Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 125 Sleeping Together

Chapter 125 Sleeping Together (3)
The slightly cold wind made Jiang Jiuyue frowned, and curled up her body. However, when she curled up her legs, she seemed to touch a warm existence. The scorching, hot feeling is just right, making people very comfortable, Jiang Jiuyue turned over unconsciously, she moved closer to that warm place, rubbed forward, rubbed again...

Yun Tingxuan leaned quietly on the tree trunk, closed his eyes and fell asleep, wrapped the big hand that was hanging on his lap, and placed Jiang Jiuyue, who had rolled over, in his chest, slightly sideways, so that She relied on being more comfortable, and after doing all this, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and after a while, he put on a wry smile that seemed vaguely absent.

Habits are really not a good thing.

Let's change to the past, how could he treat a woman like this?Suddenly, his expression changed. Although he seemed to be sleeping with his eyes closed, there was a gleam of brilliance in his lowered eyes, and he swept towards the stone gap protruding from the tree trunk.


A man and a woman are nestled in the castle in the air, the man is stalwart and heroic, and the woman is exquisitely beautiful.On the opposite side of the pine branch they were leaning on, a small white and furry thing wriggled out from the crevice of the rock in the shadow. The small brown eyes glanced around alertly before blinking. Lie out from the crevice of the stone, and then moved a little clumsily to Jiang Jiuyue's feet.

There was a glint in Yun Tingxuan's downcast eyes.

Today's little squirrel is different from the previous ones!
Around its neck, there is an extra exquisitely crafted South Sea Coral Jade chased by a silver chain, in the shape of a carp, which flickers as it moves, and is buried in the neat and soft hair.

It turned out that it really came out of the cracks in the stone.

Seeing that Jiang Jiuyue was sleeping soundly, and Yunting's black boots were beside her, the little pine tree seemed a little unhappy, and didn't rub against Jiang Jiuyue's shoes like before. After turning around twice, he jumped again. It climbed onto the tree trunk, then jumped in through the small gap, and disappeared.

Until half an hour later, Yun Tingxuan did not see it appear again.

Lowering his eyes and thinking for a while, Yun Tingxuan helped Jiang Jiuyue up: "Wake up, we're leaving..."

Jiang Jiuyue woke up in a daze, her eyes were still a little dry, and when she saw the familiar handsome face in front of her, she subconsciously called out, "Qingquan?"

Yun Tingxuan's face froze for a moment, and then returned to normal. His beautiful lips were pursed into a straight line, "Jiang Jiuyue, if you don't wake up, then I will leave by myself." Open the supporting hand.

Jiang Jiuyue fell out of inertia, and suddenly realized that she was in mid-air at this time, wouldn't she fall to the bottom of the valley?After this scare, he suddenly woke up, got up and asked, "Where are we going?"

Yun Tingxuan didn't answer, he stood up, stared at the moon for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his hand towards the cliff when he came back in the morning, as if the palm had a suction force, a rattan came into his hand, and then moved flexibly, Wrap the cane around your waist.

"What is this for?" Jiang Jiuyue looked at it for a while, not understanding what he was doing all this for.

"Come here, hug me." Yun Ting said, not expecting her reaction, but just stepped forward and touched the stone wall lightly.

Jiang Jiuyue frowned, obviously disapproving of this proposal, and she didn't know what Yun Tingxuan was going to do, so it was hard to guarantee that she wouldn't try to scare her with her life like yesterday, and instead warned, "What to do?" Even her voice was cold After going down, he was no longer a little calm in the daytime.

Yun Tingxuan groped the stone wall earnestly, as if mountains of gold and silver were hidden on the stone wall, and then said lightly: "I will smash the stone wall with my palm later, do you want to fall to the bottom of the valley or be crushed?" Stone smashed brains burst?"

Jiang Jiuyue froze.

She was sure again that she and Yun Tingxuan always went out without thinking. He was groping for the stone wall?I'm afraid he wanted to see if there was any mystery behind the stone wall. If the little pine tree really came out of the stone wall and he saw it, then this explanation was considered normal.

If a squirrel can come out of a crevice in a stone, then there should be an empty space behind the crevice, right?Even if you can't tell it from the sound of hitting the surface, you should be able to tell it from the heat of the stone wall.Stones are cool in nature, but squirrels are naturally warm. If the back is open, the stone wall will be slightly warmer than the stone wall next to it.

"How long are you going to be in a daze?"

At the same time as she figured out these joints, Yun Tingxuan had already finished groping the stone wall, and his majestic figure stood in the moonlight, looking extremely handsome.

Jiang Jiuyue took a deep breath, stepped forward and hugged Yun Tingxuan's waist tightly.

Yun Tingxuan didn't expect her to be so knowledgeable about current affairs. She twitched her brows, tapped her toes, jumped out of the castle in the air, bounced a few times, and stopped ten feet away from the original pine tree. The pine tree gave a slap.

There was only a "bang", and the thick pine branch broke with a crack after the force of Yun Tingxuan's palm passed. Voice.

Yun Tingxuan continued his efforts and was about to strike when he suddenly lowered his head hesitantly.

In her arms, Jiang Jiuyue hugged his waist tightly, not daring to raise her head, and bit her lips tightly, as if afraid that she would slip and fall at any time.

Yun Tingxuan pursed his lips, and suddenly said softly: "Don't be afraid, we will go out." After saying that, he took two steps back, concentrating on his palm.

She had never seen such a gentle Yun Tingxuan before. Jiang Jiuyue raised her head in surprise and happened to see his heroic side profile and sharply curved jaw. Her eyes were cold and sharp, and she suddenly felt that there was nothing between heaven and earth. Things can be hard for him.

But just at the moment when she was in a trance, Yun Tingxuan had already hit several palms in a row, and the sound of gravel cracking was heard continuously. Yun Tingxuan had already protected Jiang Jiuyue from stepping back, so as not to be injured by the gravel. .

Jiang Jiuyue suddenly remembered that Yun Tingxuan was away for half a day yesterday, could it be that he was looking for this rattan?I don't know where this rattan is hung on, but I have to say that Yun Tingxuan's thinking is meticulous, and he probably knew the mystery behind the stone wall when he saw the squirrel for the first time, so So unhurried, step by step.

Unbelievable, and a little admiration, uncontrollably derived from the heart, Jiang Jiuyue thought, otherwise it would be really difficult to look sideways at such a man.

After a while, the sound of cracking gravel stopped. Where the thick pine tree trunk protruded, a hole the size of a golden mouth was opened, and a beam of light shone out from the hole.

Yun Tingxuan untied the rattan around his waist, held Jiang Jiuyue's waist with his hands, jumped several times from the raised stones, landed on the edge of the cave, and grabbed the remaining wreckage of the pine branches. Mou observed for a moment, then said, "Let's go in."

(End of this chapter)

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