Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 114: One Day Under the Cliff

Chapter 114 A Day Under the Cliff (2)
Jiang Jiuyue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized belatedly that when she fell off the cliff, someone seemed to have fallen with her, and she was sitting against a tree just now... and her clean face, And a throat that is not so dry...

The moment she turned her head, she saw not far from the tree trunk she was leaning against, a pile of fires that had been extinguished for a long time.

Could it be that Hongying also fell down?
Jiang Jiuyue frowned slightly, and stood up with the help of a branch. If Hongying also fell, judging by the situation in front of her, she shouldn't be seriously injured, right?Otherwise, how could he have the strength to start a fire.

Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind, making Jiang Jiuyue, who was still in a state of contemplation, froze instantly.

"you're awake?"

The voice was slightly hoarse, and the mediocre tone made it impossible to guess whether he was happy or angry, but the melodious voice carried an inherent deterrent force.

That was not Hongying's voice, but a man's voice.

Jiang Jiuyue froze on the spot, "Why are you?"

Turning around, she looked at the stalwart man in black robes, falling off the cliff did not make him appear in the slightest distress, even the corners of his robes were not stained with mud, his handsome face as delicate as a marble statue, because of the shadows cast by the backlight , together with the deep and dark eyes in his eyes, people can't see his expression clearly.

Yun Tingxuan held a bunch of twigs with wild fruits in his hand, and stood a few steps away, his sharp eyes fixed on Jiang Jiuyue's whole body. Sitting cross-legged on the dry grass beside the pile, Xiuya's clean fingers methodically picked off the unknown green fruits on the branches one by one.

The movements were calm and elegant, not like sitting on the ground in the mountains picking wild fruits, but more like a nobleman preparing to enjoy delicious food at a banquet.

Jiang Jiuyue froze for a moment, but soon recovered.

"You saved me." She said affirmatively.

Visually, from where I stand to the cliff as far as I can see, even if it is not ten feet high, it is definitely as high as a modern [-]-story high-rise building. It would be a miracle if I fell from this height and survived.

Yun Tingxuan didn't answer, he put the picked fruit on a big leaf, then got up, walked to the stream, washed a few in the stream water, went back to the haystack and sat down quietly. eat.


Jiang Jiuyue snorted, walked up with a limp, and picked up some other fruits to wash by the stream. Now, she was very hungry.

Just when she bent over, she suddenly remembered that when this person was still in Qingquan, she had to do the corresponding work for every bowl of rice. At this moment, she wondered if this person was using his own way to treat others. ?

However, when she glanced back distractedly, she felt that she was clearly being sentimental.

After Yun Tingxuan ate a fruit, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and stopped talking. With this attitude, he didn't care about her at all.

The emperor eats big.

Thinking about it, Jiang Jiuyue turned her face without expression, washed the fruit in her hands seriously, and then went back to sit under the tree.

The morning light gradually shot over from the towering cliffs, and the surrounding air became a little warmer. Jiang Jiuyue took a bite of the green fruit, and the extremely weird juice filled her mouth with the bite marks of her teeth. In an instant, her pretty face was distorted and deformed. This... How can this be eaten by humans?

Thinking of Yun Tingxuan's expressionless face just now, Jiang Jiuyue wondered if he had no sense of taste, otherwise he could eat two of such a heinous thing in a row?Frowning, and reluctantly swallowing the bite, Jiang Jiuyue looked at the small fruit in embarrassment, and never had the courage to take a second bite.

With her lips pursed, Jiang Jiuyue glanced at Yun Tingxuan, who was expressionless, closed her eyes and adjusted her breath, and her thoughts turned to the question that she had faintly worried countless times after waking up.

She has no experience of living in the wild, and she has only read many things in books, so after waking up, she was a little worried whether she would be able to get out of this dense forest alive, but she was relieved later, because she thought she fell It was Hongying, and Hongying was born in a difficult situation, so she must have a way to deal with these things, but she never expected that it would be this man who shared the troubles with her.

Right now, there are only the two of them here. Although they don't want to, they seem to have to rely on each other?But Yun Tingxuan looked unwilling to say more...

This really echoes the saying, relying on the sky and the earth is worse than relying on yourself.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Jiuyue thought to forget it. Since he could find such fruit, there must be something else in the mountains that can satisfy his hunger. He must eat his stomach first before thinking about other things.

Standing up with a stick on a branch, Jiang Jiuyue walked upstream along the creek. The boots under her feet stepped on the green grass by the stream, and she felt a little damp. She didn't feel it when there was no sunshine. Now that the warm sun is shining on the upper, the dampness inside the shoe is even more obvious. It must have gotten water when it fell off yesterday.

At this moment, Yun Tingxuan, who had been silent behind him, said, "There is nothing else to eat around here."

He pointed it out sharply, making Jiang Jiuyue stop on the spot, especially the affirmative tone and the way he ignored it just now, which made her very upset, and asked a little dissatisfied: "How do you know there is no food to eat?" Stuff? I think you're lazy, and you didn't go far, so you can only pick these unripe fruits? Or maybe you, the old man, don't know which ones can be eaten and which ones can't."

Jiang Jiuyue said a lot, and her pretty face was more dazzling than the rising sun because of anger and annoyance.

Yun Tingxuan opened his eyes slightly in surprise, and glanced at her with deep eyes. After a while, the corners of his beautifully lined lips were slightly raised, which was not obvious, but he said seriously: "I'm not lazy."

This answer is really strange, Jiang Jiuyue choked, and was about to retort that if he is not lazy, why can't he find something else to eat, but he keenly noticed the slight difference in the corner of his mouth, and it was only for a moment, and he returned to normal , and the expression in those eyes was actually different from the calm and coldness just now.

A warmth, a smile, very light very light.

For some reason, Jiang Jiuyue's face suddenly turned red, and she was speechless for a second, and when she regained her senses, she scolded herself for being nervous, didn't she just have the expression of wanting to laugh or die, why was she blushing?

However, her slander wasn't over yet, but her stomach rumbled uncontrollably, which suddenly deepened the blush on her cheeks that was about to fade. She covered her face with her hands, lowered her head, and gritted her teeth in embarrassment.

Yun Tingxuan looked at her with comprehension, and seemed to be in a good mood, "So you left in such a hurry because you wanted to go conveniently..."

Jiang Jiuyue glared at him quickly. She didn't intend to explain that she was actually hungry, but she suddenly realized that this man didn't think that his voice just now was... a voice to expel exhaust gas from his body, right?

(End of this chapter)

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