Chapter 149 Abnormal (7)

Yin Ansheng had a headache and raised his forehead. For the first time, he was unfamiliar with his father who had lived with him for more than 20 years.

In his impression, his father has always been a very dignified and meticulous person.

But today, when he started messing around, he looked like an old child.

"Did you hear me talking to you? Ouch! I'm dizzy!"

Yin Zhenyun screamed suddenly, holding his forehead, his body was shaking.

Yin Ansheng frowned slightly. Although he suspected that the old man was bluffing, he still strode forward to support him, "Why do you feel dizzy? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Old age, high blood pressure, high blood fat, heart disease and other problems will come, ouch, it's uncomfortable! An Sheng, you rush me to the hospital, I think I'm going to die, I won't survive tonight."

Yin Zhenyun leaned on Yin Ansheng's body, humming, looking quite painful.

Yin Ansheng didn't bother to find out the truth, and helped him sit on the sofa.

"I'll go upstairs and change clothes, and I'll take you to the hospital later."

Yin Zhenyun got angry when he heard it, "You rebellious son! I'm dying and you still wear clothes, ouch! Why did I give birth to you, an unfilial son? I'm already over 70, and I haven't seen my daughter-in-law yet. I probably won't see my grandson."

Yin Ansheng gritted his teeth, turned his head and went upstairs, changed his clothes after a while and came down, Yin Zhenyun was still muttering about him.

On the way to the hospital, Yin Zhenyun nagged all the way, and Yin Ansheng's ears were almost worn out.

Yin Zhenyun asked to be hospitalized before he even started the examination at the hospital.

I went through the hospitalization procedures, and then I started to do the examination.

Not long after, the test results came out.

"Mr. Yin, there is nothing wrong with old Mr. Yin—"

"You young man, what nonsense are you talking about! Oh, I'm dizzy! I'm so dizzy! How can I be fine? Are you okay? You go and call Dr. Sui Wu to check me up, you young man, you can't do it! "

The young doctor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at Yin Ansheng, "Mr. Yin—"

Yin Ansheng's face was serious, "Didn't you hear what the old man said? Go and call Dr. Sui!"

"Dr. Sui... well, I'll call Dr. Sui right away!"

Sui Wu was cooking in the kitchen when he received a call from the hospital.

"Xinxin, my brother is going to the hospital, so I'll make you a bowl of noodles first, can you eat at home?"

"No! I don't want to be home alone! I'm scared!"

In fact, he didn't feel at ease leaving her alone at home, but he didn't know how long it would take to go to the hospital with him.

"Then go and change your clothes, follow me to the hospital, and buy you some food on the way later."

"That's about it! I want pizza!"

On the way, Sui Wu bought pizza for Er'er, then rushed to the hospital, asked the nurse to take Er'er to his office, and he went to the ward to understand the situation.

I ran into Yin Ansheng by accident in the corridor, "Why are you here? What happened?"

Yin Ansheng didn't speak, and pointed meaningfully to the ward next to him, with an unfathomable expression on his face.

Sui Wu murmured in his heart, who is inside?

As soon as he opened the door, he heard his voice before seeing him.

"Doctor Sui, you are here! Old man, I am almost dying!"

Yin Zhenyun?Not long ago, I called Xinxin, why was she suddenly hospitalized?

Sui Wu frowned imperceptibly, and stepped forward, "Mr. Yin, what's wrong with you?"

"Dizzy! I'm so dizzy!" Yin Zhenyun half leaned on the hospital bed, holding his forehead with one hand, looking very painful.

"Mr. Yin, don't worry. I read your physical examination report last month two days ago. All indicators are normal. There should be nothing wrong. Don't worry, I'll give you another examination."

 Four more uploads, there is another update today, everyone will watch it in half an hour, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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