Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 120 Meeting the Mang at the Bottom of the Cliff

Chapter 120 Meeting the Mang at the Bottom of the Cliff (3)
Fortunately, the miasma during the day was not as severe as at night. With the help of Yan Ling, Yun Tingxuan recovered a little, so he was able to take Jiang Jiuyue to the castle in the sky for a night before the sun set.

Just now, Jiang Jiuyue ate Yan Ling and learned internal strength, and because she didn't know how to rush around, she accidentally broke through the blockage formed by the stagnation of miasma, and her cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds. The kick happened to land on Yun Tingxuan's heart, and the internal injury that had been suppressed suddenly turned back, and it became what it is now.

Slowly, Yun Tingxuan raised a hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and after a while of breath adjustment, he has recovered a little.

Jiang Jiuyue looked left and right in embarrassment, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Hold out your hand, let me take a look for you."

The girl's rare expression made Yun Ting look sideways. In his impression, she had never seen such an expression before. It was like a spring flower in February, sweet, delicate and full of vitality.

Seeming to be scorched by her gaze, Jiang Jiuyue glared at her, and raised her jaw slightly: "I am a doctor, if there is anything to see, reach out!"

Yun Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, and stretched out his arms as she wished.

Jiang Jiuyue secretly thought that it would be troublesome if she changed back to herself, she stretched out her hand to feel his pulse, and after a while, she withdrew her hand lightly and said, "It's okay, but if we don't leave here, something will happen."


Yun Ting responded without saying a word, got up and tore the piece of fabric from Jiang Jiuyue's skirt into several strips from the middle, and then joined them end to end.

"What is this for?" Jiang Jiuyue asked only when she suddenly remembered that Yun Tingxuan was a deep and tight man with a mouth like a clam shell, but he did not expect him to explain and answer.

Yun Ting exclaimed: "I'll try the boa constrictor in the swamp, what's going on." Then, before Jiang Jiuyue was surprised, he suddenly focused his strength and swept towards the boa constrictor's body.

Then, something strange happened.

The ribbon ran into the swamp, but it didn't catch the boa constrictor. Instead, it passed through the boa constrictor's body and fell lightly. damage.

"Fake!" Jiang Jiuyue said in surprise.

"En." Yun Ting responded, took back the tied ribbon, and put it in his arms, "It's an illusion, a simple psychedelic array."

But, who would set up an array in such a place?
Jiang Jiuyue noticed the movement of him putting it into her arms, and suddenly her expression became a little unnatural, " should throw that away."

Yun Tingxuan didn't understand, so: "What?"

"It's the cloth on my skirt—"

Yun Ting let out a sigh, and said as a matter of course: "Right now the miasma is pervasive, and we can't go up for a day and a half. At the bottom of the cliff, everything may be a life-saving treasure in the future, so this thing is still put away. it is good."

After all, without waiting for Jiang Jiuyue to react, he lowered his head again and began to study the so-called psychedelic array.

Jiang Jiuyue's eyes widened. If you think this thing is useful, you can give it to me. Why put it in your arms?It's as if they are very familiar... Just looking at his thick eyebrows slightly wrinkled, and his expression concentrated, she didn't want to talk to disturb him.

After a while, Yun Tingxuan turned around and walked down.

Jiang Jiuyue hurriedly followed, "Are we going downstream?"

"No, let's look up along the water source." Jiang Jiuyue was a little puzzled, and said again: "The miasma is pervasive here, but the water is very clear and has no toxins. There must be something abnormal, so we can only go close to it." Look at the water source to see if there is anything edible."

It turned out to be the case.

Jiang Jiuyue secretly thought about what this man didn't know?And since she was with her, even if it was only two days, she felt that she had become stupid, and she didn't need to think about many things, because there would always be someone to help solve the confusion at critical moments.

After taking two steps, Yun Tingxuan and Jiang Jiuyue went directly into the water.

According to Yun Tingxuan's words, if you want to explore the source of water without going through the swamp, the best way is to go upstream directly from the stream, but you are afraid that there are other things in the water, so you can't take off your shoes. Had to wear shoes into the water.

Although the stream is shallow, the current is fast. Jiang Jiuyue's footsteps were unsteady, and she almost fell down after walking a few steps. She regretted thinking, let him do this kind of wayfinding, why should she follow her? .Just thinking about it, suddenly his feet slipped and he fell backwards.

Yun Tingxuan seemed to have his eyes widened behind him, and quickly reached out to support her shoulders, only then eased the force of the fall and stood firm.

Jiang Jiuyue breathed a sigh of relief, and took a step to the side to stand up.

Yun Tingxuan stretched out a hand, and said calmly, "Give me your hand."

"No need, you walk ahead, I'll just follow you, or I'll go to the shore and wait, you can find me after you find a way." Jiang Jiuyue shook her head.

Yun Tingxuan's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't even move his eyebrows. His outstretched hand persisted and stopped on the spot: "You follow me? Can you follow me steadily? If you delay the time and get caught in the miasma, you will die at that time." I know, besides... if you stand on the shore and wait for me to find a way out, you can guarantee that I won't leave by myself and come back to find you?"

Jiang Jiuyue froze, this man, can't he explain the situation so practically, so that people have no choice?
"Give me your hand." Yun Tingxuan said again.

Jiang Jiuyue rolled her eyes helplessly, and stretched her white hand into his open palm, feeling a chill in an instant, and subconsciously shrank her hand, but Yun Tingxuan stopped talking and held it Her hand walked upstream step by step.

Jiang Jiuyue looked at the tall and majestic back in front of her. The overlong robes were not braided for going into the water. Instead, they were held in the water. Every time they stepped forward, the brilliant brilliance shook off, and the sun shone lightly. His back seemed to be coated with a light golden halo.

The back is like Mount Tai, and the wings are like clouds hanging from the sky.Absolutely cloudless, negative blue sky.

Suddenly remembering these few words, she felt in a trance that even if the sky fell at this moment, he would still be able to support it.

Yun Tingxuan walked steadily ahead, not ignoring the excessively hot gaze on his back, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he held Jiang Jiuyue's hand slightly tighter.

Stepping up from the stream, the two walked straight for two hours. It was already noon, but the source had not yet been seen. The stream was still as clear as the one downstream, and there were still no fish in the water. Both of them were a little hungry. and sat down by the stream.

Jiang Jiuyue thought to herself, luckily she was prepared when she left that castle in the air, so she pulled the small bag on her back to the front, untied the knot, and found that there were pine nuts in the small bag.

(End of this chapter)

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