Chapter 110
Jiang Jiuyue's heart moved slightly, and she laughed, and a hint of warmth rose in her indifferent eyes: "It's okay."

Although it was just two words, Li Yinhuan's tears rolled down his cheeks with a splash, and fell into the porridge, choking and speechless.

After living for 18 years, this is the first time that I really feel that someone puts herself in my heart, even though her words may just be casual.

Hongying sat on the side of the stone table, quietly watching the interaction between Jiang Jiuyue and Li Yinhuan, the young lady was always able to make people talk to her easily, this was something she discovered when she entered Xiangmanyuan; There was almost no need to hesitate to tell her to do things. Sometimes she thought, did Jiang Jiuyue have full confidence in herself and felt that she would not misjudge people, or was it because she didn't care about everything and could do whatever she wanted?

The three of them ate breakfast slowly because they had their own considerations. By the time the bowls and chopsticks were cleaned up, the sky was already bright and the sun was slowly rising.

Because the dew is very heavy, I'm afraid that going up the mountain to collect medicines will make my whole body drenched, so Li Yinhuan went home to pack some things to take away, while Jiang Jiuyue and Hongying began to prepare to treat the crazy prisoners in the prison medicinal materials.

With the experience of helping Qingquan cure a disease last time, this time I almost didn't have to think about it, so I prescribed a prescription, and because there were so many people, the amount of preparation was large, and there was no Yehuo Lilac Qingquan medicine store, so Naturally, more preparations are required.

Having prepared the medicine basket and a small cloth bag, Jiang Jiuyue and Hongying sat on the stool under the eaves of the porch and waited for Li Yinhuan to come back, and the three of them went up the mountain together.

Hongying looked at the calm Jiang Jiuyue thoughtfully, very confused.

Is it really a man who is so indifferent that he ignores the master, or is he pretending to be noble to attract the master's attention?But soon, she suppressed this thought, Jiang Jiuyue seemed to be able to easily attract the attention of others without doing anything.

Time passed slowly, Jiang Jiuyue kept silently flipping through some medical books left behind, Hongying also didn't know what to say, so she had to stay silent with her.

Half an hour later, a person came up the mountain road.From far to near, they slowly approached Jiang's small courtyard.

From the open firewood courtyard door, one could see that the man was tall and thin, dressed in gray clothes, and his expression seemed complicated.

It seems anxious, worried, and embarrassed, but there is firmness in the gaps between these expressions.

The man hesitated for a moment before stepping forward to knock on the door.

Hongying looked at Jiang Jiuyue, but found that she seemed to be fascinated by reading medical books, and she didn't even plan to answer the door, so she had to signal the person to wait a moment with her eyes, but the waiting time passed for a while, and it was no longer a moment But Jiang Jiuyue still didn't look up.

The man seemed to be in a hurry, and couldn't help knocking twice more.

Jiang Jiuyue still didn't respond.

The man raised his eyebrows and knocked twice more.

This time, before Jiang Jiuyue could react, Hongying couldn't bear it anymore.She slowly moved in front of Jiang Jiuyue, and said softly, "Miss..."


"Someone knocking on the door?"

Jiang Jiuyue replied indifferently, "Let him knock."

Hongying glanced at her lady speechlessly, then turned back to look at the man at the door, wondering if that man had offended Jiang Jiuyue, because he was quite capable of causing Jiang Jiuyue to turn a blind eye.

However, the man understood from Jiang Jiuyue's reaction that she deliberately pretended to be invisible to him, but the matter at hand was urgent, so he didn't care if he would be rude.

At that moment, he pushed open the chai gate by himself and entered the courtyard.

Hongying Liu frowned, stood up and stepped forward to block the man's forward movement: "Young master, please stop, my lady is busy and has no time to greet guests."

"I..." The man hesitated for a moment. Although he was wearing rough clothes, he had a gentle look. He must have been educated and could read.

"Please leave, my lord." Hongying's voice was balanced, but the words she said were utterly ruthless.

The man hurriedly said: "Girl, please don't drive me away, I just ask Miss Jiang to help me with something, and I will leave immediately!"

Hongying thought to herself that this man really doesn't know how to wink at people, the lady obviously doesn't want to talk to him, so why does he have something to ask the lady?

"Please don't embarrass me, a servant. If you have something to ask Miss, you should wait until Miss is done. Besides, Miss is reading a book now, and Young Master is making such a loud noise, which has aroused Miss's interest in reading. How can I ask for help?" Attitude?"

The man choked, but he was only quiet for a moment. How could he read a book under such a commotion?I'm afraid Miss Jiang Jiuyue deliberately didn't want to talk to him...

He already knew Miss Jiang Jiuyue, but after only two months of leaving, Jiang Jiuyue seemed to be a different person, dressed gracefully, and had a more calm and calm temper, and even accompanied by a sensible maid, if In the past, he would have admired this girl for being extraordinary, but how could he have time to think about that now?

"Miss Jiang, I beg you, just listen to me!"

Surprisingly, the man's knees softened and he knelt down.

Hongying was taken aback. Since ancient times, a man has gold under his knees. This man is considered to be well-educated in the mountains. He bent his knees so easily to beg Jiang Jiuyue. Could it be that there is something serious about it?This guess made her swallow the words that were about to come to her lips, and looked at Jiang Jiuyue with some hesitation.

Seeing that the servant girl was loose, the man hurriedly said without waiting for Jiang Jiuyue to raise his head, "Miss Jiang, I know you have a heart of a Bodhisattva. Your lord has a lot of people. Please save her..."

Hongying didn't understand, but Jiang Jiuyue's expression didn't change at all.

The man waited anxiously for a while, but Jiang Jiuyue still didn't respond.But he already knew that he would not get any good looks from begging Jiang Jiuyue today, so he was not discouraged, and said sincerely: "Miss Jiang, she didn't have any bad intentions before, and she was a kind and simple girl. But she is always joking with others, the fate she has no choice and the tragic experience have wiped out her simplicity and kindness. No one wants to become like this, making people disgusted and scolded. I didn't feel sorry for Miss Jiang..."

The eloquent pleading made Hongying look sideways. The "she" in the man's mouth must be a woman, right?What kind of relationship can make a man bow his knees in front of a person who ignores him so much for a woman?
The man took a deep breath, seemed to be deliberating, but at the same time seemed to be hesitating, his expression was complicated, he froze for a while, and then he said to himself: "I know, it's because of Yinhuan that you are so indifferent to her affairs... It's true in the first place, We are not yours, you have no position to help anyone, and you are not even obliged to listen to my nonsense, but I am the one who is sorry for Yinhuan, and has nothing to do with her, since you can put one foot into the gate of hell The silver ring of Yinhuan is back, why can't you save her?"

(End of this chapter)

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