If you log in to the game

Chapter 101 #3 Decisions

Chapter 101 #3 Decisions
"I won!" Although he felt that declaring the victory declaration to Noyes in this way might lead to a miserable death, Tea Tea couldn't help but declared loudly.Winning Noyce is not an easy task. It requires a bit of luck along with mental effort.

Although the pk with Noyce is more wins than losses...

"Little tea sauce doesn't release water at all, do you really think it's okay to bully a weak woman like this~" Noyce said with a sad face, then suddenly changed her expression, acting like a nympho, and said: "Since little tea sauce That's so powerful, can I sleep with my concubine tonight? The body of my slave is yours~"

"..." Noyce must have lost her integrity again!

Although Noyce is a goblin, her body is very dirty, but Tea has no courage, and thinking of Noyce's behavior like a beast in the past two days, Tea thinks that no matter what joke she made, it has something to do with sex. , Noyce will make it true.

"I don't want it!" Tea leaves hurriedly became vigilant, only to find out that her decision to spar with Noyce was a mistake.Thinking of being surrounded by a scary goblin in the real world, Chacha suddenly felt that tonight would be very sad.

"Really, I can't push people down. Little Tea Sauce is just as bad as hell..." Noyce poked her mouth into a prank, and even shed a tear. If someone doesn't know, maybe it's true He thinks that this brat, Tea Tea, has bullied a woman from a good family.

But the matter kept blowing, and the tea leaves were very calm.She simply acted foolishly, pretending to be wronged, and said: "It's obvious that you sluts are dissatisfied with desire. Why is it always me who gets hurt!"

"Who told Xiaochachajiang to say that he is a boy, if it's a cute girl, I'll go for it!"

"You're already on it!" There was something wrong with those words.

"Oh, so that's the case, then Xiaochajiang is mine..." Noyce clapped her hands together and said happily with little stars in her eyes.

"Can I take back that sentence above..."



Unknowingly, the two girls started joking around again.Gu Lanxiu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, looked at them and was speechless for a while, sighing.As for He Muyuan, this guy started talking to himself again after recalling the exchange of tea with Noyce.

"Tea and Noyce's sparring can't tell the true level of tea..." He Muyuan began to explain the battle: "The two used conventional tactics, and there was no bright spot. Noyce's skills tended to be singled out, but she used I’m not familiar with it, and I’m a little hesitant. If you can take the initiative to shorten the distance, reduce the trajectory time and strengthen the aim, it may be more troublesome. If you have good skills, you can use some running movement skills to attack and seize opportunities, so as to effectively improve the attack efficiency.”

"But speaking of it, something like aura is really not a bug..." He Muyuan clenching his chin, staring at the orange-haired petite girl who was raising her head unhappy and arguing with Noyce, and finally seemed unable to come to a conclusion , sighed, and said: "It is estimated that the number of pvp battles in tea leaves is too small, so I can't understand her. I don't know how to evaluate it."

"Based on the current situation... the practicality of tea's skills doesn't seem to be very high. Rather, the flexibility and practicality of those basic skills are a bit scary, so that her high-damage skills are used for output Already." He Muyuan thought for a while, and continued: "As for the fighting strategy, it's a bit radical, but speaking of it, it's not wrong... In short, it's impossible to draw a conclusion..."

"What are you talking about..." Finally, Gu Lanxiu couldn't help but start complaining.

"Professional analysis! Why don't you come and play with me? I'll help you analyze it." He Muyuan replied lightly, and suddenly winked at Gu Lanxiu, saying: "You still have a lot of room for improvement! You have a lot of room for improvement! Thinking, come and form a team with me! When the time comes, we will break into the peak of the 2v2 arena ladder together, and then marry Bai Fumei..."

"Yo, you still like Bai Fumei..." At this point, Gu Lanxiu cut in abruptly.

"Of course..." He Muyuan rolled his eyes.

"Ah, so I misjudged you, but even so, I won't team up with you, so you give up..." Gu Lanxiu said ruthlessly.

"..." He Muyuan shrugged.

At this time, the atmosphere was a bit awkward. He Muyuan looked at the two girls who were fighting, and suddenly thought that Gu Lanxiu was a little strange when he was looking at them, so he asked Gu Lanxiu again: "Hey, why don't you go and drink tea?" A fight? Don't you have a good relationship with them?"

Gu Lanxiu looked at He Muyuan silently again, and then said angrily: "No, I can't beat him."

He Muyuan suddenly felt that the current Gu Lanxiu was a little bored, and he probably couldn't communicate.So he simply gave up communicating, and then yawned.

He Muyuan looked at his watch, it was already past twelve o'clock noon in BJ time, in Canada, it was already three o'clock in the morning.He Muyuan was a little sleepy, but in order to adjust his biological clock, he had to stay up for another ten hours.So he went offline to find some refreshing drinks to drink, and eat something by the way, and when he went online again, Tea Tea and the others also settled the lunch.

Throughout the afternoon, they were in a state of having nothing to do and looking for something to do. The gameplay of ISO is nothing more than this. Players can find things to do everywhere. Although they cannot be upgraded, they can get some equipment and props in various randomly triggered plots.Of course, you can also participate in the now hot faction wars, accumulate contribution points from gangs and factions, and exchange them for special skills and exclusive equipment.

The so-called faction-specific skills and equipment, these are all tea leaves have never touched, so that she suffered a bit when she fought against others on the battlefield of Mesopotamia in the afternoon.

The progress of the game has come to this point, and the previous experience is almost useless.

But no matter what, the clues must continue to be found.Adhering to the principle of finding clues independently, Cha Cha and his team wandered around all afternoon. Although it seemed that Cha Cha was looking for clues about the guy named "Black Bullet", in fact, they encountered many strange plots and players along the way. It makes tea feel that it is not like doing "business" at all.

What to do with the robbery button, what to help strange bear children find strange things, and then destroy them.Of course, you will also bump into people from hostile forces while running, and then either pretend to be invisible to each other peacefully, or fight a war.If you can beat them, use the experience of the internal beta players to crush them, if you can't beat them, run away...

It seemed to be the same for the next period of time. I came up in the morning to finish the daily search, then "find clues" in the afternoon and evening, and when I went to bed at night, I was "fucked" by Noyce's unscrupulous but beautiful, until The tea leaves feel a little numb...

Maybe it's a little bit fun to shake little sister Xu Sheng. The self-study progress of this little thing is really gratifying. In just a few days, he has already started to use his identity to undertake some outsourcing on the Internet to try his hand. Maybe give her After a while, this little guy might really be able to make something famous.

Thinking of this, Tea Tea is still a bit looking forward to.It's a pity that only three days have passed, and Tea, who has not found any clues, is a little impatient.How long will it take to struggle to find the philosophical answer to "Why do you become a girl when you log in to the game?"

Thinking of this, Tea felt that it could not go on.

But how can we find a way to find clues?After thinking about it, Tea suddenly thought: She can go to trouble with that fake Jin Shining!

(End of this chapter)

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