Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 123 Sleeping Together

Chapter 123 Sleeping Together (1)
"Dead under the peony flower, even being a ghost is romantic..." This time, Yun Tingxuan laughed softly. Although he was sitting, his face was as white as gold paper, his lips were purple, and he raised his chin slightly to look at Jiang. In September, the smile on the corners of his lips was like a polar iceberg snow lotus slowly blooming, and he even seemed to hear the rustling sound of the petals opening. The bewildering and dazzling feeling made Jiang Jiuyue rise There was an illusion that there would be no more flowers after this flower. Of course, she felt that it was a bit superficial to describe it as a flower.

Jiang Jiuyue had never seen such a rascal and slippery Yun Tingxuan before, and he was at a loss for a while, but his heart was tightly wrapped up in the miasma poison in his body, so he had no choice but to ignore him and squat down Lower body, point directly to his big acupoint, intending to do acupuncture by himself.

She was already extremely smart, but after taking Yanling Yungong to lose her qi, her internal strength has grown by a thousand miles. For her, this acupuncture point is just a piece of cake.

Unexpectedly, Yun Tingxuan clasped her hands at a critical moment, and cut her hands behind her back, "Don't prick me with Fu Suibo's needle!"

How did Jiang Jiuyue think that the man who was still weak just now had the strength to restrain her, especially at this time... behind her hands, she seemed to be sending her chest to his arms... However , before her shy buds sprouted, she was stunned by his words.

How did he know that the needle belonged to Fu Suibo?

Because of the thoughts in her mind, her complexion instantly turned livid. She slightly opened her lips and asked slowly, "Are you investigating me?"

The facts were already obvious, but Jiang Jiuyue still asked.

Yun Tingxuan neither answered yes nor said no, looking at her deep eyes without a trace of guilt or embarrassment, as deep as a secluded tan, without waves in an ancient well.

Closing her eyes, Jiang Jiuyue laughed a little self-deprecatingly. He was not Qingquan, who had unhesitating trust in her. He was Yun Tingxuan, a deep and treacherous man with a mysterious identity, that's all.

No problem, let's investigate.

"Can you let me go?" Jiang Jiuyue said after a long time, her pure eyes met Yun Tingxuan's, calmly.

Yun Tingxuan let go, but at the same time snatched away the needle pouch around her waist, and threw it casually, the needle pouch turned into powder the moment it flew out of his hand.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Jiuyue suppressed the urge to yell, she thought, she forgot one thing.

She and this man both ate Yanlings. Since Yun Tingxuan can find a bunch of Yanlings, he can naturally find another Yanling. In this way, he must have everything under control, and the life-saving golden needle is basically dispensable. .

However, thinking about everything after that made Jiang Jiuyue furious.

He can control everything, but he shouldn't extend his hand into her domain. She hates anyone who wants to control her affairs or her people.

Silence spread in front of the two of them.

After a while, Yun Ting's voice was as calm as a breeze: "An angry person, Yi Lao."

Jiang Jiuyue glanced at him calmly, as if the restlessness and anger just now were hallucinations, and said lightly: "Jiang Jiuyue knows, thank you Mr. Yun for letting me know."

It was the first time she called herself Mr. Yun.

Yun Tingxuan frowned slightly, feeling a little bad.But it was only for a moment, and he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, because he knew that if he continued to entangle with those things, his life might really be sent to this deep valley filled with miasma, but he couldn't die, not only Can't die, even leave here in the fastest time.

The current situation is changing rapidly, the longer he leaves, there will only be more and more messes that can't be cleaned up when he returns, which is why he left Qingquan Mountain and came back after two months.

Time passed by, and after the sentence "Thank you, Mr. Yun for letting me know", the two of them fell silent.

Jiang Jiuyue flipped through the book that recorded Qinggong, carefully wrote down the footsteps, and memorized them over and over again.

The lightness kung fu handed down by her mother is called step by step Shenglian, which evolved according to the 64 directions of Tiangang. Being able to practice to the second level is just internal strength.The space enclosed by the pine trees was too small for her to practice walking.

After silently recalling the footwork for the eighth time, Jiang Jiuyue put away the book, wrapped it in cloth, and put it in her arms.

It was getting late at this time, and the sunset glow shone on the stone wall beside the pine tree, turning the yellowed stone wall that had been eroded by wind and sand into a pale gold, revealing a sense of mortal world floating in the world and experiencing vicissitudes.

Jiang Jiuyue took out the pine nuts from the cloth bag, kept one for herself, and divided two more. Turning her gaze, she saw that Yun Tingxuan had opened his eyes at some point, and was looking thoughtfully at the pine trunk coming out of the tree. The place that came out of the crevice of the rock.


The pine nuts fell on Yun Tingxuan's lap, and Jiang Jiuyue lowered her head to peel her own, "There's something wrong with that little squirrel."

Yun Ting hummed, and didn't go to get the two pine nuts on his clothes, but glanced at the one in Jiang Jiuyue's hand, paused, "I'm fine, we can leave later , you don’t need to save food like this.”

Jiang Jiuyue was stunned for a moment, she didn't hear the sentence that you don't need to save food so much, she focused on "we can leave", and said in surprise, "Have you found a way out?"

Yun Tingxuan nodded, but after seeing Jiang Jiuyue's more surprised eyes, he added, "Maybe it's a way out."

Jiang Jiuyue did not dare to doubt the authenticity of his words. Yun Tingxuan gave people the feeling that if he was not sure or could not do it, he would definitely not promise anything easily.

"When are you leaving?"

Yun Tingxuan raised his head, looked at the bottom of the valley filled with purple air, and then at the endless sky, his eyes were dark and deep, "It can be done now!"

Jiang Jiuyue was shocked.

Although it's only been three days at the bottom of the valley, it seems like centuries have passed. No one wants to stay longer in such a place where miasma is confused and there are hallucinations around. Within a month, Xuehan Mountain became full of life, and now it has been five days, and if she doesn't go out, even if she has a way, she will have no time to implement it, when the time comes, she will...

Promise with your body.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jiuyue took a deep breath, and the four words "promise with her body" resurfaced her mood that had been relieved, and then she thought of Yun Tingxuan's badness.

These damned smelly men, why are they all duplicity guys!They all look so harmless, they can drive you to death at critical moments, and they can be swallowed into your stomach without even bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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