Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 104 My name is Yun Tingxuan

Chapter 104 My name is Yun Tingxuan (2)
Hongying soaked the tea leaves she brought and brought them to Jiang Jiuyue.

Jiang Jiuyue was puzzled for a moment, and then took it. A little girl like Hongying who sold herself as a slave would not be surprised when she saw such a luxurious and extremely ingenious thing, and her character was rare.

"Miss, be careful."


Jiang Jiuyue picked up the teacup and took a sip. The tea tasted sweet and mellow, and relieved some fatigue by the way. She smiled and was about to speak, but suddenly heard the neighing of a horse, and even the carriage stopped for a while. , causing the tea in her hand to spill over her dress.

"What's going on?" Jiang Jiuyue whispered, the tea spilled on the dress was fine, but part of it fell on the back of the hand, which was burning and painful.

"Miss, are you okay?" Hongying hurried forward, wiped the back of Jiang Jiuyue's burned hands with a wet towel, and raised the curtain angrily, "How do you drive—" But she didn't finish her sentence, instead He stared wide-eyed and looked outside.

Jiang Jiuyue was a little puzzled, and leaned out of the car door to have a look.But he saw that the carriage had already reached the gate of the city, but was stopped by the guards. The leader was a muscular man, wearing a black suit with wide sleeves and carrying a big knife, behind him stood dozens of armored soldiers.

"Excuse me, is Miss Jiang Jiuyue in the carriage?" The leader's eyes were cold, and his voice could freeze people to death. Although he didn't wear any clothes to show his identity, there was an air of convincing in his gestures. color.

Jiang Jiuyue secretly thought that the word please seemed a little scary.

The driver in the carriage had already got out of the carriage. Although his tone was respectful, it contained an undisguised reminder: "Masters, my master is Mr. Jin Rui, the second young master of the Jin family..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the leader frowned, and a look of impatience flashed in his black eyes: "Excuse me, is Miss Jiang Jiuyue in the carriage?" His voice became colder.

The coachman froze for a moment, and frowned secretly. He thought these people were the new city guards and didn't know their Jin family's carriage, but as long as they reported their names, who wouldn't give way immediately?Unexpectedly, the group of people in front of them didn't seem to buy the account of the Jin family, and looked at the closed car curtain.

Jin Rui's eyelids in the car lifted slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. After that, the corners of his mouth that had been curved gradually narrowed into a parallel line, and then slowly eased into his usual evil, lazy look. With a lazy voice, he floated out of the carriage: "Why don't you invite Miss Jiang? Asking the military men to wait and delay the matter is a serious crime!"

The coachman hurriedly nodded and bowed, and then went to the carriage behind.

The leader obviously didn't need the coachman's instructions, and he had already charged Jiang Jiuyue's carriage and drove forward, "Are you Miss Jiang Jiuyue?"

Jiang Jiuyue felt that the word girl from his mouth was so polite, she was not used to it, "Well, what's the matter?"

The man narrowed his eyes and clasped his fists together, "The general is ordered to invite Miss Jiang back to Qingquan."

Jiang Jiuyue raised her eyebrows. Apparently, this man was quite polite to her, but he obviously didn't pay much attention to Jin Rui.Just, ask her to go back to Qingquan Mountain?Is there anyone in Qingquan Mountain who can send out such subordinates.

"Order? Whose order."

The man was neither humble nor overbearing, "The girl has gone, so I naturally know."

Hongying seemed to be relieved, she would rather go to Qingquan County than that Xuehan Mountain with weird people eating people. "Miss, let's go to Qingquan County..." Then his eyes fell on those armored soldiers.

Deterrence comes first, and despite every courtesy, it seems compelled to go?

Jiang Jiuyue fell silent, who would it be who could ignore Jin Rui in Yannan?It's just that the man in front of her made it clear that she didn't want to say more, and after a pause, she had no choice but to change the subject.

"Please tell me, the general, please go ahead, what's the matter?"

The man's eyes seemed to move slightly because of the polite "General", but he immediately regained his composure and said, "Cure!"

Jiang Jiuyue said "Oh", "Then let's go." Then she lowered the curtain of the carriage.

In the car in front, Jin Rui's voice sounded again: "Let me lend you the carriage. Go early and come back early. Don't delay my business. I'm still waiting for your promise."

Jiang Jiuyue frowned helplessly, hating that this guy would always say the words "promise by body" on his lips, but the man was slightly surprised, and then he glanced at the resplendent carriage in front of him, with an unfathomable expression , slowly, he gave the order, "Come on, let's drive!" It seemed that it was only natural for Jin Rui to give up the carriage.

Jiang Jiuyue heard the sound of a person landing softly. It was hard to imagine that wearing armor could be so light. Then, the person walked towards the carriage, and the armor collided with a crisp metal sound as he walked, and finally stopped at the side of the carriage. With a sound of "clang", the carriage sank, obviously the man had already got on the shaft.

If a subordinate is like this, then how strong is the general, and who is the master who can command the general?
The man raised his hand and waved: "Go!"

The sound of horseshoes sounded everywhere, guarding the exquisite carriage, leaving the city gate and heading towards Qingquan Mountain.

The people onlookers looked at each other in blank dismay, and after a long silence, the chirping sound started.

Ah, this person is not afraid of Mr. Jin, the master doesn't know who he is.

I think it's the person that Mr. Fu's family called. He said that he invited Miss Jiang to Qingquan Mountain for treatment, but he didn't want Miss Jiang and Mr. Jin to go out together.

What nonsense are you talking about, Mr. Fu is just in business, how could he know such a powerful person?

You may not know this, Mr. Fu's second uncle, but the head of the Supreme Hospital, it is impossible for him to know a few powerful generals!
The man seemed to be stunned for a while.

Ah, I remembered, what you were talking about was the second young master of the Fu family who was famous all over the world for his medical treatment 20 years ago. That's right, he's already at the head of the hospital. It's too easy to find someone to target Mr. Jin.

Then, a higher voice overwhelmed the two of them.

Fart, Mr. Fu is such a nice person, even if there is anything, he is aboveboard, how could he do such a nasty thing, I think you are all full and have nothing to do, you can support it!
In the carriage ahead, Jin Rui didn't give instructions for a long time, and the coachman didn't dare to make any decisions on his own, but he was very embarrassed to see the passing pedestrians being blocked.

Just when he mustered up the courage to ask, a male voice came from inside the car, low and contemptuous: "Go back."

As if he had been pardoned, the coachman jumped onto the shaft and drove away.

In the carriage, Hongying carefully applied the burn on Jiang Jiuyue's hand. Although it was treated in time, a red mark was left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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