Chapter 142 Special Relationship (8)

Sui Wu stared at her, my heart turned a thousand times.

It never occurred to him that Er Ruxue and they were relatives.

What's more, he didn't expect that the girl who died so badly was actually his cousin.

"Xinxin, she is our aunt, but I don't know why, she was expelled from the country together with my grandma when I was ten years old, I didn't expect that my aunt never changed her name."

No wonder he heard this name and felt as if he had heard it somewhere, it was mentioned by his mother.

His mother and aunt were good playmates since he was a child. When his mother talked about his aunt, he still clearly remembered that there were tears in his eyes.


Er'er was quite surprised. Since she was a child, she only knew that the grandfather was the father of a child. Why is there an extra aunt now?
"My aunt?"


Sui Wu specially called Er Yuan to ask Er Yuan, he said that he did have a younger sister, but so far no one knows where he is dead or alive.

"Then..." Er'er couldn't accept it for a while, "Then Nier is a cousin? No, cousin?"

"It's your cousin, my cousin." Sui Wu corrected her with a smile, "Now I understand why some people say that you look like Nier."

Er Er nodded, his face looked a little heavy.

After a long time, she said softly: "Brother, let's go see our cousin and aunt tomorrow, they are also our relatives."

Sui Wu nodded, he understood her thoughts, although this child is not very old, he is a person who values ​​family affection, especially now that they are in a foreign country, it is an accident that they can meet someone who is related to him here It was even more surprising.

It's just a pity that I couldn't meet you.

The next morning, Sui Wu asked Er Er for leave, and he also asked for leave from the hospital, and the two went to the cemetery in the suburbs.

Both Ni Er and his mother Er Ruxue were buried in the Ni Family Cemetery, and there was an open space between the tombs of the mother and daughter. The keeper of the tomb said that this open space was reserved for him by Ni Changtian.

When leaving the cemetery, I ran into Ni Changtian by accident.

Er Er opened his mouth, for a moment he didn't know how to address this middle-aged man.

"Doctor Sui, who are you?" Ni Changtian was surprised to meet them here.

"Hello, Mr. Ni, Xinxin and I came to see a friend."

Sui Wu didn't intend to confess to Ni Changtian his relationship with Er Ruxue, let alone Er Ruxue's death for many years, he and Xinxin's current identities can't be revealed casually, he doesn't want the current peaceful life to be broken.

Ni Changtian nodded, "I'll come and see my wife and daughter. If you have nothing to do, why don't you have lunch together?"

Er Er looked at Sui Wu, seeing that he had no objection, she nodded and said yes, followed Ni Changtian to see Er Ruxue and Ni Er, and then the three went to have lunch together.

During the meal, Ni Changtian looked at Er Er, the more he looked at him, the happier he became, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt like Er Er.

"Er Er, from now on, you and your brother can often go to Uncle Ni's house to play if you have nothing to do."

"Thank you, Uncle Ni, for the invitation. My brother and I will definitely pay a visit someday."

"Silly boy, what kind of visit is it to go home? I forgot how you promised Uncle?"

Er Er was slightly taken aback, Sui Wu looked at her, twitched his brows, and asked with his eyes, what did you make such a random promise to?

Er'er stuck out his tongue and looked at Ni Changtian with a smile, "I know Uncle Ni, he's not visiting, but going home. But it's okay, your current wife and children have nothing to do with me."

As soon as the words fell, an unhappy voice sounded behind him, "Er Xinxin, what do you mean by that? What do you mean it has nothing to do with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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