Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 124 How much jealousy did you eat with me

Chapter 124 How much jealousy did you eat with me (6)

Er Er was about to refute when Yin Ansheng's cell phone rang.

She saw a few words flashing on the phone screen, "Calling from Luoluo".

It turned out that in his mobile phone, Liang Qiluo's name was saved as "Luoluo", so close!
She doesn't have the time to listen to their sweet talk here!


The car door was slammed shut, Er'er carried his schoolbag on his back, and ran along the path. The small figure quickly disappeared from Yin Ansheng's sight.

He stared at the phone screen, when did Liang Qiluo's call become this note in his phone?Who moved his cell phone?
But right now, he didn't have time to think deeply, started the car, and hurriedly chased Er Er.

Er'er went outside the community and stood on the side of the road waiting for a taxi. It's not easy to wait for a taxi in this place, and I didn't see one for a long time.

Worried, a car stopped beside her.

"Er Xinxin, get in the car!"

"Ning Cheng? Why are you here?"

Ning Cheng urged, "Hurry up and get in the car, you want to be late, don't you?"

Of course I don't want to be late!

Er'er hurriedly opened the door and got into the car, the driver was still Ning Mufeng.

"Mr. Ning, we meet again."

Ning Mufeng smiled, "What a coincidence."

Yes ah, what a coincidence, unexpectedly can run into here.

"Do you live nearby?" Earl asked.

Ning Cheng pointed his sideways face not far away, just across from Yin Ansheng's villa area, there is also a villa area, "We live there, it's very close, it's easy to go to and from school."

Er Er nodded, no wonder last night after dinner, Ning Mufeng sent her back, she said there was a driver and no trouble, he said no trouble, so his house was nearby.

They chatted and laughed along the way and soon arrived at the school. When they got off the car to say goodbye to Ning Mufeng, Er Er suddenly found Yin Ansheng's car parked not far from across the road.

She frowned, did he follow all the way?
Just as she was about to go over to say hello to him, she saw Liang Qiluo walking to his car with small steps on her high heels, opened the door and got in, and then the car drove away.

Er Xinxin, you are really passionate!
Er'er looked at the gradually disappearing car, his eyes were full of loneliness.

"Er Xinxin, let's go, why are you in a daze? You're already late!" Ning Cheng patted her on the shoulder, "Hurry up and leave!"

"it is good."

Quickly suppressing the emotion in her eyes, she trotted to the classroom following Ning Cheng.

I was 10 minutes late, and the first class was English class. The English teacher is a very strict person.

"Er Xinxin, just stand at the door and listen!"

There were originally two English classes and two math classes in the morning, but today the math teacher switched classes with the English teacher, and the whole morning was full of English classes.

Er Er tragically went from the first class to the last class.

"Er Xinxin, your English teacher is a pervert!"

Ning Cheng came to find Er'er for lunch at noon, only to find out that she was punished to stand at the door listening to class all morning.

Er'er had something on his mind, so he replied absent-mindedly: "It's wrong to be late, and you should be punished."

"It's enough to punish you for standing for a day. That old witch actually made you stand all morning! Just wait and see how I can vent my anger on you!"

"Alright Ning Cheng, I was wrong in the first place."

Er'er sighed and shook his head, not letting himself think about Yin Ansheng any more. Thinking about it all morning didn't do any good except to give him a headache.

"Ning Cheng, I want to go to the movies tonight, do you want to come with me?"

Not in the mood to watch a movie, she read it from a book yesterday, so she wanted to try it.

Ning Cheng couldn't wish for it!

After school in the evening, the driver came to pick Er'er up. She didn't get in the car, but got into the car that came to pick up Ning Cheng.

After she left, the driver hurriedly called Yin Ansheng, "Mr. Yin, Miss Xinxin left in Ning's car. She said she was going to the movies, but she didn't let me follow her."

(End of this chapter)

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