Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 112 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be

Chapter 112 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be (2)

Er'er heard footsteps outside the door. She was sitting, but immediately lay down, pulled up the quilt and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

After a while, the door of the ward opened, and Sui Wu and Yin Ansheng walked in one after the other.

Er'er frowned when he heard the footsteps of someone else. Could it be Yin Ansheng?

Really, she was almost starving to death, why didn't this person come?
Angrily, he lifted off the quilt on his body, sat up abruptly, and turned his head dumbfounded.

"elder brother!"

Sui Wu put the meal in his hand on the table, stood by the bed and looked at her, "I lost weight."

Er Er glared at Yin Ansheng behind him, then stretched out his hand, "Brother Hug."

Sui Wu stepped forward to let her hug her, only to hear her say: "Brother, Yin Ansheng abused me, he didn't let me eat every meal, he didn't allow me to eat meat, and he beat me! Brother, look, I'm naked Injury, if it wasn't for my life, I would have been beaten to death by him, so it's no wonder I'm not thin!"

Hearing these "crimes" of his, Yin Ansheng just felt like laughing. If this woman turned black and white and became unreasonable, no one would be able to stop her.

Fortunately, he had already seen her ability, so he was not angry, because he would never take these words to heart.

The future is long, and he will let her get her wish.

For example, mistreating her, not letting her have enough food for every meal, not letting her eat meat...

Sui Wu is back, with someone backing him up, Er'er now sees that Yin Ansheng's nostrils are all up.

After a meal, she criticized Yin Ansheng thoroughly.

Then, she smiled and hugged Sui Wu's neck coquettishly, "Brother, I don't want to be hospitalized anymore, let's go home, and the braised short ribs outside are not good at all, can I make them for me at home tonight? I haven't eaten for a long time I've eaten the food made by my brother, I'm so hungry!"

Sui Wu pinched her face fondly, but she wasn't actually thin, Yin Ansheng raised her well, and her face was full of flesh.

In the past two months, he should have grown at least one centimeter taller, and if he grows at this rate for another year, he will be considered to be of medium height.

"Xinxin, brother has something to tell you."

Er'er nodded, blinking her big eyes, what good news does brother have to tell her?
Sui Wu pursed his lower lips, as if he didn't know how to speak, his face was full of apology.

"Xinxin, brother has to leave at night, can't go home yet."

Time stands still in an instant!

The ward was so quiet that you could hear a hair falling on the ground!
Er'er seemed to be dumbfounded, staring blankly at Sui Wu, without reacting for a long time.

On the contrary, Mr. Yin, who was sitting on a chair and bored for the first time today, finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Only then did Er Er regain his senses, his small face wrinkled, and tears came out.

"Brother, you don't love me anymore, do you? You are only busy with work all day and you don't care about me, do you? Tell me, is it important for me or your work?"

Sui Wu knew she was sad and angry, and he also wanted to take her away, but he couldn't yet.

"Xinxin, you are already an adult, you have to be obedient. Brother loves you, but brother also has to work, otherwise you say what we eat and drink? You also know that we are heavily in debt now. If brother doesn't work hard to earn money, let alone you I have lost my dowry money, and I can’t even repay the debt.”

Er'er pursed his mouth, tears fell "patter", and he was so wronged, "But brother can't always earn money outside and ignore me..."

Sui Wu's heart ached, "It's my brother's fault. After this busy period, my brother won't go anywhere, but stay at home with you."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you, but you have to promise brother, be obedient, we have already troubled Mr. Yin, you can't keep adding trouble."

Er Er looked at Yin Ansheng, his eyes were full of complacency.

She gritted her teeth and nodded reluctantly.

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(End of this chapter)

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