If you log in to the game

Chapter 102 #4 Goodbye Fake Gold

Chapter 102 #4 Goodbye Fake Gold

(The internship is so happy #funny
Tea opened the friend list, and saw the fake Jin Yingying "Gilgamesh" who seemed to be online all the time.She hasn't been in touch with this guy since Qin Chacha became friends with him a few days ago.Chacha still remembered that guy went to find him by himself, but Chacha had kept him away for the past few days, so it would be no problem to find him again at this time?
"I always feel...a bit embarrassed..." The girl sighed.

Speaking of it, when Tea Tea didn't know much about that fake Jin Yingying, he thought he was a joke, but once he got to know him, he felt that that guy couldn't be compared to himself.Anyway, this guy is also the president of a company. Although I don't know which company he is in reality, he is definitely not an ordinary person...

If you offend him, you won't be fleshed out, right?
No, no, no, even if you are fleshed out, maybe you can know clues about yourself.Thinking of this, the tea leaves began to think about the rhythm of "no_zuo_no_die".But no matter what, Cha Cha decided to try his luck with him, this guy is still interested in him...

Don't be the three major illusions in life.Although Tea felt that he would not have such an illusion.

"Hey, boy, are you still there!" Tea made a funny expression, pretending to call him heartlessly.

"..." Then there was no response for a while.

"It seems that these are really the three major illusions in life..." Tealeaves sighed.Speaking of it, maybe people are not interested in their so-called "information" at all.After a long time, it should be forgotten.


Tea looked at Noyce, who was hula hula torturing the enemy, and then felt a guilty conscience.Tea actually didn't tell Noyce that she was planning to find the fake Jin Yingying, because Noyce would definitely refuse and take precautions.Tea leaves feel very sorry for lying to a girl who cares about her so much.

But now maybe there is no need to feel guilty about Noyce, the fake Jin Yingying didn't reply to herself—when the tea leaves comforted herself like this, the fake Jin Yingying did reply.

"Yo! Common people! Finally remembered to look for this king?" The counterfeit Jin Shining replied frivolously, and he continued: "How long has it been, releasing this king's pigeons is just doing death!"

"..." Tealeaves was a little in awe of the president of the No. [-] server guild in Nanhua City, but when he heard this unscrupulous greeting, he felt as if something had collapsed in his mind—this was when he met Doubi. After that, I couldn't help the instinct to complain.

"It's an honor for your unit to find you! You should be glad that I have something to ask you!" Tea Tea also put on a queen's tone, replying to the fake Jin Shining neither humble nor overbearing.

"That's really an honor hehehehe..." the fake Jin Yingying teased sarcastically.But his tone soon became normal, and he asked, "Why are you looking for me now, have you finished with your mistress?"

"What concubine... Noyce is my friend!" Although the description of concubine is accurate, it seems to be derogatory. Tea doesn't like this feeling.

"Really, that woman looks after you like a parent. What's your relationship with her? My friend, that's Ji You!" The counterfeit Jin Shanshan said gossipingly.

"Is it really okay for you to gossip like a president..." Tea said contemptuously.

"This is not gossip, getting enough information is the key to doing things!" The counterfeit Jin Shining also replied with disdain.

"To inquire about other girls' news, it really is a hentai..." Tea had no intention of explaining anything.

"Hmph! Common people, what do you know? If you have power, then whatever you do is just!"

"It's really easy to admit..."

"You will never understand the realm of a king! After all, you are a commoner!" The counterfeit Jin Shanshan put on the tone of a winner.

"It's time to take medicine." Tea said concisely.

"common people……"

"Stop talking nonsense and eat quickly!" Tea Tea interrupted rudely before the counterfeit Jin Yingying could finish speaking.

"You common people..."

"If I finish eating, I'll have some more here." The girl continued not to give him a chance to explain...

"No... I still have it here." Finally, the counterfeit Jin Yingying gave up the second grade, and asked helplessly: "Okay, tell me, what was that thing you told me last time? Your Jiyou doesn't seem to be As you said, you settled her down?"

How could it be settled.Tea still remembered Noyce's forced offline offensive that night, and she didn't even dare to mention it afterward.So she shook her head and said, "No...no..."

"Hey? Tea sauce, what's wrong with you?" Noyce, who was attacking the enemy, seemed to notice that the tea was shaking her head, so she turned around and asked with her hips on her hips.

"Ah...it's nothing!" When Noyce asked this, Tea Tea became a little flustered. After all, the girl was doing something that Noyce couldn't know, and it was inevitable to feel guilty.

"Huh?" Noyce obviously didn't believe her, she frowned slightly, and continued to stare at the tea leaves, the threat in them was self-evident.

If you lied, you will definitely be arrested and have your health checked!
But you can't let that happen!If that's the case, you won't be able to talk to that fake Jin Shining!If it is discovered, the consequences will be even more unimaginable!

Thinking of this, the nervous tea suddenly felt a bit of light in his mind, so he hurriedly pretended to be relaxed and said: "It seems that I didn't sleep well last night, and I was a little sleepy. Shake your head to wake up!"

"Ah~ that's it~ Xiaochajiang should take a break!" As a result, Noy believed it without any hesitation!
Moreover, after finishing her sentence, Noyce seemed to be very happy to give a happy look, which made the nervous tea feel puzzled for a while.After a while, she seemed to understand something...

—Did Noyce really do something to me last night that caused me to "stay awake"? ! !
Tea leaves trembled, although she slept soundly last night.

She wanted to ask Noyce what exactly she was doing, but at this time the call notification from the fake Jin Yingying reminded Tea: It is not the time to ask Noyce for clarification.Besides, when Noyce noticed it just now, the counterfeit Jin Yingying had been calling for tea for a long time. As for the content, there was probably no need to guess.

Tea said directly: "Noyce came to talk to me just now, well, anyway, you know that I'm looking for you behind Noyce's back!"

"So that's it!" The words of the fake Jin Glitter seemed to burst out with strong interest.He paused for a while, not knowing what he was doing, and then said to the tea: "I'll give you 5 minutes to explain things clearly. I'm getting more and more interested in you now."

stupid gay!
The tea leaves had goosebumps again, but this was not the time to swear, so the girl took a deep breath, and prepared to tell half-truths about how she became a girl after logging into the game during the closed beta.Of course, she still selectively concealed some things.

(End of this chapter)

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