Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 113 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be

Chapter 113 You Are Not My Girlfriend, and You Will Never Be (3)

In the evening, Yin Ansheng drove Sui Wu to the airport.

Er Er could not be discharged from the hospital yet, and the doctor advised her to stay in the hospital for observation for at least three days.

But she was crying and clamoring to go to the airport. In the end, the two big men had nothing to do with her, so they had to take her with them.

Sui Wu's plane left after eleven o'clock at night, and it was already one o'clock in the morning after sending him back to the city.

Earl developed a high fever.

The fever left me in a coma for two days before waking up.

Er Er felt that he had slept for a long time, his whole body seemed to be rusted, and it was a bit difficult to move.

She slowly opened her eyes and found that she was still in the hospital. There was no one in the ward, and Yin Ansheng didn't know where she had gone.

She tried to sit up, rubbed her drowsy head, and saw that the mobile phone was on the cabinet next to her, so she reached out to pick it up.

The date above told her that her brother had been away for two days, and she actually slept for two full days!

She called her brother, who answered it quickly, but it was very noisy, and she didn't know what his brother was doing.

"elder brother."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Er Er found that his voice was small and hoarse, his throat seemed to be on fire, and his mouth was dry and uncomfortable.

"Xinxin, brother is a little busy now, can I call you back later?"

Before she could say yes, the other side had already hung up.

But one second before hanging up, she seemed to hear her father's voice, he was talking anxiously before she could hear clearly.

Isn't my brother on a business trip?Why are you with Dad?
Er Er thought for a while, and quickly called back, but his brother's cell phone was already turned off.

what is the problem?

Er'er was a little flustered. She remembered what her father said the day she and her brother left home. He said that they were not allowed to set foot in the country again.

Will my brother be in danger?

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly hangs!

"Er Xinxin, what are you doing in such a panic?"

As soon as he arrived at the door, he bumped into Yin Ansheng.

Er'er grabbed his clothes in a panic, "Yin Ansheng, do you know where my brother is on a business trip?"

Yin Ansheng froze for a moment, did not answer her, but bent down to pick her up and put her back on the hospital bed.

"Er Xinxin, do you know how long you have been in a coma? As soon as you wake up, you run barefoot. Where are you going?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, Yin Ansheng, do you know where my brother has gone?"

Yin Ansheng still didn't answer her, but asked, "What's wrong? Did he call you?"

There was a faint bad feeling in his heart, could it be that something happened to Sui Wu?
"I called my brother just now, and he said he was busy and would come back to me later, but he turned off his phone when I called again," Er'er said.

Yin Ansheng breathed a sigh of relief, "It's probably because the phone is out of battery, don't think about it, I called him at noon."

"But I heard my father's voice on the phone. As I told you, my brother and I were kicked out by my father. My father said that my brother and I would never set foot on the country again! But my brother and my father Together, I worry about my brother."

As Er Er said, the circles of his eyes were already red.

Her father is a good king, but not a good father. He has three sons and four daughters. Except for the eldest brother, he is not good to other children, especially her and her brother and sister who were born to her mother. , he regarded as an enemy.

She was really worried that her brother would conflict with her father. Her brother's temper was very much like that of her father. As long as they met, they never had a peaceful coexistence.

 And an update!
(End of this chapter)

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