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Chapter 111 #14 Strategies

Chapter 111 #14 Strategies
He's going to kill Noyce again!
Tea guessed what the uncle was thinking, so he rushed towards Noyce immediately. Although the various offensive and defensive programs in Core are not skills, they are better than skills.Spinning forward, the girl blocked Noyce at an extremely fast speed.But it's not so coincidental: that uncle also came up!
It was also so fast that I couldn't see the movement clearly, as if his feet were sliding on the ground, and he was in front of Noyes in an instant, faster than the tea leaves—no...even faster than last time, if the tea leaves didn't come from his body first. The target was analyzed in her eyes, maybe she couldn't follow closely behind.

Because Noyce had just gotten up not long ago, thinking that her hatred had been emptied, she relaxed her defense against this boss a little.So she never expected that the boss would come to trouble her. When the uncle's face with a beard and a little bit of vicissitudes appeared in front of her, she was stunned.

Even if there is a reaction, there is not enough time.Because this moment happened so suddenly, the tea leaves had no time to remind Noyce.Even if she just came next to Noyce, it would be difficult for her to save Noyce, not to mention... this uncle's moves are different from the previous ones!
Thunderously rushed to the uncle in front of Noyce, swept his leg directly, smashed Noyce's lower body, and then kicked towards the sky. The two attacks were equally powerful, and anyone could see clearly because of the strong force. The dust and shock waves from the attack.After successive attacks, Noyce's HP instantly bottomed out!
Immediately afterwards, the uncle jumped up high, and at a speed too fast for people to see clearly, he dragged an afterimage and flew in front of Noyes, grabbed her by the neck, and slammed her to the ground!

"Knowledge: -2048"

"Your teammate Noyce collapsed due to exhaustion"

This is jaw-dropping damage, even if Noyce's HP is full, she will be instantly killed by this move.However, the remaining HP of Noyce who ate the uncle's legs was running low, and it didn't matter how much was overflowed in the final blow.

"Damn it!" Noyce only had time to swear at this moment...

With Noyce's death, the violent uncle returned to peace. According to Tea's guess, although the uncle returned to peace next, he will parry.As long as this uncle can parry, even if he can deal damage, the effect will not be very good.If Noyce had been clever just now and Tea had managed to control the uncle with a control type skill, then the next outbreak would be certain.

So what now?You can't stop fighting, right?

Do you want to save Noyce again and repeat what happened just now?
After thinking about it, Tea made a decision.

"He Muyuan, hurry up and suppress it, take this opportunity to explode once!" At this moment, I should have rescued Noyce, but Cha Cha had a second thought, if I go to pull Noyce up at this time, then I will miss the uncle's one after the berserk Opportunity to erupt, this uncle still has 46% HP left, even if this uncle can parry, if the eruption is good, then the battle will be over soon.

If you go to pull Noyce up, you will miss a lot of opportunities.You know, based on the battle situation of He Muyuan just now, it can be known that this uncle needs at least two people to suppress him well.

"Okay!" As expected of a professional player, He Muyuan has a very high sensitivity to the situation, and he quickly understood the meaning of the tea leaves.Probably only Noyce was uncomfortable.

After she was stunned for a while, she could only choke out one sentence and said, "I'm lying dead!"

Then, the tea leaves were served with confidence.Tea rushed forward again, the core and the thrusting spear were extremely sharp and attacked the uncle's vitals—but he still blocked it with his hands up.Soon, He Muyuan drank "Yunfeng Luo" and fell from the sky, hitting the uncle fiercely.

He Muyuan's big sword fell, but was still parried by the uncle, the huge impact shattered the floor under him.Then he continued to perform combos, using the strongest attack power, trying to find a way to break the uncle's defense.Gu Lanxiu also worked very hard. Various bullets flew in, some of them were able to hit, and some were not.This is the consequence of not suppressing.

However, Tea did not use the strongest output. She kept one hand and only used the core and the spear to attack, interspersed with the charged "electromagnetic core".

After about ten seconds, Tea had a feeling in his heart—this guy is about to explode!

Sure enough, the next moment, the uncle yelled again, like the shock wave of a bomb explosion.With previous experience, Tea Tea will not be tricked this time. Seeing the signs, he drives the core program, and retreats with a "swipe".

During the period of electromagnetic shield defense, it is easy to avoid the attack of this violent shock wave.The same is true for He Muyuan, it's easy to dodge back and defend.

"Is it time to use control skills now?" He Muyuan asked knowingly.

"Yes!" That's what Tea Tea planned.But she quickly added: "Wait first, let him find the target and counterattack."

Because he felt that the attacking uncle might ignore the dodge, just like he rushed into the electromagnetic trap in the tea's "blink" skill.

He Muyuan originally wanted to go, but after thinking about it, he restrained his urge.Still the same as before, the uncle looked around, and then locked on to a target.But... the goal this time is a bit unscientific.

——The uncle raised his head at an angle of [-] degrees, staring at a certain direction. This direction was the roof that Gu Lanxiu was attacking!
With a burst of shouting, the uncle rushed out of the house like a thunderbolt, the speed of which was beyond the reach of Tea Tea and He Muyuan.

"Gu Lanxiu is going there, can you handle it? Hit him with control skills..." Tea leaf shouted at Gu Lanxiu. high-rise office building.

"I'll try... ahhhhh!"

Gu Lanxiu just wanted to say something, but before he could finish, he screamed in the team communication channel. It sounded like he had been analed, full of lust.Then, the standard ending:

"Your teammate Gu Ranxiu collapsed due to exhaustion."

"Ahahaha, Gu Lanxiu, it's useless to hide well, the scream just now was too ecstasy!" At this time, Noyce, who was lying dead, taunted.

"Whispering!" Gu Lanxiu was too aggrieved to speak at this time.

"..." Tea Tea didn't know what to say. He raised his head and looked at Gu Lanxiu, who also ran out of the bar, and silently mourned for Gu Lanxiu. Afterwards, he should prepare to deal with the uncle's next move. Offensive.

After the explosion of Gu Lanxiu and He Muyuan just now, the uncle still has 29% HP left.He was standing on the office building, looking down at the tea leaves and He Muyuan, and the next step should be a decisive battle.

(End of this chapter)

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