Chapter 141 Special Relationship (7)

Er'er described his weird feeling towards Ning Mufeng, from seeing Ning Mufeng cry because of Nier at the beginning, to their meeting in the cemetery, to the hug this morning. Sui Wu spoke.

After finishing speaking, she pursed her lips and looked at him without blinking, waiting for his analysis.

After Sui Wu listened carefully, he only felt a headache.

When children grow up, especially when they are in love, it is easy to be attracted to a certain aspect of a man and mistake it for love.

It may be to Ning Mufeng, and it is also true to Yin Ansheng.

He thinks that he is a particularly failed person in terms of emotions, so he dare not give her specific guidance for a while, for fear of leading her astray.

But as an elder brother, if he doesn't guide her, I'm afraid she will take a detour.

"Xinxin, you only admire Ning Mufeng. You should think that he is very dedicated and affectionate towards love, so... you appreciate him very much, yes, that's it."

Er Er stared at him, and laughed with a "puchi", "Brother, why do I think you are so nervous!"

Sui Wu blushed, "No! Don't change the subject, my brother is talking to you about this very seriously."

"I didn't change the subject! Brother, have you met Ni Er?"

"I've seen it." Neer after death.

Sui Wu suddenly remembered that she had met Nier in the morgue before, and she closed Nier's eyes that were not closed. At that time, he actually had a lot of questions to ask. Hers, but then one after another things delayed her, and then she lost her memory.

"Does Nier look like me, brother? I met several people, and they all said that I look a little like Nier. How do you look like me, brother?"

Hearing this, Sui Wu took a closer look at this younger sister who had grown up with him, recalling the appearance of Ni Er that he had seen in his mind.

Needless to say, their eyebrows and eyes are really alike.

"Does it look like brother?"

"Look carefully, it looks a bit like it."


"The eyebrows and eyes are a bit similar."

"It seems that what they said is true. By the way, brother, do you know a person named Er Ruxue?" Tang Xiangnan asked her this last time. people.

"Er Ruxue?" Sui Wu frowned slightly, probably thinking hard.

In fact, when he heard this name, he felt as if he had heard it somewhere, a long time ago.

For a while, I can't remember.

I even forgot where I heard it before, I just feel that this name is not unfamiliar.

"Remember?" Elle asked.

"No, what's the matter? Do you know this person?"

"I don't know each other. Some people say that Er Ruxue and I also look alike. Oh, by the way, Er Ruxue is Nier's mother. Brother, tell me, does Er Ruxue have anything to do with us? Her surname is also Er .”

Sui Wu thought for a while, then pinched her face, "I'll check it out and I'll tell you, what do you want to eat tonight? We'll stop by a department store on the way and buy some groceries."

"it is good."

Er Er was watching TV after dinner, Sui Wu went to the study to make a phone call, and came out after a while with a very ugly face.

Er'er was taken aback, "Brother, what, what's wrong?"

Sui Wu sighed and sat down opposite her, "Remember you asked me who Er Ruxue was this afternoon?"

"Did you find out? Does she have anything to do with us? Who is she?"

Er Er stared wide-eyed, looking expectant.

(End of this chapter)

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