Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 122 Meeting the Mang at the Bottom of the Cliff

Chapter 122 Meeting the Mang at the Bottom of the Cliff (5)
Where did he go?
If he couldn't come back for a while, wouldn't he have to wait in the middle of the sky?Thinking of this, I suddenly feel a little annoyed why I didn't learn Qinggong first, at least I won't be trapped here.

After eating the pine nuts, the little squirrel came up to Jiang Jiuyue with round eyes, wagging its buttocks, and looked at her without blinking its brown eyes.

Jiang Jiuyue turned her head away. For some reason, she seemed to understand what was expressed in the little squirrel's eyes.

But, unfortunately, the number of pine nuts is not much, and one of them every day is already a lot.The most important thing is that the pine nuts given to it were deducted from Jiang Jiuyue's own meal.

Seeing that he didn't get what he wanted, the little squirrel was not discouraged. He stuttered twice, tilted his head and leaned against Jiang Jiuyue's feet, rubbed his furry tail against her ankle, and closed his mouth tenderly. She closed her eyes and fell asleep on her ankle.

Jiang Jiuyue couldn't laugh or cry, why did she provoke this little thing?It's just that it wants to sleep now, but he can't sleep, so he bent over, carefully picked up the little squirrel, and put it on the other side where the pine needles are thicker, then sat cross-legged, put his hands on his knees, and closed his eyes .

There is nothing left and right, and you can't get down, so why not practice more.

After sitting for several hours, when she woke up, Yun Tingxuan still hadn't come back, and the little squirrel she had put to sleep was gone.

Looking at the space surrounded by empty tree branches, Jiang Jiuyue's pure eyes showed deep thought.

This little squirrel appeared once yesterday morning, and when they came back at night, it disappeared, and it appeared here again this morning.

Ordinarily, the bottom of the valley is full of miasma, without any sign of life, and the place is too high. It is impossible for such a small thing to crawl here. Elsewhere, just showing up here?Could it be...

This so-called castle-in-the-air pine tree has another mystery!

Jiang Jiuyue's eyes lit up suddenly, a little excited, a little excited, and now she waited for Yun Tingxuan to come back, and told him what she thought of, to see if he had any other ideas!
At this moment, a black dot in the distance came stepping on the stone wall with a rattan in his hand. The ink dot's sight on Jiang Jiuyue became clearer and clearer. Who was it not Yun Tingxuan with his slender figure and chic movements?He was dressed in ink like the wind, with protruding stones pointed at his toes, and holding a long rattan in his right hand, he brushed gently over the cliff until he reached the pine tree in the air. With the rattan in his hand, he touched the ground with his feet, floating like a fairy, and leaped into the middle of the pine trees.

"Where have you been?" Jiang Jiuyue stood up, looked Yun Tingxuan up and down, wondering if he had found a way out.

Yun Tingxuan's deep eyes fell on her shiny cheeks, and he narrowed his eyes slightly. There was some abnormal paleness on Yingyi's face, and then said: "Are you worried about me?"

"..." Jiang Jiuyue was silent for a moment, patted the pine needles on her clothes, and said seriously: "I'm talking to you about business, please don't interrupt."

Then, Chun Che's eyes fixed on Yun Tingxuan's face, and asked: "Have you found a way out? You..."

Who knows, just finished asking, but saw that the man who was standing resolutely suddenly lost his feet and fell straight over.Jiang Jiuyue was startled, and subconsciously reached out her hand to support him, but she forgot that the man was tall and majestic, and was overwhelmed instead.Fortunately, there were thick pine needles under her body, and Jiang Jiuyue, who had made a pad, didn't feel very painful.

"How are you?" Jiang Jiuyue hurriedly asked, turned over and knelt down, this action made Yun Tingxuan's head buried in her arms, and she saw that Yun Tingxuan's lips were separated by an instant The visible speed quickly turned purple, and the fine sweat on the forehead seeped out, "It's okay..."

Such a weak Yun Tingxuan is unimaginable to Jiang Jiuyue. After all, from the very beginning of his appearance, he has been as tall as a god and extremely intelligent. It seems that nothing can be hard to get him, but he never thought that he would be like this for a moment. She leaned her head against her arms weakly, and when she had seen him in the most humble place in the dust, an indescribable feeling suddenly became confused in her heart, feeling uncomfortable and depressed.

However, this emotion did not interfere with her behaviour.

Almost immediately, Jiang Jiuyue turned her wrist and held his pulse door to detect his pulse, only to find that a stream of air was rampaging in his body. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died already. Fortunately, his inner strength is strong, and he has been suppressing that stream of air. , the current outbreak, I am afraid that he just used his lightness kung fu to activate his internal strength, and was backlashed by this air current!
"You have been poisoned by miasma!" Jiang Jiuyue frowned, and took out the needle bag from her bosom.

Since she got this set of gold needles to save Fu Xingbo that day, she has been carrying them with her in case of emergencies. Unexpectedly, it was the first time that she used them on Yun Tingxuan's body.

Yun Tingxuan struggled to raise a hand to hold her wrist, and said in a low voice, "Don't..."

After saying a word, my breath was already a little unsteady, and I calmed down a little, before I said: "Help me sit down..."

Although Jiang Jiuyue listened to his words and helped him sit cross-legged, she was very disapproving in her words, "But the acupoint, your miasma poison can't go away, and after a few hours, the poison will enter the heart and lungs, and the gods will not be able to save it at that time." !" She was only seeking truth from facts, but she became more and more angry at the end of the sentence, and she didn't know what was wrong, and there was a sense of grief and anger in her heart, which was stuck in her chest, making her feel uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to die, then don't die in front of me and dirty my eyes." After saying this sentence as if venting her anger, Jiang Jiuyue turned around.

this man, this man...

Why do you always have to reveal your most vulnerable side in front of her!
Because she turned around, she naturally didn't see Yun Tingxuan's slightly moving lips and the rare smile in her deep eyes, Yun Tingxuan said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Just now I found you Below the collarbone, there is a small scarlet mole, which is very beautiful."

Jiang Jiuyue turned around suddenly, her face turned red and then white, and instantly realized that he must have seen him with his collar loose when he was leaning in her arms just now, but what made her even more incredible was that his life was hanging by a thread. Yixian still has the mind to observe where she has moles!

"Yun Tingxuan, are you going to die or not!"

Unexpectedly, Yun Tingxuan, as if he didn't see the angry expression on her face, wantonly admired the cherry-colored cheeks of Kasuga beauty, and after a long while, said softly: "You look like a desperate person. , in fact, the worst thing you can do is to see other people get injured, get sick, or die in front of you, right... If I don't want to die, and die in front of you like this, you will never forget it in this life..."

"You—" Like a cat whose tail was stepped on by someone, Jiang Jiuyue became furious, and said, "I've never seen someone like you before, and you still have the mind to make fun of me when you're dying!"

(End of this chapter)

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