Chapter 104 Just Blind (2)

"My heart!"

With a roar, Er Xinxin immediately retracted her neck in fright, and her tears flowed back in fright.

Yin Ansheng raised his hand furiously, and wiped his mouth fiercely. Damn it, she kissed him again!

What's more damning is that she actually kissed him with her bloody mouth!
Yin An was so angry that every cell in her body was screaming, if possible, she really wanted to slap her unconscious.

He was so out of his mind that he would be worried that she would drop her head!
Even if she fell to her death, he shouldn't care about her!

"Yin Ansheng, why are you so fierce, I'm the girl, okay?" Er'er muttered in a low voice, not afraid of death, "I'm not afraid of such a thing of destroying innocence as a girl, but what are you afraid of as a big man? Are you afraid that I will not be responsible to you? Don't worry, I will definitely be responsible to you!"

Yin Ansheng stared at her fiercely, his whole body was on fire, and his fists were clenched loudly.

"Er Xinxin, I've seen thick-skinned women, but I've never seen you so shameless!"

"What's wrong with me!" Er'er was very dissatisfied with his slander, "If you don't kiss me, why don't you allow me to kiss you? How can you be so unreasonable?"

He is unreasonable?

Yin An was so angry that his hair stood on end, "Hey! Heart! Heart!"

After gritting her teeth and calling her name, she found that she couldn't stay any longer. It's a trivial matter for him to be mad at her, but it's a big deal to be mad!
He left angrily, and he didn't care if she fell to her death in the future, no, he would still applaud her!

"Boom—" The door hit hard!
The loud noise declared how angry this man was in his heart at this moment.


Er'er got up early the next day and went to Yin Ansheng's room secretly, but found that he was not there.

No one showed up at breakfast, and it was also the driver who took her to school.

Er'er knew that this man would definitely be angry with her, and he would never let go of his anger after two or three days. She has been honestly not breaking ground in the past few days, and after a few days when his anger subsides, she will wait a little longer. Just coax it and you'll be fine.

It's just that her ideals are always too beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Er'er didn't see Yin Ansheng for a week, and he didn't go home or call her this week, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

Er Er couldn't sit still anymore. On Saturday night, after hesitating again and again, she decided to admit her mistake, otherwise she didn't know how long the cold war would last.

She called Yin Ansheng, but couldn't get through.

Later, I changed the phone number and called, but this time I got through with just one call.

She understood that Yin Ansheng had blacklisted her number!
After several twists and turns, Er Er learned that Yin Ansheng was in an entertainment city called "Ye Mei" tonight. Although she had never been there, she knew it was definitely a romantic place just by hearing the name!
Yin Ansheng actually went to that kind of place!

Er'er didn't bother to think about it, so he took a taxi to this place.

Standing outside the door, she looked up at the several-storey casino, where the two big characters of "Ye Mei" were gilded, shining under the neon lights!
Before entering, she could already smell the rotten smell, which made her sick.

If it wasn't for Yin Ansheng being inside, she would never have stepped into such a place in her life!

Er'er took a deep breath, suppressed the strong tumbling discomfort in his stomach, and walked into Yemei.

Since she knew the room number of Yin Ansheng in advance and gave Yin Ansheng's name, she walked smoothly along the way.

Finally coming to the room with "888" written on the door, Er Er took a deep breath, hoping that what she saw later would not embarrass her too much.

 Today's third watch is over, tomorrow will be the same time, see you there~
(End of this chapter)

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