiang Jiuyue's hand, sat down at the dressing table, and picked up a rosewood comb to comb Jiang Jiuyue's hair.The long, jet-black hair slipped from Hongying's hands with a glossy black color, and hung down Jiang Jiuyue's back, almost reaching the carpet.

"Miss's hair is so long."

Luliu murmured enviously, and hurried over to help her cousin. Now that there is no hair dryer, if you want to dry your hair quickly, you can only comb it more.

Jiang Jiuyue smiled, but her mind was not on this. She was facing the mirror, but she didn't look at the person in the mirror carefully at all. There was some sadness and thought in her lowered eyes.

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound at the door.

Hongying handed the hair to Luliu, then turned to look, but it was Nanny Lin.

"Master Jin sent someone to say that the carriage is waiting outside to pick up Miss to Xuehan Mountain..." Nanny Lin's voice became very quiet when she finished speaking, and she quickly glanced into the house.

Hongying turned to the dressing table, pursing her lips.

Jiang Jiuyue frowned, and said, "Go back, just say I'll go by myself, and I don't need him to wait."

The faint disgust in that voice made Nanny Lin silent for a moment, but she still insisted on saying: "Young Master Jin said..."

"What?" Jiang Jiuyue frowned even tighter.

After a long pause, Nanny Lin finally said, "Young Master Jin said that although Xuehan Mountain is not far from Taiyang, it is inaccessible, and no one has ever gone there even if it hired a carriage and paid a high price. It's hard to get there..." But she was curious about what Miss went to Xuehan Mountain for?It's no better than Taiyang, where it's hot during the day but extremely cold at night.

(End of this chapter)

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