Chapter 140
The appearance of Yun Tingxuan surprised everyone inside and outside the hall.

The turtle slave girls forgot to greet the guests and serve everyone, the movements of their hands stopped in place, and the smiles on their faces were frozen in an instant as if they were taking pictures. The patrons maintained their leaning or casual movements. The moment colleagues were shocked.

He is a luminous body, an indelible existence anytime, anywhere, no matter in front of anyone's eyes.

Yun Tingxuan has long been accustomed to being treated with such sideways glances, so he entered the room without paying much attention, found a corner seat and sat down, Tie Hong glanced coldly for a week, stared back all those disrespectful eyes, and then told someone to look at him a little bit. The best tea on a fairly normal chap.

The stage in the hall is being set up for the evening performance. Behind the stage, the little Phoenix Fairy dressed in flirtatious red raised her eyebrows: "Oh?"

The little girl nodded solemnly: "It's true, Mr. Jin will really come, and Mr. Fu also sent a post, saying that he will definitely come to see the girl's demeanor." The more she said, the more envious the little girl looked Looking forward to, Mama Feng is really powerful, she can attract so many princes from Yannan's aristocratic families by bidding for the first night, and this life is not in vain.

"Is Mr. Fu coming too?" Xiaofengxian raised her eyebrows a little higher. Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure in the crowd, wearing a green shirt and holding a folding fan. smiled.

Yesterday, when I heard that he had returned from a catastrophe, I sent someone to send a letter. I was afraid that he would not come, but now... no wonder even Mr. Fu is coming to cheer, so "he" has really come!
The little girl looked at her mother's smiling face, which became more and more beautiful, and said with a blink of an eye, "Mom, do you want to start on time? Do you want to wait for Mr. Jin for a while?"

According to the scheduled time, after half a stick of incense, it was time to start, but Mr. Jin hadn't arrived yet.

"No need." Xiao Fengxian waved her hand slightly, her eyes passed through the sandman on the stage, and fell on the man in black in the corner, and in the private seat on the second floor, a figure with half of a blue sleeve slightly exposed, lowered her eyes: "Now Just start."

"Now?" The little girl let out a cry of surprise. Seeing that Xiaofengxian had turned around to go on stage, she hurriedly ordered everyone to be prepared. laughter.

"Guest officials who come and go from north to south, please be polite!"

There was a boom in the hall, shouts and cheers were heard non-stop, Xiao Fengxian smiled and returned the salutes one by one, and then continued: "Time flies, I will be almost [-] this year, but old lady, take advantage of today is my birthday , you must choose a good husband and spend the Spring Festival together!"

Upstairs, Jiang Jiuyue, who came here disguised as a man, was taken aback and frowned.

Today is her birthday?I forgot to bring a present!

After beckoning, Hongying, who was also dressed in men's attire, bent down, heard Jiang Jiuyue say a few words, hurriedly responded, looked around, and was about to leave, but suddenly found that she was sitting in the corner of the first floor of the hall. With downcast eyes, someone who seemed to be in deep thought, even the expression on his face was completely stiff.


However, looking back at Jiang Jiuyue upstairs who had been staring at Xiaofengxian on the stage, Hongying secretly cried out, struggling for a long time, not knowing whether to go up and remind the young lady to leave immediately, so as not to bump into her master , or go to tell the master, the young lady is in the private seat on the second floor dressed as a woman!

After struggling for a while, she suddenly remembered Yun Tingxuan's words that day: from now on, you only need to take care of her, and you don't need to report everything to me.

So, it shouldn't be considered disobedience for me to follow the orders of the young lady to do things right now?

Rolling her eyes, Hongying immediately made a decision, and walked out of Fengxian Tower from a corner that no one noticed.

But at this time, after Xiao Fengxian's stunning and unparalleled talent show, the atmosphere in the venue had reached its peak.

"Big brothers, who will bid first?"

What Xiao Fengxian said was straightforward, without the slightest bit of embarrassment and embarrassment that a daughter of a good family should have. The name is great, but it is still a veritable young child, and now it is open to bid, how can it not be exciting!
A big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes laughed loudly: "Come on, don't be fooled, just say the reserve price!" He was hearty and straightforward.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the field immediately echoed loudly.

"Brother is really impatient." Xiao Fengxian smiled coquettishly, covered her face and said, "Since I'm standing here, I naturally don't dare to spoil everyone's interest, so how dare I set my own price? Of course it's up to the elder brothers to say how much is what. The highest bidder wins!"

"Miss Fengxian is serious?"

"If someone offers one or two, and no second person is willing to bid, isn't the girl taking advantage of that man?" Everyone laughed, and naturally knew that this person was joking.

But Xiao Fengxian smiled and said: "If someone pays for one or two and no one will add more, then the slave will go with that elder brother, everyone can rest assured?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other, but no one spoke again.

The field became cold for a while, Yannan's three difficulties, although Xiao Fengxian was ranked last, but it was no easier to handle than the first two difficulties, could it be some new trick?Otherwise, how could she bid and sell herself like a commodity!
Upstairs, Jiang Jiuyue frowned, a little worried about such a cold scene, worried that Xiao Fengxian's heart would be sour, and thought, anyway, she is dressed in men's clothing today, so let's call the price to ease the embarrassment.

Suddenly, Xiao Fengxian laughed, "Oh, you guys are still embarrassed! If that's the case, then I have to put a price on it?"

Everyone just came back to their senses, a few people saw that Xiao Fengxian was really going to make an exception this time, and they were shocked immediately, and someone immediately asked her how much the lower price was.

"Is the price low..." Xiao Fengxian smiled but said nothing, glanced at the similar guests who came to the scene, and said, "Then I will offer you a tael of silver..."

The hall became quiet again, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, doubting whether what she said was true or not, but after thinking about it, how much was the low price, and they were going to shout it up in the end, so they didn't mind. In a moment, 100 taels have been shouted.

Jiang Jiuyue was sitting in the elegant seat on the second floor. Hongying hadn't come yet, so she put her arms on the railing and looked down.

After breaking up with Yun Tingxuan in the afternoon, she received an invitation letter from Xiaofengxian, so she brought Hongying here. She naturally knew that Xiaofengxian's event today was a bit strange, because in her opinion, Xiaofengxian No matter how coquettish and affectionate Xian is, she will not be a woman who abuses her, so what is she doing today?
Thinking of this, the doubts in his eyes became even more serious.

The bidding in the arena was fierce, and at this time, 1000 taels had already been called, and ordinary girls in brothels were only a few dozen taels in their teens, but Xiao Fengxian, who was in her 1000th year, could actually bid as much as [-] taels. She flocks to it!

(End of this chapter)

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