Chapter 107 Just Blind (5)

Yin Ansheng frowned imperceptibly, "Why are you crying all of a sudden? Did something happen?"

He has a calm face, neither close nor far away.

Liang Qiluo hesitated to speak, turned her head and opened the car door, and ran out of the car crying.

Yin Ansheng also pushed the car door and went down. Liang Qiluo heard the sound of the car door closing, so her steps slowed down.

She knew that he still loved her.

However, she waited for a long time before the people behind her caught up.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of the car driving away, turned around slowly, only saw the corner of the rear of his car, but disappeared quickly.

"Yin Ansheng, come back to me!"

The screams quickly disappeared in the busy traffic, and Liang Qiluo squatted on the ground in frustration and cried bitterly.

She finally plucked up the courage to come back and hesitated to call him, worried that he would not answer her call, but he did!She told him that some friends were going to meet her at night, and asked him if he would come with him, and he readily agreed, and she was overjoyed!

But even though he came, he was indifferent and alienated towards her, even though he was here, his heart was not on her, so many people made a fuss and asked him to kiss her, but he refused even once.

Now, even though she was already crying, he didn't comfort her, and he left.

He was not like this before, whenever she cried before, he would be at a loss like a child, comforting her incoherently.

She didn't know whether he had changed or she had changed.

But she knew clearly that she still loved him, but in his eyes, the old warmth was no longer there. He looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger.

"Why? An Sheng, why is this happening? You said you would only love me for the rest of your life. Why have you been so indifferent to me in just two years? "

With the sound of footsteps, Liang Qiluo was overjoyed, "An Sheng, I knew you—"

"who are you?"

Liang Qiluo looked at the girl in front of her. She couldn't remember when she had seen her, but she felt a sense of déjà vu.

"You will know who I am sooner or later, and I hope I won't disappoint Miss Liang."

Er'er looked at the woman on the ground with a half-smile, she was crying and her makeup looked like a clown.

How could she think this woman was beautiful before?Why do you think that she and Yin Ansheng are a match made in heaven?How blind she is!

This woman is the ugliest and most disgusting woman in the world!
Liang Qiluo stopped crying and stood up after wiping away her tears. She was much taller than Ben Bier, and she was wearing high heels, so she had a great aura.

She looked down at Er Er condescendingly, "Who the hell are you?"

Er'er didn't like looking up very much, so she took a few steps back and stood on the flower bed, so she was much taller than Liang Qiluo.

This overlooking angle put her in a good mood.

"Who are you?" Liang Qiluo asked persistently.

"So curious? It seems that if I don't tell you, I won't be able to leave today?"

Er'er sneered, but she had no intention of telling Liang Qiluo who she was. She felt that if her name came out of this woman's mouth, it would disgust her.

"Liang Qiluo, why did Yin Ansheng treat you so coldly in just two years? You probably didn't know it just after he came back. He already has a girlfriend and lives together. So, don't take yourself too seriously. You are already the past tense of Yin Ansheng."

"Impossible! An Sheng won't have a girlfriend!"

Liang Qiluo was very determined, but her loud voice showed the panic in her heart at this moment.

"You're lying! Who are you? You don't want me to reconcile with An Sheng, you have bad intentions!"

Seeing Liang Qiluo getting more and more mad, Er'er said with a leisurely smile, "I am Yin Ansheng's girlfriend."

After finishing speaking, she didn't look at Liang Qiluo's ugly or surprised expression, she jumped off the flower bed and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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