Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 113: One Day Under the Cliff

Chapter 113 A Day Under the Cliff (1)
After finishing speaking, he passed his hand to Hongying: "Let's go."

Li Yinhuan opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Jiang Jiuyue had already taken a few steps forward with Hongying's support, and after a moment of silence, Li Yinhuan took the medicine basket and turned to a slightly flatter tree shade Sitting down everywhere, shaking the branches in his hands, thinking about the things he heard today.

In the dark, a gust of wind blew by, Li Yinhuan suddenly let out a muffled snort, and fell over softly.

With Hongying's help, Jiang Jiuyue arrived at the edge of the boulder in a short while.

The boulder is about three meters high, and it seems to be hanging obliquely among the peaks. Behind the boulder is flat ground, with nearly half an acre of karma lilac growing, and on the side of the boulder is a cliff.

Because it was too steep, few people came up here, and there was no way, but Jiang Jiuyue didn't intend to continue going up, so she directed Hongying to bend down and start picking Karma cloves.

"Miss, are these medicinal materials? Why haven't I seen anything like this before?" Hongying asked suspiciously.

Jiang Jiuyue didn't look back, and said, "You and I don't know much about everything in the world."

Hongying groaned, lowered her head to tidy up the flowers, thinking that the young lady knew a lot, but when she lowered her head, she froze all over, and her originally loose and doubtful eyes instantly filled with guard——

Behind the place where she was squatting, there was originally a two-foot-tall tree, but at this time, there was a figure on the big tree, holding a three-foot long sword in his hand, illuminated by the sun, and projected in front of her the ground.

Then, another figure silently climbed up the big tree...

Hongying lowered her eyes, observing the tree shadow without moving her expression, while moving casually, she walked towards Jiang Jiuyue, "Miss, look at my hand, it was stabbed by a thorn."

Hearing the words, Jiang Jiuyue said, "It's really delicate, come and see me." After that, she took Hongying's hand, and just as she was about to write on Jiang Jiuyue's palm, Jiang Jiuyue moved at a very fast speed. Handed Hongying a small paper package.

Hongying immediately understood that Jiang Jiuyue had discovered that someone was outflanking them in the dark, but now there were only the two of them, and Jiang Jiuyue didn't know martial arts yet, so dealing with these people was almost like hitting a stone with an egg.

The assassin didn't give them any more time, and launched an attack almost at the moment when the two met.

Hongying pulled out the soft whip around her waist, protected Jiang Jiuyue behind her, and said angrily, "Who are you? Why did you attack my lady?"

The rigid voice of the man in black was like a machine, and he spit out a sentence in a stereotyped way: "Go and ask the king of Hades."

All the swords and swords went to greet the two of Hongying. Although Hongying is very skilled in martial arts, his fists are hard to beat with four hands, so how can he be their opponent?After flying four or five assassins with the soft whip, he was flanked and could no longer protect Jiang Jiuyue, exposing her to the empty door.

The thread on the wrist of the leader of the men in black flashed, and rushed towards Jiang Jiuyue's throat.

This is a must kill skill.

Hongying was shocked, and hurriedly pushed Jiang Jiuyue. Jiang Jiuyue also spilled a medicine bag in her hand, and the medicine powder scattered all over the place.

The leader was furious: "It's unreasonable!" Since her debut, she has never let a woman who doesn't know martial arts like this, her original mentality of watching the battle dissipated, and she suddenly flew up and slapped Jiang Jiuyue in the chest.

Her lungs seemed to be about to shatter, and her abdomen was churning. Before Jiang Jiuyue could exclaim, she flew off the cliff like a kite with a broken string.

A black shadow flashed across the white mist, and also fell towards the cliff.

The moment before she lost consciousness, she felt a pair of strong arms around her waist.


The whole body seemed to be run over by a car, stiff and painful. Jiang Jiuyue moved her head lightly, but found that her head was dizzy for a moment, and she didn't dare to move anymore. She stopped her movements and waited for the dizziness past.

While waiting for this moment, Jiang Jiuyue heard the soft sound of water flowing and clanging in her ears. From that sound alone, she could feel that the water flow must be very clear, and her eyelids were a little astringent. , unable to open it, a drop of water fell on the cheek, with a faint grassy smell, it slid from the face to the chin, and then slid along the neck into the clothes.

Raising her hand with difficulty, Jiang Jiuyue pressed her temple and rubbed it gently for a while before opening her eyes.

In front of her was a clear stream, the water was not deep. Although she was sitting, she could still see the stones at the bottom of the stream, and a towering cliff stood on one side. The cliff was smooth, and occasionally there was life in the crevices of the rocks The exuberant green is derived, the green grass under the cliff survives, and there are also colorful small flowers in bloom. Lovely dewdrops hang on the petals, and with the breeze blowing, they roll into the soil.

The pain and dirty clothes all over her body told her that she was still alive, and this was not a dream.

Slightly, Jiang Jiuyue laughed at herself. Sure enough, it is rare to travel through life, and such bloody things as falling off the cliff will always happen. However, it was clearly almost noon when she fell off the cliff, but at this time there was no sunlight , Could it be that she slept for half a day after she fell down, so it was evening?However, the damp and cold air felt on the cheeks was completely different from the slightly warm sky in the evening, more like the coldness of the morning dew.

Jiang Jiuyue thought that maybe she had to sleep longer than she thought.

He raised his arms and moved his legs vigorously, and even though he felt excruciating pain when he moved, Jiang Jiuyue breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't lose any arms or legs because of falling off the cliff, otherwise he would have to trouble.

The mouth is a little dry, and the water is not far away.

Looking left and right, Jiang Jiuyue stood up with the help of the tree trunk she was leaning against behind her, picked up a branch with a triangular fork, used it as a crutch, and limped towards the stream. , let the blood flow all over the body, the original heartache also faded slightly with her footsteps, the tree trunk she was leaning on was about ten meters away from the stream, when she squatted down by the stream , those pains are already very light.

Leaving aside the branches and bending down, Jiang Jiuyue saw her own reflection in the water. Although her hair was a little disheveled and her face was a little pale, her face was not muddy, and the most important thing was that it was not scratched. In such an extremely harsh environment, I feel a little better.

Jiang Jiuyue washed her hands, and then patted some water on her cheeks, which cleared up her still bewildered spirit.

The water is very clear and there are no fish.

Jiang Jiuyue suddenly remembered that line of poetry, and her sister's favorite is this one. Often, after reciting this line, Jiang Jiuyue would snort coldly that no one is invincible...

But now it's all a thing of the past.

Shaking her head and getting rid of those wild thoughts, Jiang Jiuyue filled some water with her hands, moistened her lips first, and then drank a little. Her throat did not have the hoarseness and pain as imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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