Chapter 106 Just Blind (4)

Everyone was still booing, but Ke Erer couldn't listen to a word anymore. She suddenly felt that she was stupid and didn't look at her own conditions. It was wishful thinking.

That beautiful woman Liang is only a couple with him.

She drooped her shoulders weakly, the anger and unwillingness before coming here all turned into a joke at this moment, she was ridiculous to the extreme.

When she walked to the door, she heard Yin Ansheng say: "Okay, everyone, stop making trouble. Qiluo just came back today. She must be very tired. I will send her back first. You guys continue to play, and it will be credited to my account tonight." superior."

Qi Luo?

This name is somewhat familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere.

Er'er turned around suddenly, the bright face in the crowd coincided with the face in the photo she remembered.

It was her!

Liang Qiluo, Yin Ansheng.

Er Er repeated these two names silently in his heart over and over again, trying to search for relevant information in his memory, not letting go of any clues!

Suddenly, her eyes widened, she turned and ran.

"Brother, tell me honestly, isn't the man Liang Qiluo found when he betrayed you back then, Yin Ansheng?"

Going outside the entertainment city and finding a hidden corner, Er Er called Sui Wu.

On the phone, Sui Wu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Xinxin, that's all in the past. What are you doing now? Have you eaten? What did you have for dinner?"

He tried to change the subject, but Keer refused.

"Brother, Liang Qi has returned to Yunhan City. I just saw her. She is with Yin Ansheng."

"Xinxin." Sui Wu smiled, "I have nothing to do with her anymore. Where she is now and who she is with, it has nothing to do with me, not you."

He paused for a while, as if thinking about it, and then he said: "My brother will go back tonight, and he will be home tomorrow. It may not be convenient for you to stay at Yin Ansheng's house tonight. You should go home and lock the door by yourself. Don't open the door to anyone who knocks."

Hearing voices not far away, Er'er turned his head to look over, and saw Yin Ansheng and Liang Qiluo walking out from Ye Mei, followed by a few people who saw them off.

She watched Yin Ansheng drive Liang Qiluo away, and then said to the phone: "Okay brother, I'll go home right away, don't worry, I'm an adult now, I will take care of myself."

After hanging up the phone, Er Er ran to the side of the road and hailed a taxi, "Hello, master, follow the black car in front."


"Where are you going? To your residence or home?" Yin Ansheng asked Liang Qiluo.

Liang Qiluo looked at him sideways and smiled, "An Sheng, you have changed a lot."

Yin Ansheng was slightly taken aback, and then said: "People will change, I will take you home."

After finishing speaking, before Liang Qiluo could say anything else, he drove the car in the direction of Liang Qiluo's house.

"An Sheng, is it still possible for us?" Liang Qiluo asked suddenly.

Yin Ansheng didn't answer, and pretended not to hear, but concentrated on driving.

Liang Qiluo was not angry either, she stretched out her hand and gently pulled the corner of his suit, "An Sheng, I'm talking to you."

Yin Ansheng glanced at her sideways, "What did you say?"

"I said, take me to Ni's Hotel, I don't want to go home tonight."

"it is good."

There was no communication along the way, and they arrived at Ni's Hotel in silence. Yin Ansheng parked the car, but Liang Qiluo sat still, looking out the car window.

He said: "Here we are, after a day's flight, rest early."

Liang Qiluo suddenly turned around to look at him, and at some point, she burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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