Hundreds of billions of new wives: Yin Shao, don't be cold

Chapter 125 How much jealousy did you eat with me

Chapter 125 How much jealousy did you eat with me (7)

When I arrived at the cinema, Er Er didn't know what movie to watch. There seemed to be no new releases recently.

Costume dramas, spy war dramas, and pure love youth dramas are not her favorite types. She likes watching cartoons.

My brother always laughed at her, saying that although she was an adult, she was still a child both physically and mentally.

She didn't admit it before, but she admits it today, she is quite naive.

Childishly thought that as long as she stayed at Yin Ansheng's house, he would be able to make him fall in love with him. Some time ago, their relationship had been very harmonious, so harmonious that she mistakenly thought that he had really started to like her, so she boldly went to kiss him.

But in the end, he turned out to be so angry and disgusted.

Now that Liang Qiluo is back, she is completely hopeless.

Forget it, I don't want that old man anymore, let's watch a movie, it's already here.

In the end, the movie Ning Cheng chose was a youth drama.

Entering the theater, the movie has not started playing yet, looking around, almost all of them are couples.

Er'er suddenly regretted letting Ning Cheng choose a movie, and the two of them are not lovers, so how can they watch this kind of movie!
Forget it, when it comes, it's safe.

After the movie started, Ning Cheng focused on staring at the screen, while Er Er concentrated on eating the popcorn in her arms. She felt that this kind of boring movie was a waste of time.

Just as he was thinking about whether it was time to sneak away, he suddenly saw a familiar figure obliquely in front of him with sharp eyes.

Looking carefully, it was really Yin Ansheng!
He, he actually watched this kind of movie here!


It's incredible!
After a short period of surprise, more sourness came.

Because, the person sitting beside Yin Ansheng is Liang Qiluo.

I used to watch a movie with him and was disgusted by him like that, but now that the beautiful woman is by my side, it really is different.

This is the difference between people, even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit it.

Er Er grabbed a large handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth. He stopped looking at the figure, and if he looked at it for a second, he felt like he was going to cry.

She used to think that crying was only reserved for girls, and girls who loved to cry had sweets to eat, so she never thought there was anything wrong with crying.

But today, she didn't want to cry anymore, because this man made her shed so many tears that even she felt disgusted.

By the end of the movie, she had eaten a large bucket of popcorn, leaving her mouth dry.

"Ning Cheng, buy me a drink, I'm so thirsty."

"Okay, you stand here and don't move, wait for me, come back right away."

Ning Cheng happily ran to buy drinks, while Er Er stood by the wall, looking down at her own toes, Yin Ansheng and Liang Qiluo stood in front of her, she didn't know what they were doing, she didn't want to go over to say hello to make fun of herself, but also I don't want to look at them, it's too intrusive, so not looking at them is the best choice.

Not long after, Ning Cheng ran back with two glasses of drinks, and shouted from afar: "Er Xinxin, the drinks are back!"

The two people in front probably realized that she was behind her. Liang Qiluo turned around first, "An Sheng, it's really the little girl who lives in your house. She is also watching a movie."

While talking, one hand gently wrapped Yin Ansheng's arm, saw Ning Cheng, and said, "So you are with your boyfriend!"

The distance was not far away, so Er Er heard all these words verbatim. She glanced at Yin Ansheng, without saying hello, took the drink Ning Cheng handed over, and walked away while drinking.

Ning Cheng, on the other hand, greeted Yin Ansheng before leaving.

"An Sheng, why did she—"

"Go back by yourself!"

Yin Ansheng withdrew his arm from Liang Qiluo's hand, and strode towards the direction where Er'er disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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