If you log in to the game

Chapter 105 #8 Invitation

Chapter 105 #8 Invitation

Chacha didn't know what the local tyrant thought. Although she knew that there was a lot of money in her current account, her thoughts were still common people after all.After sleeping with Noyce all night, I woke up.Noyce went downstairs to prepare breakfast like a housewife, while Tea held a steamed bun pillow and a head of messy orange hair, yawning and sitting in front of the computer to browse something.

In the past, when she only cared about the main plot, the girl wanted to go back to the game as soon as she woke up.Now... it's a little leisurely.

When there is no clue, logging into the game is also anxious.So instead of returning to the game in a daze, it is better to go to the relevant forums and post bars of the game to see the latest developments in the game.

Tealeaves has recently paid attention to a post made by a person with the ID "Qiao Ji is hentai".It is undeniable that this guy is an individual winner in the game, his level is not high, his equipment is not good, and his strength is not strong, but he can always find characters from old games or old anime that messed up in the game.However, he just took a photo with those random characters, and then turned a blind eye to the next plot.

Many players with the same purpose paid close attention to this post. For this reason, the poster named "Qiao Ji is hentai" did not hesitate to disclose the whereabouts and clues of those random characters, so that some players also found those characters.Tea Tea wants to learn from the poster how to find random characters in this post. Of course, I also look forward to the day when the poster will find Tongzi.

Of course, Tea also replied to the host to ask him to help, but in this kind of hot post, Tea's reply didn't even stir up any ripples.

In addition, Tea Tea will also pay attention to the update process of the game. Sometimes some gossip about game development and activities will be released in the post bar or forum. "Initiated a discussion. Of course, the girl knew about this event, but she still found out what benefits she could get from participating in this event.

Then, the next time is to look at the players' complaints about the game.The direction of players' complaints is the same as that of many online games-professional imbalance and power imbalance.At first, I found it a little boring, but after watching too much, Tea Tea also felt that the war of words of these players on the Internet was quite interesting.

Soon Noyce made breakfast, she rushed upstairs with a spatula, and saw the girl sitting in front of the computer with a spoiled look, she became so angry that she slammed the spatula As soon as she knocked, she seemed to pick up the tea, and then... dragged her to wash up.

Probably because it has been a long time, tea has gotten used to the "surprise" of Noyce, and when she found out that Noyce came to help her take care of the "girls' hygiene", she felt good. I don't really want to repeat the slightly tedious personal hygiene cleaning, anyway, Noyce will take care of it very enthusiastically.

Tea has a small heart, and Noyce seems to be happy.

Under Noyce's fiddling, the tea leaves are like a doll that has been cleaned up: white stockings are worn on the slender legs, and a light-colored light blue suspender dress that darkens from top to bottom makes the soft orange With long hair falling on her shoulders, without any makeup, she already looks like a fresh young lady.

"I said, do you have to be like this at home?" Although admitting that "self" in the mirror is cute, Tea still complained.However, although her mouth was dishonest, she still moved her body, trying to observe her appearance from various angles.

That's right, Tea Tea admires the girl in the mirror, but it seems that there is not much pride in being a beautiful and cute girl subconsciously. It's more like... looking at her girlfriend, er, probably.

"Of course, as a girl, don't use being at home as an excuse not to dress yourself up." Noyce taught earnestly, but in fact, Noyce is just wearing her pajamas with her hair up. What is this? dress up?
Of course, tea dare not complain.

Then the two began to enjoy breakfast. Noyce's breakfast today was udon noodles, and the taste was still enjoyable.During the few days of trance, Tea suddenly felt that if Noyce was not around in the future, she would not be able to live independently.

At the dinner table, Noyce asked Tea about her plans for the day, but she still asked a routine question: "What did Xu Sheng mess with yesterday?"

"I can touch her." To Noyce's question, Cha Cha answered honestly.

"Is it possible to simulate nerve signals?" Noyce asked while eating.

"Well, through MSL's API, give me feedback on the feeling of touching her." Tea leaf nodded.

"Really." Noyce smiled and said nothing more.It's probably not surprising that Noyce has been concerned about Xu Sheng recently, after all...everyone will be interested in a virtual life.

After dinner, we have to go back to the game.At first, Tea Tea hoped that Jin Sparkle could find some clues, but her expectations failed.

There are a lot of emails in the mailbox, but those are "clients" to report their progress to the tea, but unfortunately, after browsing the tea for a long time, there is no surprising news.These people are very dedicated, but after all... Finding clues about the GLA and the guy named "The Black Bullet" is still a matter of luck.

However, Tea Tea found that in the reply email, there was a person whose name could not be ignored.

——The Cat of Zero.

The black-haired stern girl who "peeped" the tea test at the beginning actually participated in this commission.Before that, Tea Tea didn't know that Zero Cat had also joined the Mesopotamian guild in Glittering Gold. It's a pity that she didn't seem to pay much attention to Tea Tea recently, and she didn't even send back a message from Tea Tea. Reply.

Tea leaves don't know what happened, so she wants to find the zero cat.So the girl opened the chat room and invited Zero Cat, but the other party didn't respond.In desperation, Cha Cha could only continue to leave a message.

What happened to make Zero Cat look busy?
Just when Tea Tea was about to gather friends to start a new day, someone came over.That person's name is "Gilgamesh", which is the fake Jin Shining in the mouth of the tea.But now that the real body of "Fake Jin Shining" is already known, it might be more appropriate to call him "Jiang Kun".

Jiang Kun decided to build a good relationship with tea.But how to build a good relationship?It's enough to make an appointment and play games together!

"Hey, girl, do you want to do daily work together?" Jiang Kun sent a message cheekily.

(End of this chapter)

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