Chapter 109
Hongying said yes respectfully, turned and left the house, she didn't look sideways at the simple furnishings and slightly dark yellow walls in the house, nor was she curious about Li Yinhuan in Jiang's courtyard. These things happened when she appeared in Jiang Jiu When Yue was around, he had already been familiar with it by heart.

After the two washed up briefly, Li Yinhuan just brought out breakfast, and the brief surprise passed. Looking at Jiang Jiuyue at this time, she was a little at a loss.

Coral-colored ankle-length dress with good texture, white soft boots, a bright golden belt around the waist, and an orchid purse tied with it. The embroidery is ingenious and exquisite, and the skin is much more tender and fairer than two months ago. Although the hair was casually tied into a bundle hanging on his chest, the graceful temperament exuding from his whole body made Li Yinhuan feel a little like a world away.

"Jiu..." Li Yinhuan himself wanted to call Miss Jiuyue, but hesitated at this moment, and said a little embarrassedly: "Miss Jiang, let's have some breakfast first."

Jiang Jiuyue nodded and called Hongying to come forward for dinner.

Li Yinhuan hurriedly set the tableware on the stone table, wiped the table several times, and then let the two sit down. Jiang Jiuyue didn't pay much attention to Li Yinhuan's state, while Hongying paid too much attention to Jiang Jiuyue. , rarely looked sideways at other people.

After taking a few mouthfuls of porridge, Jiang Jiuyue casually asked what happened on Qingquan Mountain in the past two months, chatting without saying a word.

At the beginning, Li Yinhuan was still a little restrained, he wanted to say something but he didn't dare to say it. After a while, seeing that Jiang Jiuyue's appearance changed into grace, but her heart was still the same as it was two months ago, she was slightly relieved, and said this During the two months, she talked about what happened on Qingquan Mountain. Of course, she only picked out those people who had met Jiang Jiuyue.

"Wen Cheng, the boss of the Yuan family, has made an appointment with Yuan Bao'er, but I see that girl Bao'er's temper has been getting worse and worse. Just a while ago, her third brother came back with a family letter and wanted to go to Yanjing to be an official. After taking Yuan Bao'er away, Mrs. Yuan said that it was inconvenient for Bao'er to travel alone, so she asked Yuan Wencheng to take her there. As for Yuan Wucheng, I heard that he was engaged to Chen Xiaofeng, but he disagreed at the beginning. There was quite a big commotion, and later Aunt Yuan got seriously ill, Yuan Wucheng didn't say any more disagreements, but Chen Xiaofeng was very happy, and recently went up the mountain more and more..."

Jiang Jiuyue hummed, but the hand holding the spoon remained unchanged.

Seeing that she hadn't reacted to what happened to the Yuan family brothers, Li Yinhuan continued talking.

"Others have not changed much. It's just that Mr. Xu said a few days ago that he might leave Qingquan Mountain. He was afraid that no one would take care of the school, so he asked another young scholar to come over. No, it's not a coincidence that you came back. Mr. Xu yesterday He just left, if you came back a day earlier, you might be able to see him off."

Jiang Jiuyue paused, remembering the 2000 taels small bank note in the medical book.

Li Yinhuan thought that Mrs. Xu always came to the small courtyard every day, either to help sort out the medicinal materials, or to discuss medical principles with Jiang Jiuyue. Jiang Jiuyue used to leave in a hurry, but now that he is back, Master Xu just left again. It is a pity. , but did not think about other things.

"Sister Jiuyue, are you here this time and won't you leave? By the way, why haven't you seen Mrs. Jiang?" Unknowingly, the address changed back to the previous address.

Jiang Jiuyue smiled, "Maybe not, there are still some things that need to be dealt with... By the way, I only talked about others, why don't you talk about yourself? I don't think there are fewer herbs in this courtyard than when I was there before. "

Li Yinhuan blushed, a little unnaturally, "I don't have much to do on weekdays. I only have those fields at home, so I come here to take care of some herbs. If some folks have any headaches, I can know If I didn’t know, I would have asked Mr. Xu before. Now that Mr. Xu has left, you have come back. I thought there was a savior, but I didn’t expect you to say that you would stay soon..." said At the end, I was a little bit disappointed.

In fact, this is not the only thing she has gained in this small courtyard of the Jiang family?

Originally, she was an abandoned woman who was dismissed and returned home. She was looked down upon and ridiculed by others. It can be said that she would never be able to stand up straight in front of Qingquan mountain people. But since she was with Jiang Jiuyue, she learned some medical skills. Helping Jiang Jiuyue take care of those mountain people who came to seek medical treatment has already changed the mountain people's attitude towards her.

And after Jiang Jiuyue left, Liu Liang from Qingquan County was imprisoned again. For a while, the business was poor, and the mountain people went to the small courtyard to ask Li Yinhuan to help him see the doctor, although the Fu family immediately sent another shopkeeper to come. Taking charge of the overall situation, the business has also improved, but most people on Qingquan Mountain have gotten used to feeling uncomfortable, so they went directly to Li Yinhuan.

It was like the rain after a long drought, allowing her to see the first ray of light in her already dark life.

She is no longer the shameful woman who was divorced and returned to her natal family because of childlessness. Some people even call her Dr. Li. This is something she never thought of before. her.

Thinking of this, her voice was excited, "Sister Jiuyue, wherever you go, just take me with you, I...I don't want to stay in Qingquan Mountain anymore."

Jiang Jiuyue froze for a moment, "But, your father..."

Li Yinhuan's face turned pale, the original excitement disappeared, and his eyes became desolate. He twitched the corners of his mouth and opened his mouth several times, but he seemed unable to speak. After a long while, he said with difficulty: "My father ……He passed away……"

Jiang Jiuyue was really shocked. When he left two months ago, although Li Datou was not in good spirits, he still looked strong. How could he pass away in such a short time?

Li Yinhuan seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts. For a moment, sarcasm, pain and sadness flashed in his eyes, and finally turned into ashes. Very good, the child will be born in a few months, and I am the only one left. I originally wanted to go to Taiyang to find you, but I have never traveled far since I was a child, and I was a little scared. Now it is good, you just came back It's..."

Jiang Jiuyue felt that the corners of her mouth couldn't help moving. This was the first time she faced life and death directly after she came back to life, and the person who passed away was something she had seen before. The vivid figure was like yesterday, but it was just her leaving Qingquan Mountain died in two months.

Life is so fragile.

And Li Yinhuan was someone she rarely felt compassion for, so let's take her away.

"That's good. We'll go to the mountain to find some karma cloves after we eat, mix some medicinal materials, and send them to the county government office. It will take about a day before we can leave. Get ready."

Li Yinhuan nodded heavily, and a layer of mist rose from his desolate eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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