Chapter 112
Jiang Jiuyue said that Li Datou was already mad at you. It was a sarcasm that came out of the mouth, but Liu Yu froze all over and couldn't say a word with a pale face.

Jiang Jiuyue's heart skipped a beat, wondering if this is really the case?
But at this moment, the chai gate opened with a squeak, and the three of them turned their heads, only to see Li Yinhuan standing at the chai gate with a pale complexion, with a gray cloth bundle in his hands.

Liu Yu froze at first, but when she suddenly remembered her relationship with Jiang Jiuyue, she was overjoyed again, and hurried forward and said, "Yinhuan, please beg Miss Jiang, let her save Xiaoyan, because our husband and wife For the sake of one match, please help me!"

Li Yinhuan shook off his hand expressionlessly, and stepped forward, "Sister Jiuyue, I've packed it up, let's go up the mountain to collect herbs first."

Liu Yu was on the verge of falling again, the expression on his face was unbearable to look at directly, Hongying thought, how dare he beg Li Yinhuan to intercede for him when it has reached such a point?Li Yinhuan was undoubtedly the most direct and innocent victim of their sadomasochism.

Jiang Jiuyue stood up, took the bundle from Li Yinhuan's hand and handed it to Hongying, "Go and put it in the house." Then she turned around, picked up the prepared basket, and said, "Maybe there are more cloves to use, I prepared a bag .”

Li Yinhuan nodded with a pale face, and took the bag in Jiang Jiuyue's hand. At this time, Hongying had already put away her things and went out, so the three of them passed Liu Yu and walked towards the door.

When they reached the door, Jiang Jiuyue turned around and said calmly, "Master Liu, there is no one to take care of the house, may I ask you to leave?"

Liu Yu seemed to have regained his composure at this moment. He took a quick look at Li Yinhuan, and then turned his gaze to Jiang Jiuyue, "Miss Jiang, you protect Li Yinhuan so much, I...I'll tell you something about Li Yinhuan, please help me." Save Xiaoyan..."

This was the second time Liu Yu mentioned about Li Yinhuan, but Li Yinhuan didn't seem to care about it at all, or maybe she was actually afraid that Liu Yu would say something even more unbearable to her?

"Sister Jiuyue, let's go, we've already lost a lot of time."

Jiang Jiuyue stopped in her tracks, looked at Liu Yu, who was ashen-faced, and said coldly, "You can talk about it, but my decision may still remain the same."

She would like to see if what he can treat as a condition at this time is worth her saving Liu Xiaoyan, who was once disliked, but now is even more annoying.

Liu Yu was overjoyed: "I can only say this to Miss Jiang."

Hongying frowned, "Miss, don't be mean, he'd better be careful."

Jiang Jiuyue nodded, patted Li Yinhuan's hand tightly holding her arm, and took two steps forward.

Liu Yu leaned over and said something.

Jiang Jiuyue suddenly frowned, her expression sharp: "Is this true?"

Seeing that she seemed to be loose, Liu Yu hurriedly said, "Liu Yu dare not deceive Miss Jiang."

Jiang Jiuyue looked at him with an unchanged expression, and didn't speak for a long time, until the other three people in the courtyard were all thinking about him, and Jiang Jiuyue finally said, "If I come back from collecting herbs It's not too late, I'll take a look."

Liu Yu was overjoyed. Knowing that Jiang Jiuyue had let go, she immediately thanked her a thousand times.

Li Yinhuan was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Jiang Jiuyue suddenly changed his mind, but seeing that Liu Yu could do this for Liu Xiaoyan, the sadness in his heart became deeper and deeper, and he laughed at himself. It was sad and hateful to end up like this. She didn't care about Jiang Jiuyue changing her mind because of what she heard.

Liu Yu achieved his goal, nodded to Jiang Jiuyue and left, but when he passed by Li Yinhuan's side, he took another look, guilt and apology appeared in his eyes, in this life, he was most sorry for this woman, I hope Miss Jiang Jiuyue will bring her a different life.

After Liu Yu left, Jiang Jiuyue didn't explain much, just said "go", and walked up the mountain first, making Hongying suffocated and had nowhere to say. She wanted to ask Li Yinhuan, but seeing her desolation Where can I say a word?In the end, he had no choice but to wrinkle his nose speechlessly, and trotted to catch up with Jiang Jiuyue.

The three of them went up the mountain along the mountain road, and met many mountain people they knew on the way. They were very excited when they saw Jiang Jiuyue, some asked about the past two months, or praised her for being beautiful after two months, and some asked Did she never leave after coming here this time?

Jiang Jiuyue just smiled, sorry to tell them that she had to go, and then explained that she had to go up the mountain to collect herbs, and it was inconvenient to say more, so she continued on her way, leaving the mountain people standing there regretting, this Jiang Jiuyue is rare in the mountains My good girl, but it's a pity that she wants to go out.

The three of them picked some other spare medicinal materials along the way. After arriving at the mountainside, Jiang Jiuyue stopped and said, "If you want to pick Yehuo cloves, you have to climb up for a while. Are you able to move?"

Li Yinhuan nodded: "It's okay, there are times when I climb higher than now."

Hongying did not speak, and found two half-dried thick branches from the bushes beside the road, and handed them to the other two, "Take this as a walking stick." She knew that the two women had no hands Looking at the winding mountain road in front of me, it is obvious that the road behind is steeper, and it is more difficult to climb up.

Jiang Jiuyue took it, "Okay, climb up to pick it earlier, leave earlier, by the way, walk carefully." She didn't forget that Yuan Wucheng once rolled down the mountain to help pick the fire lilac, and I hurt my leg.

"En." The other two agreed, and the three of them supported each other and continued to climb up. Hongying walked in the front, taking care of the other two from time to time. Jiang Jiuyue's forehead was dripping with sweat, and she looked at Hongying without changing her face. , the footsteps were steady, and he turned around and stretched out his hand to pull them, with a bold appearance of a skilled person, suddenly regretted why he didn't learn the footprints drawn in that book, maybe walking would be a little easier?

"Miss, please slow down." Hongying reminded from time to time that collecting medicine is a small matter, if something else happens, she can't afford it.

Jiang Jiuyue let out a "hmm", looked up at the protruding rock not far away, and wiped off the sweat from her forehead. Yuan Wucheng once said that after walking up the mountainside for a while, there was a big protruding rock. There is a flat ground behind the stone, and there is a large piece of karma lilac growing there.

Suddenly, Li Yinhuan stepped on a few pieces of gravel and fell to the ground accidentally.

"Be careful!" Hongying said, and quickly reached out to give her a hand.

Li Yinhuan's face was slightly pale, and he settled down: "Thank you."

Jiang Jiuyue thought to herself that she was afraid that she would be restless at this moment, and she had already performed supernaturally by climbing here, "You can wait for us here for a while, Hongying and I will go up."

"I'm fine, I've climbed higher than this before..." Li Yinhuan smiled and rejected her offer, but Jiang Jiuyue shook her head irresistibly: "No, you wait for us here with a basket, we'll wait for you in a while." Just come back."

(End of this chapter)

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