Chapter 150 Abnormal (8)

When the examination results came out, Sui Wu stood beside the hospital bed with a very serious expression.

Yin Zhenyun felt a little guilty at the moment, squirmed his lips, and asked cautiously: "Doctor Sui, my old man won't die, will he?"

"Mr. Yin, don't think too much, pay attention to rest."

Sui Wu's indifferent attitude made Yin Zhenyun very uncertain, and he couldn't help muttering, could it be that his crow's mouth really hit the mark?Is there any hidden disease that was not detected during the physical examination?
Suddenly, the old man was sweating coldly on his back.

When I was young, I was not afraid of death, thinking about it was just a matter of closing my eyes, but at this age, I am more and more afraid of death.

"Doctor Sui—"


As soon as he yelled, Yin Zhenyun rolled his eyes, fell headfirst on the bed, and passed out.


Half an hour later, Yin Zhenyun woke up leisurely.

"Uncle Yin, are you awake? Do you feel better?"

As soon as he opened his eyes and saw Er'er, Yin Zhenyun's nose was sore and tears flowed down his face.

I thought to myself, why is this child only eighteen, why is he not 28?Twenty will do!

It will take more than a year to be legal. He definitely can't wait. Alas, he can't see his son get married in this life, let alone see his grandson. How can he be so miserable in his life?

Thinking about it, the tears flowed even more fiercely.

Er'er was terrified, "Uncle Yin, why are you crying? Is there something wrong? I'll call my brother!"

He hurried out of the ward.

"Xinxin, what's the matter?"

Sui Wu and Yin Ansheng were standing in the corridor outside the door, seeing her coming out, they hurried forward.

"Brother, Uncle Yin cries as soon as he wakes up. I don't know what's wrong. Go and have a look."

Yin Ansheng was slightly taken aback, didn't he pretend to be sick?Still pretending to cry?This is really getting younger and younger!
When Sui Wu walked into the ward, Yin Zhenyun was wiping tears, his eyes were red.

Thinking of him being a powerful person in the shopping mall for decades, let alone crying, he looks fragile, how many people have seen him?

But now she is crying like a child, what a shame!
To die is to die, what is there to cry about!

Yin Zhenyun despised himself severely in his heart, and looked at the people in the ward embarrassedly, "I didn't cry, but my eyes hurt a little."

The three of them looked at each other, and they didn't point it out. The old man also needs to save face!

"Uncle Yin, are you hungry? I have pizza." Er'er broke the embarrassment, opened the box on the table, and pointed to half of the pizza inside, "It's delicious, would you like some?"

Yin Zhenyun squinted, "Hmph, it doesn't taste good!"

Er'er was not happy, "It's not delicious, you don't even taste it, how can you draw conclusions at will!"

She pinched a piece and brought it to Yin Zhenyun's mouth.

"I won't eat, uh-"

Yin Zhenyun's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the child in front of him in disbelief.

He said he wouldn't eat this little thing, but she actually put such an ugly thing into his mouth!

"Hey, An Sheng, take good care of your daughter-in-law and tell her what the fifth rule of the Yin family is!"

Yin Ansheng glanced at Er Er, and said solemnly: "The fifth rule of the Yin family's family rules, the first is to be filial, and the second is to be faithful."

Er Er blinked, with a confused expression on his face, "What do you mean? I don't understand."

Turning around, holding Sui Wu's hand, he asked innocently and blankly: "Brother, I don't understand, I'm not from the Yin family, why do I need to know the Yin family's family rules?"

Yin Zhenyun almost choked to death on the pizza in his mouth, and then glared fiercely at Yin Ansheng, why did he give birth to such an idiot!Until now, I can't even handle a small thing!
It seems that the old man has to step in, otherwise he won't be able to see his grandson after he dies.

 The update time will be changed to [[-]:[-] p.m.] from tomorrow, and today's update is over, let's watch it tomorrow night!The weather is cold, Cocoa needs everyone's warm support, please【Favorite】~please【Favorite】~please【Favorite】~
(End of this chapter)

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