Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 103 My name is Yun Tingxuan

Chapter 103 My name is Yun Tingxuan (1)
Jiang Jiuyue closed her eyes and was silent for a moment, then waved her hand.

She felt that she felt dizzy a little too many times today, all of which were thanks to Jin Rui.

Nanny Lin left quietly, but, the young lady's waving gesture, is she going or not?

Hongying asked hesitantly: "Miss, are you going to Xuehan Mountain? It doesn't seem very peaceful there."

"Why is it unfair?" Jiang Jiuyue thought that there was a reason why no one would go, she knew that if she asked Fu Suibo, Fu Suibo would find a way to help her, but he had already done a lot, Jiang Jiuyue didn't want to do more trouble him.

"I heard..." Hongying's face was a little pale, she swallowed, as if she was a little scared, looked at Jiang Jiuyue's calm and expectant eyes for a while, then bit her lips and said: "There is nothing on the whole road, it is in the mountain, it seems It is especially easy to get lost, and there is also a kind of weird person who eats people, who does not appear during the day, but will run out at night, bled the lost people, and then disassembled the bones, and dried the meat to hang..." When it came to the end, his face was as white as gold paper, and he seemed to be trapped in memories, and his stomach began to turn sour.

Luliu screamed in fright, and quickly covered her mouth, it was so scary!
Jiang Jiuyue was stunned for a moment, the original anger was gone, and she was a little surprised at this moment: "Who did you listen to?"

Hongying hurriedly woke up from the memories, and the whiteness on her small face faded a lot, "When I came to Taiyang last year, I heard an old man on the boat say that he was too smart to go in at that time. , or be divided and eaten by those strange people like his companions..."

Jiang Jiuyue thought to herself, how could he know what was going on inside if he didn't go in?The degree of exaggeration of the rumors is really speechless.

But Hongying said solemnly: "Miss, do you not believe it? I feel that this must be true, otherwise why no one goes there? Even Young Master Jin never went to the mountain after buying it, for sure It's because of this..."

Jiang Jiuyue thought about that guy Jin Rui, maybe she wouldn't be afraid of the weird guy that the rumors said?She smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll be fine if I don't go into the mountain." After Jing Hongying said that, she had made up her mind. If there were such rumors, no driver would be willing to go into the mountain with her. It's okay to go by herself, but she doesn't know how to drive a carriage, and she can't learn it in a short time. If she doesn't go into the mountains, she doesn't know the conditions in the mountains, so how can she restore her vitality?

Since there was a mountain owner, how could there be such monsters and ghosts on this mountain?If there were ghosts and ghosts, with the shrewdness of Jin Rui and Fu Suibo, it would be absolutely impossible for them to be interested in that mountain.

As a businessman, don't get up early without profit.

"Miss..." Hongying's face turned pale again, "Are you really going?"

Jiang Jiuyue nodded, Lu Liu had already neatly tied her hair in a bun, and the expression on her little face was not much better, "May I not go..."

Jiang Jiuyue touched the top of her hair and said with a smile: "If you are afraid, just stay at home and take care of Madam, I will go by myself."

Hongying's expression turned serious, "No, Miss is a woman, how can I go to Xuehan Mountain with Mr. Jin, I can't guarantee that she won't gossip..." After being embarrassed for a while, she said again: "I... I will go with Miss! "

Luliu immediately looked at her cousin with wide eyes, and seeing that her expression was not a joke, she was a little tangled up and embarrassed for a while, before she said: "Well...Although I am very scared, but, but I also like Miss and Cousin very much, then I also need to go!"

Jiang Jiuyue smiled with some relief, "You should take care of Madam, if Hongying wants to go, then let me go."

Luliu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes turned red, "Then... miss, you have to be careful, and I will take good care of my wife, don't worry, miss, I will also tell short stories to amuse my wife. Let her have a good meal..."

Jiang Jiuyue rubbed her hair, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, until she loosened the playful double-ring bun on the top of her head, before letting go, "Then I will leave it to you, Hongying and I will go to Xuehan Mountain, huh?"

The little girl nodded obediently, and looked at her cousin with tears in her eyes. Hongying stepped forward and pinched her little cheek, and muttered a crybaby, and the little girl burst into tears.

Jiang Jiuyue thought about such an age, but Luliu lived a more reckless and happier life than Hongying. I really hope that everyone around me can live a reckless and happy life.

After simply preparing a change of clothes and taking some small bank notes, Jiang Jiuyue and Hongying planned to travel lightly. When they arrived at the door, they saw two carriages waiting there. The young Kong Wu's servant stepped forward, very Respectfully: "Miss Jiang, please get in the car."

Jiang Jiuyue followed his gaze, pointing to the one behind, presumably Jin Rui was in the front one.Nodding silently, Jiang Jiuyue got into the carriage with Hongying's support, turned her head, and said to Luliu who was standing at the door: "Go, see Mr. Fu and tell him that Jiang Jiuyue was rude today. I will definitely apologize to him when I come back.”

"I know..." the little girl cried, then looked at Jiang Jiuyue with a comforting look, and put down the curtain.

The two carriages drove away.

Jiang Jiuyue frowned. When she lowered the car curtain, she seemed to hear a cold snort, and her excellent memory told her that the snort came from Jin Rui's mouth.

"Miss, Mr. Jin doesn't seem to be happy that you mentioned Mr. Fu..." Hongying thought thoughtfully.

Jiang Jiuyue glanced at her inexplicably, worried about the worries in her words, "What are you worried about? He is not happy that I mention others, and I am not happy to see him." After finishing speaking, she suddenly felt that what she said That's not right, like a couple who are at odds losing their temper, they are about to explain, but feel that there is no need to explain, they are silent for a while, and just say: "I don't want to take care of the two of them, I just do my own thing well. gone."

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Hongying's expression became even more solemn: Miss, is she interested in Mr. Fu, or is she in love with Mr. Jin?However, no matter who she loves...

Jin Rui who was in the carriage in front also heard these two words, his lazy eyes seemed to move slightly, and then the line of his lips curved up a bit.

As the carriage moved forward, Jiang Jiuyue's master and servant took out the cakes they had prepared to fill their stomachs. He couldn't help thinking that Jin Rui was indeed a ghost.It has been three hours since I lost the wine fight in the morning. Jiang Jiuyue only drank a cup of tea in the morning, and before she had time to eat, the pastries in her mouth became extremely delicious. Naturally, another reason was that these delicious Pastries are her favourite.

The color of the carriage was bright, matching Jin Rui's dress style, and the interior decoration was extremely luxurious. Even if it was for them to ride, the tea set and cups were bright and bright, and there was a small gold-painted charcoal stove near the window. It is supported by a special mahogany shelf, and inside the shelf is a small cabinet with charcoal in it.

(End of this chapter)

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