Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 121 Meeting the Mang at the Bottom of the Cliff

Chapter 121 Meeting the Mang at the Bottom of the Cliff (4)
"Here you are." He took two and handed them to Yun Tingxuan. Jiang Jiuyue also took two, and then tied up the small bag again. Now that food is tight, food and clothing are tight in order to live longer .

Yun Tingxuan took the pine nuts and ate gracefully, but his eyes kept on the upstream of the stream.

Jiang Jiuyue thought for a while and asked, "Is there something wrong with this creek, so we can't find the source no matter how hard we look?"

Yun Tingxuan shook his head: "No, the touch on our feet is real. We have been walking in the water." Hearing this, Jiang Jiuyue suddenly understood another reason for walking in the stream. Confused by illusion?
She had only seen this kind of lost array before in books or TV movies. If they couldn't find the array, it would be almost impossible for them to get out, and she didn't know anything about Qimen Dunjia , hope can only be pinned on Yun Tingxuan.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking at Yun Tingxuan, and her handsome profile came into view, with extraordinary fortitude and uprightness, she thought, they will definitely go out, there is no reason, she can trust him.

The two rested for a while, and then continued to walk forward. After walking for two hours, Yun Tingxuan suddenly stopped, and Jiang Jiuyue also stopped helplessly, "What's wrong?" I can't say a second sentence about what I saw.

On the stone wall not far away, a huge pine tree protruded from the crack of the stone, and the surrounding branches and leaves were densely derived into a castle in the air. After walking for several hours, it actually returned to the original place, and walked through the water. , can the water flow countercurrently?

"There's something wrong with this stream."

Yunting said, looking at the soaked boots with sharp eyes, took Jiang Jiuyue's hand, and walked ashore, "Don't wander around today, it's exhausting your energy, take a good rest at night, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Jiang Jiuyue nodded, suddenly remembered the place with dense forest pythons, looked up at Yun Tingxuan, Jiang Jiuyue said: "Why don't we go to the boa constrictor swamp tomorrow, if it's fake, I don't know who What will happen if you step on it?"

Yun Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "Aren't you afraid that there is another abyss below, and you will return to the underworld with one foot?"

Jiang Jiuyue opened her mouth and said unconvinced: "So what if there is flat ground below?"

"You can try it." Yun Tingxuan uttered a sentence, steamed the boots on his feet with internal force, and then walked towards the castle in the air.

Jiang Jiuyue froze for a moment, try?If the bottom is really a snake cave, wouldn't it be courting death?What if there is a beast down there?Or really a swamp?After thinking about it, the possibility of being flat is the smallest at all, she is a fool to try.

"How long are you going to be in a daze?" Yun Tingxuan's voice came from not far away, shattering Jiang Jiuyue's thinking. It's not a big deal to stay at the bottom of the valley at night and be eroded by the miasma.

"Are we going up now?" Jiang Jiuyue asked.

Yun Tingxuan nodded, the black robe flashed, and he had already grasped Jiang Jiuyue's waist. Jiang Jiuyue quickly hugged his neck to prevent herself from falling, just like last night, she tapped her toes twice, Stepping on the protruding stones from the cliff, Yun Tingxuan landed steadily among the pine trees, and then let her go.

When Jiang Jiuyue stepped on the branches, she suddenly regretted it.

Because there is still a large amount of blood on her coat, although she is not a clean freak, she has always loved cleanliness, and running for a whole day in such clothes is already the limit.It's just that looking at Yun Tingxuan now, he has already closed his eyes and settled down, so he probably won't send her down again to let her wash off the dirt on his coat, right?
Frowning with a headache, Jiang Jiuyue looked down at her soaked boots, and suddenly wailed, "It's too bad!"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Jiuyue sat on the branch, took off her coat, put it aside, and then bent down to take off her shoes.

The white soft boots were already muddy from stepping on the stream, and she didn't have Yun Tingxuan's ability to dry the shoes and socks with internal force, so it was very uncomfortable to wear them on her feet at this time.She took off her boots and socks, turned on the water, tore some cloth from her coat, barely wiped off the dirt, and then she frowned and put the shoes on a higher branch, hoping that under the evening wind, they would The shoes and socks will be dry tomorrow.

After tidying up her shoes and socks and putting away her coat, Jiang Jiuyue was bored, so she turned out the book she read yesterday, and studied the meridian diagrams in the book, and learned the method of directing qi and returning to its origin.

She looked at it seriously, and didn't notice when Yun Tingxuan opened his eyes, looking at her pair of small and exquisite jade feet thoughtfully, with a confused and complicated expression.

He didn't think that Jiang Jiuyue was like this in front of him because she was born slutty. It's just that she, who doesn't pay attention to her image in front of men, was also so careless when Fu Suibo helped her, or when Jin Rui took her to ride a horse. Inappropriate?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. If she hadn't fallen off the cliff this time, would she really have prepared the medicinal materials for treatment, and then left just like he left?
In the early morning, Jiang Jiuyue woke up as soon as the sky turned white.

The reason for waking up is the same as yesterday.

Looking at the little white thing curled up at her feet speechlessly, Jiang Jiuyue rubbed her astringent eyes, thinking to herself that this guy would really disturb people's dreams.

After reading that book last night, I couldn’t help but learn from the book’s thread and lose my temper. Little Zhou Tian, ​​when I came back to my senses, it was already midnight, and according to her feeling, she definitely slept for no more than four hours, didn’t she mean Those who practice martial arts feel refreshed without sleep for days and nights?Why is she so tired after missing a few minutes of sleep.

The little white squirrel didn't know that he had made a mistake, so he comfortably rubbed Jiang Jiuyue's white and tender soles of his feet. Jiang Jiuyue felt a numb itching around him, and almost laughed out loud. His white silk socks and the white soft boots beside him have all dried.

After taking the shoes and socks and dressing neatly, the little squirrel rolled its round body forward twice, nestled at Jiang Jiuyue's feet, rubbed its head against her ankle, blinked its brown eyes twice, and begged silently .

Jiang Jiuyue rolled her eyes, angrily took off the small bag she was hanging on a branch beside her, took out a pine nut from it and put it in the little guy's paw, the little squirrel shrank back to her with its fat butt went to the feet.

Jiang Jiuyue smiled lightly, and then turned her head to look at the seat where Yun Tingxuan was sitting, and her eyes widened immediately after taking a look.

no one.

The place where he sat cross-legged was nothing but thick pine needles.

Jiang Jiuyue frowned. It's still early, and it shouldn't be this time to find the way. Besides... I glanced at the bottom of the valley surrounded by purple air through the gaps in the pine needles. In the absence of the sun, the miasma at the bottom of the valley is especially severe. Yun Tingxuan shouldn't be going down at this time, right?

(End of this chapter)

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