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Chapter 106 #9 The Quest

Chapter 106 #9 The Quest
"Huh?" Why did this guy suddenly come out and take the initiative to ask me to do daily work?

In Tea Tea's impression, the guy who is called the counterfeit Jin Jingying is actually called Jiang Kun. He should be a very busy president. At this time, he came out to ask him to do his daily work. What kind of play is he going to sing?

Could it be that the local tyrant wants to be friends with me?
Friends are very trenchant, fortunately!

Tea was very moved, and then decisively refused.

"Ah, I'll do it myself, I don't need to bother you..." Tea said respectfully.Although it is an honor to have a local tyrant come to be friends with me, this is a game, and Tea Tea knows that even if he can be friends with the fake Jin Yingying, he will not be able to escape the shackles of Noyce in reality.

Instead of being "educated", don't be friends with local tyrants in the virtual world!

wait!This is not wise at all!It's too stupid not to hug the thighs of local tyrants!

So to put it another way, it's better not to be friends on the surface, but to be friends secretly...

So before Jiang Kun could speak, Tea hurriedly continued: "You know, Noyce doesn't seem to like you, so... well, let's act separately."

"Oh? Is that so? Well, the power battle in the afternoon will take place in the central square. Those ants are getting more and more aggressive, threatening to dominate the city center. If you don't give them any color, it's going to tarnish Mesopotamia. Honor." Jiang Kun said furiously, in the real world he is not like this in front of everyone, but it seems that like many people, he reveals his true nature in the game.

He continued: "I thought it would be a little more peaceful recently, but I didn't expect them to want to make a big news."

"And then?" Tea leaves felt confused for a while.The reason why the girl would participate in the faction battle is purely because it is boring to fight NPC monsters all the time, so she went to find intelligent players to fight.Although this seems to be contrary to the original intention of looking for "clues", but in the current age when there are no clues at all, this is the only way to go.

"Then I will let some elite troops go to ambush. Of course, this may also be an ambush, or their plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. That's why I need some reliable people to go to the central square." Jiang Kun put his analysis Eloquently speaking, the cadence is like an ancient military division.

Tea really couldn't think of a man with a golden appearance talking about the so-called tactics in rhythm.

"Then why did you choose me, a scumbag..." Tealeaves sighed. Although Tealeaves thinks that she is not weak, in terms of level and attributes, she is actually weak.

"Are you scum? Then the group of people in my guild are all scum. It's not like I haven't seen your battle video. You can't find many people in the whole game with that kind of elegant and agile fighting method? Just Your skills already have a strong enough field control effect." Hearing that Tea Tea self-deprecated, Jiang Kun was not happy all of a sudden.

"..." It's exciting to be praised, but...

"How did you get my battle video? Hey! hentai!" When Chacha thought of being peeped at sometimes, she immediately shuddered.

"This is intelligence gathering. Someone discovered your new skill system and came to report it to me." Jiang Kun said indifferently.As if he's doing it all the time.

"..." If Jiang Kun was beside him, Tea would definitely stare at him strangely.

But at the moment, Jiang Kun, who doesn't know where he is hiding, seems to have sensed Tea's contempt, but he doesn't care too much. Instead, he proudly said: "Without enough information to support it, how could it be possible to establish a great dynasty? Young girl , I haven’t been spying on you all the time, this is just information acquisition.”

"It's useless to say what you say..." The more Tea Tea thought about it, the more terrifying it was that fake golden eyeliner.So I couldn't help shivering, and said: "You must have gotten a lot of harmonious videos from your ** eyeliners, such as the video of peeping girls from under the toilet, such as the video in the dressing room..."

"It's dirt!" Jiang Kun felt that if he continued talking about the tea, he would think of more dirty things, so he interrupted hastily: "This is a game! There are toilets and changing rooms!"

"It's useless to say anything..." Even so, Tea still wanted to repeat this sentence.

"Okay...don't talk to you anymore, remember to come this afternoon..." Jiang Kun simply sighed and ended the conversation.

In this trance, the boys and girls have arrived at the location of the mission. Today, they have accepted a mission to arrest them. There is a defected administrator inside Ghost, so they want to bring him to justice. Ghost's sky eyes are always looking at the position of the target. What they have to do is to find the target, and then use various means to solve it.

Usually the captured target is very strong, and a frontal attack requires very strong combat skills.But even if the player wins him, the captured target will try to escape.It would be best if he could be apprehended before he escaped, but if he escaped, it would take another setback.

However, the difficulty of the task means that the reward is relatively high, and the task process is not boring.You should know that this kind of mission is not something you can pick up just as you want, you have to have a certain mission score and a fast enough hand speed to grab the mission.But even so, Tea Tea has already done this task several times, so it is naturally experienced.

The target of this mission is an uncle wearing a black windbreaker - no matter how you look at it, he is a conspicuous target with ink marks in the underworld. After this target didn't know that he was wanted, he didn't find a place to hide, but swaggered in a Boozy at the bar.

Is this because he is too confident in his own strength, or is the setting of the game itself like this?
"In short, it's still the same rhythm. Gu Lanxiu, you find a sniper spot, He Muyuan, you go to contact him, and Noyce and I will act according to the opportunity, so it's no problem." Tea arranged the task.

"That's it." Noyce and He Muyuan had no intention of objecting.Gu Lanxiu waved his hand and made an "ok" gesture, then started the aircraft, took off into the air and flew towards the nearby building.Tea Noyce and Gu Ranxiu looked at each other, then walked to the bar.

Since he is already a veteran, there is no need to tremble.

Tea and Noyce went to the bar to pretend to have something, but the hidden equipment was already ready to go.As the main target of contact, He Muyuan walked directly towards the uncle in the high-necked black trench coat, stretched out his hand, and put it on the shoulder of the uncle in the high-necked black trench coat.

(End of this chapter)

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