Chapter 139
How long do you like it?
He remembered that after a banquet, a certain daughter once blushed and replied, "I like it... I like it all the time."

How long has it been?

Then the woman whose face he no longer remembers said: "It's's been a lifetime, a lifetime..."

After hearing this, he seemed to have longed for this kind of life for a moment, but, does the father like Concubine Tan?And why let her enter the cold palace three times?Why doesn't Concubine Tan like her father?Isn't it a private relationship with an old lover, a dark knot in the womb?

Brother Huang said that his favorite in his life was Concubine Xiang, but he would always be in harmony with his empress. He knew that harmony was not faked, but the so-called dignified and generous queen, who was worthy of motherhood, was in private...

Thinking of something, his expression suddenly turned cold.

Human nature is, after all, fickle.

At the moment when his thoughts were flying wildly, Tie Hong finally figured out how to persuade his master, and after inhaling and exhaling several times, he said: "Brothers said, if you like it, just hug it to bed, and after sleeping with the woman Ansheng!"

Well, although the master is a man among men, he is still a man after all, and he must be suitable for this kind of law that is common to men!And the master has already slept with Miss Jiang, why are you still struggling with this issue?

Yun Tingxuan turned his head, looked at the excited subordinate, raised his long eyebrows slightly, and asked, "What did you just say?"

Tie Hong only said that he didn't hear clearly, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "If you like it, you can put it on the bed directly, after sleeping with that woman, you will be safe!"

Yun Tingxuan frowned, and two words came out of his heart: beast.

Tie Hong had such a rare opportunity to talk about his thoughts with his master, he was a little excited, and hurriedly added, "The brothers of the Zhao family from the third department of Yuwei, the parents decided to talk about their marriage the year before last, and I heard that the daughter's family did not agree. But after Brother Zhao went home to visit the bridal chamber that night, the woman was submissive..." Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that he forgot to say that Brother Zhao's house had long since been closed, but Yuwei made a great contribution and posted Astronomical rewards.

I wanted to add, but remembering that Yun Tingxuan had a photographic memory and knew everything about everyone in the Yuwei tribe, he continued: "There are also brothers from the Li family who rescued a family member on the way home. Forcing a girl who wanted to sell herself in a brothel, that girl later agreed to marry Brother Li." After saying this example, he suddenly felt his waist straighten up.

This example is a good one.

The master jumped off the cliff to save Miss Jiang Jiuyue. This is even more serious than Brother Li spending money. Why is Miss Jiang still so stubborn?
Yun Tingxuan didn't look at Tie Hong, but the originally raised eyebrows relaxed because of some epiphany.

Zhao Yuwei was because of a sudden windfall, while Li Yuwei was handsome and handsome. When he marched to a remote area and had to deal with the people, he was unusually looked at by women.

Slightly stunned, Yun Tingxuan was a little surprised, surprised that he had a clear view of these love affairs, but was so confused about his own affairs.

Is this a fan of the authorities?

His appearance, money and power are all dragons and phoenixes among people, he knows the past and the present, and the world changes easily with the wave of his sleeves. Big, it seems that he asked the wrong person.

Tie Hong also wanted to give an example, as soon as he saw the deep eyes of his master, he immediately shut up, realizing that he had said too much today.

Yun Tingxuan stood up and walked outside.

The two of them left the post station, unexpectedly, they didn't ride horses or call for guards, but casually went to the street.

Tie Hong hesitated for a moment, and gestured behind him. In the dark, there seemed to be a few figures following the two of them not far or near.

As the deputy commander of Yuwei, Yun Tingxuan has been his personal guard for 20 years. He would not think that his master's attack and fall to Qingquan Mountain was an accident, and he would not think that the assassins who plotted to assassinate Jiang Jiuyue were coincidences. The crisis may only be in the blink of an eye. between.

The two walked aimlessly on the street, there were the ups and downs of hawkers hawking, and the exclamation of surprise from the common people, trying to watch and avoid the two, but the shock in their eyes was very obvious.

They all recognized the man in black in front of him, the man who was greeted by officials at the gate of the city in the morning, and deposed the seemingly honest Lord Qin who was pocketing his own money, bringing a peaceful life to the people of Taiyang.

There were also young girls in Huaichun who looked at him affectionately, but the unique noble temperament around him and the aura of not being close to strangers told them that the man in front of them was not something they could approach at will.

Behind Tie Hong's expressionless guard, Yun Tingxuan, looked at the master who seemed to be thinking about something with his head down. He didn't understand why the master who loved quiet in the past chose such a noisy street today.

At this moment, he saw Yun Tingxuan pause in his steps.

On one side, there is a tea room, where several men are chatting with great interest.

"Is what you said true?"

"It can be fake. Miss Xiaofengxian is auctioning the first night of the auction today. This is something that everyone in Yannan knows."

"That's right, when she smiled, I almost lost my soul. I really want to see this stunner..."

"Hey, just go if you want to see it. Anyway, you don't need money to enter the door, so you can just stand and look at it from a distance? Besides, even if you have money, that tigress in your family can let you get that coquettish little phoenix back. Are you coming home?"

Everyone roared with laughter, and the man who said he wanted to see just now blushed, "You... you guys, don't you like Xiao Fengxian and don't dare to say it, what's the ability to make fun of me, if you have the ability, let Xiao Fengxian Volunteer to promise with your body, don't do anything to the one who pays the highest price!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and said in unison: "Don't you know the three difficulties in Yannan? The first difficulty is to let Mr. Jin's family give up the business, the second is to let Mr. Fu's family spare the seriously ill patients, and the third difficulty is that Xiao Fengxian married a good man !"

The young man was blocked, he said bitterly that he would not talk to you, turned around and left, leaving a group of men pointing and saying things like good for nothing and afraid of his wife.

Tie Hong looked at Yun Tingxuan hesitantly, and asked for instructions: "Master?"

Yun Tingxuan didn't answer, and continued to walk forward, asking instead: "How to get to Fengxian Tower?"

Tie Hong was stunned, until Yun Tingxuan walked a few steps, then hurriedly asked the way and chased after him.

Today, it can be regarded as a grand event in Taiyang, and Fengxian Tower is known to everyone in Taiyang. The two of them arrived at the gate of Fengxian Tower without wasting much time.

It is no surprise that there is a beautiful woman in a green shirt and thin silk, waiting on the doorstep with a fan in her hand, greeting the guests warmly. Huayan.

(End of this chapter)

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