Nongmen noble girl silly husband

Chapter 126 Xiao Family Store

Chapter 126 Xiao Family Store (1)
There is really a way!

Jiang Jiuyue was pleasantly surprised. With Yun Tingxuan's support, she jumped lightly, and she was already inside the cave. There were squirrels in front and beams of light behind it. Behind this cave, there must be a bright world!
Yun Tingxuan also jumped in afterward. "I'll go ahead."

After Jiang Jiuyue was startled, she dodged around and gave way to him.

The path in the cave is narrow, with a diameter of only about one meter wide. When the two made way, they inevitably touched each other. Jiang Jiuyue blushed slightly, thinking to herself that it was a good thing the cave was dark, otherwise the guy would definitely laugh at her again .

Yun Tingxuan went to the front and held her hand, as it should be.

Jiang Jiuyue glanced at it, trying to break free, and finally calmed down silently, focusing on this road that can't be counted as a road.

I don't know how many unknown dangers there are ahead, and it is obvious that at this time, any temper between men and women who are not close to each other is asking for trouble and a waste of time.

After the two struggled to crawl for a while, the road in front of them seemed to be widened, allowing people to bend forward.

The two looked at each other silently in the darkness, and continued to move forward.

The more Jiang Jiuyue thought about it, the more strange it became. The cave in the rock wall grew from a young age to a large one. It seemed that it should not have been formed by natural erosion, but it looked a bit like it was dug by hand.Because the wall of the stone cave is too smooth, and you can still touch the small marks carved out by tools, why...someone would build such a small cave in this mountain?
Could it be that there are people living outside this cave?

This guess lifted her spirits. Although Qingquan Mountain is so strange under the cliff, this is not the point. Although she is curious, what she cares most about is when she will be able to return to Taiyang. Can't lose.

in this way.

After the two walked for another half an hour, they were able to walk upright without knowing it.

After Jiang Jiuyue learned martial arts, her ears and eyes were sharp, and she actually heard the sound of turbulent water, and the faint chirping of birds and insects. She was overjoyed, and subconsciously held the hand of the person in front of her, saying excitedly : "We're going out soon!"

Yun Tingxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he gave a soft "hmm", as if he had reached the end of the cave.

At the end, the cave is very open, with a diameter of about three meters, but the entrance of the cave is covered by two meters. From the revealed mottled light and shadow, it can be guessed that the things that cover the entrance of the cave are just some branches.

The stone wall can be crushed by Yun Tingxuan's palm, these branches are nothing, but the two of them don't know what is outside the cave, so they exerted a lot of restraint, and the palm went down, and the branches rustled silently , slowly broke into small sections, and then slowly slid down.

In an instant, the eyes opened up.

She was stunned for a moment, threw away Yun Tingxuan's hand, trotted out of the already wide cave, and suddenly stopped a few steps away, letting out an exclamation of joy.


Different from the miasma and confusion on the other side of the cave, there is green mountains and green waters in front of you.

The two of them were at a half-height, looking down, the vibrant scene was vividly seen.

On the side of the green hill, a huge mountain wall stands in front of you, just like the white jade washed naturally, beautiful and beautiful, the water flows from the side of the mountain wall through the junction of the hill and the mountain wall , to the lower valley.

Jiang Jiuyue closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and her expression became more relaxed.

"I don't know where this place is. It's not far from Qingquan Mountain."

After a while, she made such a question.

Yun Tingxuan didn't open his mouth all the time, just stared quietly, observing the surrounding situation without any trace, and suddenly, he frowned intently.

Jiang Jiuyue also frowned, "Did you hear anything?"

It should be not far away, there seems to be a shallow voice of men and women talking, which is not very obvious, and what is said can't be heard clearly.

"En." Yun Tingxuan nodded.

Jiang Jiuyue thought for a while, then walked towards the voice.It's better to come out after a long time and meet someone popular than to stay with this bitter gourd face. Moreover, it's better to ask the way earlier and go back earlier.

Yun Tingxuan saw her intention clearly, the deep color in his eyes changed slightly, and he raised his arm slightly, as if he wanted to stop her movement, but after a moment, he fell silent for a moment, and glanced at the dense eyes with ulterior motives. He glanced at the woods, and followed up with steps.

The two of them had different thoughts, and the further they walked, the louder their voices became. A thin moan came from the direction of the water pool. The voice was graceful and soft, like pain or unbearable. From time to time, there are one or two intimate murmurs mixed in, obviously there is more than one person.

Jiang Jiuyue was stunned for a moment, the thought of wanting to leave took the leading role, she kept walking, and walked forward, but Yun Tingxuan's posture was unrestrained, and Shi Shi came here, completely without the embarrassment and embarrassment of being trapped at the bottom of the valley for three days.

But before taking two steps, Jiang Jiuyue suddenly stopped, dumbfounded!

In fact, she is not standing close, but after practicing martial arts, her eyesight and hearing are sharper than ordinary people. From her position, she can clearly see the water pool not far away, and the two people twisted into twists and turns on the edge of the water pool. The hot entanglement between men and women.


The woman's begging and enjoying voice reached Jiang Jiuyue's ears. She was startled, her face turned hot, and she turned her eyes to other places, thinking whether to wait for them to finish their work before asking questions.

Unexpectedly, when she turned her head, she saw Yun Tingxuan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and immediately understood that this stinky man must have heard the people here a long time ago and estimated that this would be the case, but he didn't stop her. She ran into this kind of living erotic palace!

Yun Tingxuan's expression became more and more comfortable, and his eyebrows seemed to become alive at this moment, no longer the usual deep and cold, and whispered to Jiang Jiuyue who was frozen on the spot: "It seems that we You have found the right place, the chain that the little squirrel wore around its neck last night is now on the woman's ankle."

Jiang Jiuyue suddenly raised her head, but she didn't dare to speak like him, but her angry eyes were enough to express her mood at this moment: Who cares about you adding superfluous explanations to others, besides, you are too shameless a man. You are busy with errands, but you go to observe what is on that naked woman, shameless!
Yun Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on her face, and he continued: "That little squirrel is just three feet behind you..."

When Jiang Jiuyue heard the words, her heart moved, and she wanted to confirm, but the battle between the two behind them seemed to be getting more and more intense, and the entanglement of voices was becoming more and more embarrassing to listen to, so how could she dare to turn her head to look?She wanted to leave, Yun Tingxuan's upright posture showed that he would not give way, I really don't understand why he has such a habit.

But when he looked up at his deep eyes, he felt that in those long and narrow eyes, there was no trace of evil and deepness on his face. Instead, it was rare and clear, so clear that Jiang Jiuyue could see his own shadow in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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