Chapter 105 Just Blind (3)

The room was very lively, the voices of men and women mixed together, like a vegetable market.

Er Er didn't like such an environment, the smell of powder, perfume and wine mixed together, stimulated her sense of smell, and she felt that her stomach was churning even more.

If she hadn't tried her best, she would have vomited.

The light in the room was too dark, and she couldn't see how many people there were, let alone where Yin Ansheng was, so she had to go closer to find it.

Just two steps away, the lively room suddenly fell silent, and then a male voice sounded——

"Welcome our great beauty Liang to return to her hometown, come, come, let our eldest son Yin sing a song, representing all of us strongly welcome you back!"


There was uneven applause, and then there was silence for a few seconds, Er Er heard Yin Ansheng's voice.

She couldn't see him, but she knew that he must be smiling when he spoke, and there was joy in his voice.

"Stop making trouble, you know I can't sing."

"Can't sing?" The man who spoke just now said in a tone of voice, "Then how about giving you a kiss in front of us as a punishment? Do you think it's okay?"


This time it was unanimously in favor.

"Master Yin, hurry up, what's the matter? Are you still shy?" Someone teased.

Someone said again: "If you don't act anymore, then I will replace you?"

After his eyes got used to the dimness here, Er'er could vaguely see the people in the room. There were about thirty men and women. Yin Ansheng was sitting on the sofa facing her, and beside him was a man in white. The woman in the skirt, I can't see what that woman looks like.

But it should be the "beautiful Liang" that someone just mentioned.

Being able to make such a joke shows that he has an extraordinary relationship with this beautiful woman from Liang, but she has never heard of him having a girlfriend during this period of contact, but she heard from her brother that he had a first love before, but they broke up early .

Could it be this beautiful woman Liang?

Just wondering, I saw Yin Ansheng stood up, "I'd better sing."

There was a commotion from the crowd, apparently what they wanted was for him to kiss the beautiful woman Liang.

But Er Er felt a little more comfortable in his heart, which showed that he still had a bottom line.

As the saying goes, a good horse never turns back.

Just as I was secretly delighted, I heard a very nice female voice, "Okay, An Sheng, they are messing around, and you are messing around too? I don't know you yet? I have a bad tone, so you better stop singing, I'm afraid I will have nightmares at night."

The gentle and pleasant voice, as a woman, thinks this voice is very pleasant, and there is no need to think about what kind of reaction it will have in the ears of a man.

Er'er pursed her lips, why is her voice not pleasant?

"Miss Liang, we understand what you mean!" Someone yelled, followed by whistles one after another, "An Sheng, you have no choice, kiss!"

"Turn on the light, or you won't be able to see clearly!" someone suggested.

Er Er stood at the switch at the door, and after hearing this, he stretched out his hand and pressed the switch.

A group of people were excited, but no one noticed the little girl who turned on the light.

"Let's go, Anson!"

Someone picked up their phone and started recording.

Er'er finally saw clearly that the woman who was called "Beauty Liang" was indeed as real as her name and voice, and she was so beautiful.

She stood up with a smile, at least 1.7 meters tall by visual inspection, and stood side by side with Yin Ansheng in the crowd.
Look down at yourself again, feel ashamed!
(End of this chapter)

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