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Chapter 110 #13 Strategies

Chapter 110 #13 Strategies
——Could it be that this guy's bug-like attack power is only intermittent?Is it possible to launch such a terrible offensive after certain conditions are met?So, what are the conditions for launching these horrific attacks?
Tea settled down to think.

The analysis at the very beginning of the most battle shows that the uncle blocked Gu Lanxiu's sniper attack, then dodged He Muyuan's big sword, and hit him hard. Afterwards, Tea Tea and Noyce stepped forward to reinforce him. "Are.But fortunately, the tea leaf used a "flicker" to trick his subsequent attacks, making him only enter a paralyzed state, and then he had the next round of high-damage bursts.

Perhaps this is the counterattack mechanism of most bosses in ISO.

I have fought so many bosses, and Tea Tea has also encountered a situation similar to this uncle-after some bosses have been suppressed for a period of time, they will "angry" and fight back, get rid of the attacks of the players, and then regroup and launch an offensive.However, Tea Tea has only seen such a ferocious attack by this uncle once or twice.

The ones I've seen before are all bosses of high-level personal main plots, as well as world bosses. This is the first time that tea has encountered such bosses in entrusted arrest missions that appear in non-personal main plots.The only difference between this uncle and the high-level boss of the personal main storyline and the world boss is... not much HP!

Just one round of suppression and one round of explosion reduced the boss's HP by half.Of course, this is based on the situation of a four-person team. If it is a single person... Well, this task will not die more than ten or twenty times, so there is no need to do it.

But to sum up, the tea leaves have more or less found some clues.Judging from the existing information, there are two possibilities for this uncle's combat rules.

One is that he may have an attribute similar to "anger". When he is hurt and suppressed, that anger attribute will increase.When this anger increases to a certain value, it will explode.

The second is periodic outbreaks.This uncle will wilt for a while after erupting, and then erupt again.

As for that possibility, it must be carefully observed.What's more, even if he guessed the boss's fighting rules, how would he deal with this guy's terrifying attack and his domineering actions that seemed to ignore the attack?

Speaking of which, Tea Tea thought that the first time she had confusedly cracked this uncle's attack was by using the skill "Blink".And this skill has a "paralysis" effect, and then the uncle was beaten.Then after the uncle broke out for the second time, his target was Noyce.Noyce's solution is to "flash" to dodge, and then use the "redirecting knot".And the "Redirect Knot" does not impose any abnormal status on the target...

That is to say...

"The next time this boss breaks out, you all try to counterattack with skills like stun and paralyze! He Muyuan's back attack, Gu Lanxiu's paralyzing bomb, both are fine!" Tea said to the two in the team channel. reminded, but neither Gu Lanxiu nor He Muyuan responded to Tea Tea.

So the tea leaves acquiesced that they responded to their own reminders.

When Tea Tea went to rescue Noyce, Gu Lanxiu and He Muyuan had already fought the uncle inextricably.Now only He Muyuan is fighting against the uncle in the field, and only He Muyuan's attack can't suppress the uncle at all, so that now they are fighting each other.The game between two melee muscular men is also very exciting.

This seems to explain the true meaning of "philosophy"!

Well, now is not the time to tease this kind of thing, apart from He Muyuan who is struggling, Gu Lanxiu has not been idle, shooting from a distance from time to time.Not enough, no one can effectively control this uncle, and Gu Lanxiu's shooting efficiency is not high.While this uncle was able to resist He Muyuan's attack, he could also resist Gu Lanxiu's gathering.

So much so that during this period of time, the attacks of He Muyuan and Gu Lanxiu did not have much effect.

Until Noyce got up from the ground, the next round of offensive should begin!

"I'm going to torture him to death!" Noyce said aggressively after recovering HP.Putting a pill into his mouth, he raised his hands high, and wielded the Floating Sword, letting them attack the uncle continuously.Tea leaf wondered if he should also rush up, but after thinking about it, he seemed to feel that the interval between this period of time seemed to be as long as the time when they broke out to attack the boss before.

Maybe after a while, this uncle is about to explode?

Although not sure, Tea Tea still reminded: "This product is about to explode, be careful!"

While talking, Tea also invoked the burst program in Core and charged forward.She wanted to get close to this uncle, so that he would have a chance to hit him with "Blink" when this uncle exploded.But just when she rushed up, what she reminded everyone happened!

An incomparable shock wave erupted from the uncle's body again without warning, as if a shaped energy bomb exploded, and its power was no less than the explosion of a shaped energy bomb!As soon as the tea rushed up, it was directly attacked by the shock wave, but after the previous experience, the tea was much smarter this time.

After the uncle bent his body and made a violent movement, the girl immediately put the electromagnetic shield in front of her body, directly blocked the shock wave, and then directly activated the "stealth" skill, waiting for an opportunity to use the weapon with a negative state Control skills to control him.Compared with tea leaves, He Muyuan's movements are also fast, after all, he is a professional player.

He Muyuan quickly assumed a defensive posture to resist the attack, but the shock wave still knocked him back several steps.Immediately after that, he used the overlord skill "Toughness" and the 5-second death-prevention skill "Unyielding". A crimson red light burst out from his body, and the whites of his eyes seemed to be dyed red by bloodshot eyes. Here are "Toughness" and "Unyielding". Unyielding" skill sign.

Seeing He Muyuan's posture, he is going to have an anal confrontation with the uncle!
"I'll carry it! Think of a way!" He Muyuan yelled, then stepped forward, and attacked the uncle from bottom to top with a "sword back attack".Just like before, the uncle glanced around coldly after the berserk. Wherever his gaze went, one would feel as if he was being watched by the god of death.

Originally, He Muyuan would not have given this uncle a chance, because according to the theory of tea leaves, if the "sword back attack" with a stun effect hit the uncle, then he would stop moving.

But... the uncle actually dodged left and right, dodging He Muyuan's "blade back attack" and also dodging the paralyzing bullet shot by Gu Lanxiu!
His actions made Cha Cha feel that his thoughts were confirmed!
——He was worried about the status impact on him!
And just when the tea leaves confirmed the matter, the uncle was dodging, and finally fixed his eyes on Noyce...

(End of this chapter)

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