Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 111 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be

Chapter 111 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be (1)

Sui Wu arrived in Yunhan City in the morning, and called Er Er as soon as he got off the plane.

Yin Ansheng answered the call.

This is the first time that Sui Wu and Yin Ansheng have known each other for so many years and sat down to chat peacefully.
"My heart, I'm sorry."

As soon as he sat down, Yin Ansheng said directly.

Sui Wu twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. During this period of time, he was thin and haggard, and the suit on his body was probably the same as before, loose and baggy, which made people feel distressed.

"I understand Xinxin. She must be messing around. I am the one who apologizes, and thank you. I have been taking care of you during this time. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do. Don't thank me for my kindness. One day, if there is a need, just ask.”

"It's serious. I'm ashamed that I couldn't take good care of her."

"No, you did your best."

The two were so polite that it made people want to laugh. Fortunately, the coffee they ordered was served, and the conversation was temporarily suspended.

After that, it seemed that no one knew how to start, so they fell silent.

Everyone had their own concerns, drinking coffee carelessly, and before I knew it, a cup of coffee had already entered my stomach.

When Er'er's phone call came, Yin Ansheng was about to speak when the phone in his pocket rang, so he took it out to look.

"Yin Ansheng, where have you been? It's already noon, even if you don't come to deliver food to me in person, you must arrange for someone to deliver something to me, right? You want to starve me to death, don't you? Starve me If you're dead, why don't you stay and fly with that old woman like Liang Qiluo? Let me tell you, there's no way!"

Yin Ansheng didn't have time to make a sound, Er Er screamed into the phone.

After saying so much in one breath, she panted "wh-wh-", and the panting sound passed through the radio waves, like a small bug, "swish--" into Yin Ansheng's ears all at once, and then Following his blood, it ran restlessly throughout his body.

"Yin Ansheng, I want to eat braised short ribs with mushroom and three delicacies soup. I'll give you half an hour and bring it to me! Did you hear me! Half an hour, start the timer now!"

After hanging up the phone, Yin Ansheng looked at Sui Wu.

Sui Wu looked helpless, "This child has been spoiled since she was a child, no matter how old or young, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

"Fortunately, Jinghao's personality is similar to hers."

Yin Ansheng stood up and picked up the coat on the back of the chair.

Sui Wu also stood up, but after standing up, his head suddenly became dizzy, he shook a few times and almost fell down.

He held onto the corner of the table to stabilize himself, and then said: "Su Jinghao should be more sensible than her, but when she becomes fussy, she doesn't care about anything."

"Almost, if you make a fuss, you can kill your anger." Yin Ansheng stared at him, "Are you okay?"

Sui Wu shook his head, forced the corners of his mouth to twitch, his lips were very dry, blood oozes out from the twitch.

"It's okay, maybe it's because I haven't had a good rest recently."

Seeing his sallow and thin face, Yin Ansheng couldn't help feeling a little worried, "Is it all right? You are a doctor yourself, don't take it seriously, you have a responsibility now, don't expect me to support your sister for the rest of your life."

Sui Wu pursed his lips and smiled, picked up his coat, clenched his hands into fists and poked Yin Ansheng's chest, "Why don't you raise her for the rest of your life? It's not that you can't afford it, she's easy to raise, as long as there's some food for every meal Just meat."

After speaking, leave first.

Yin Ansheng curled his lips, eating meat is still good enough to support him?Isn't it easy to feed by eating white steamed buns and drinking boiled water for every meal?
 And an update!
(End of this chapter)

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